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Erik Oskarsson Antikvariat


Schäffer & Budenberg. Gesellschaft mit beschränkter haftung Magdeburg-Buckau [Catalog]

Schäffer & Budenberg. Gesellschaft mit beschränkter haftung Magdeburg-Buckau [Catalog] front-coverSchäffer & Budenberg. Gesellschaft mit beschränkter haftung Magdeburg-Buckau [Catalog] back-coverSchäffer & Budenberg. Gesellschaft mit beschränkter haftung Magdeburg-Buckau [Catalog] back-coverSchäffer & Budenberg. Gesellschaft mit beschränkter haftung Magdeburg-Buckau [Catalog] back-coverSchäffer & Budenberg. Gesellschaft mit beschränkter haftung Magdeburg-Buckau [Catalog] back-cover
Magdeburg, Schäffer & Budenberg. 1926-1928. (14)+(4)+41+(3)+7+(1)+(2)+11+(3)+(4)+11+(2)+12- 21+(1)+(6)+29+(1)+(6)+70+(2)+35+(1)+(2)+13+(1)+(2)+7+(1)+(2)+8+(2)+15+(1)+(2)+31+(1)+3+(1)+(4)+20+(2)+17+(1)+(2)+17+(1)+(2)+20+(2)+25+(1)+(4)+13+(2)+16-17+(2)18-22+(2)+23-25+(2)+26-34+(2)+35-38+(2)+39-43+(2)+44-53+(1)+(2)+17+(1)+16+9+(1)+11+(1)+(6)+7+(2)+8-25+(2)+26-39+(2)+40-45+(2)+46-59+(1)+18+(4)+22+(2)+(2)+12+(2)+5+(1)+(2)+10+12+4+3+(1)+(4)+34+31-32+37+(1)+35-36+2+3+(1)+2+4+22 pages. +additions and corrections mounted to the corresponding pages. Publisher’s cloth with stained edges. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. Contains “Tafel” (catalog) 1-13, 16-20, 22, 25-28, 31-35, 42, 51-54, 56-57 and an “Anhang”. Tafel 23 (about the “Tachometer”) was issued separately, the other “Tafels” are left blank in the table of contents. The inner front hinge is a bit weak, as well as the binding of the first signature of “Tafel 8”. The pages of “Tafel 22” and “Tafel 52” are placed in the wrong order. Minor brown speckles and stripes on a couple of pages. Stamp of the Stockholm section of Schäffer & Budenberg on the title page, as well as a handwritten note stating that the catalog belongs to “Fack nr. 5. Inköpsavd.” Label on the front paste-down stating that this is catalog number “3118”. Illustrated. In German.
Genre: Teknik & transport

Pris: 1525 kr


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