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Erik Oskarsson Antikvariat


Lernkarten für den Grundkurs Chinesisch. 1375 Chinesische Schriftzeichen

Lernkarten für den Grundkurs Chinesisch. 1375 Chinesische Schriftzeichen front-cover

ISBN: 9787800521249

Beijing, Verlag Sinolingua. 1989. Cardboard box (20x14 cm) with Chinese flash-cards (simplified characters, German translation and pinyin transcription). The box is rubbed and has a couple of splits. Not complete - approximately 20% of the flash-cards are missing. From the library of Swedish politician Per Gahrton with approximately 250 additional hand-written flash-cards made by him.
Genre: Kina & Japan

Ny 2024-12-31

Pris: 225 kr


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