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Erik Oskarsson Antikvariat


A Linnaean Keepsake. Issued to commemorate the opening of the Strandell collection of Linnaeana at the Hunt botanical library, Carnegie-Mellon university. Orbis eruditi judicium de Caroli Linnæi scriptis

A Linnaean Keepsake. Issued to commemorate the opening of the Strandell collection of Linnaeana at the Hunt botanical library, Carnegie-Mellon university. Orbis eruditi judicium de Caroli Linnæi scriptis front-cover

ISBN: 9780913196168

Pittsburgh. 1973. (4)+70+(1) pages. Publisher's quarter-cloth. Corners are rubbed. Inscribed by "Birger" - most likely Birger Strandell, one of the co-authors. With errata slip and a facsimile reprint of the "Orbis eruditi judicium" in a pocket attached to the back paste-down.
Genre: Filosofi & idéhistoria

Pris: 150 kr


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