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Erik Oskarsson Antikvariat


Institutiones ad fundamenta linguae Arabicae. Accedunt sententiae et narrationes Arabicae unc cum glossario Arabico-Latino.

Institutiones ad fundamenta linguae Arabicae. Accedunt sententiae et narrationes Arabicae unc cum glossario Arabico-Latino. front-coverInstitutiones ad fundamenta linguae Arabicae. Accedunt sententiae et narrationes Arabicae unc cum glossario Arabico-Latino. back-cover
Leipzig, Io. Ambros. Barth. 1818. xii+446+(1) pages. Contemporary quarter-leather with hand-written title on the spine, edges uncut. The boards are heavily rubbed and the lower spine end has been strengthened. Splits in the outer joints and a missing piece of leather in the upper spine end. Minor brown speckles on a couple of pages. Page 297 is wrongly numbered “927”. Tear of 2 cm in the outer margin of page 383. With the owner’s signature of Chr. [Christofer] Tegnér (son of the famous Swedish poet) and the bookplate of his son, Esaias Tegnér the younger (professor of Oriental languages at Lund University 1879-1908). A couple of margin notes, most of them written with pencil, inside. In Latin.
Genre: Mellanöstern & Nordafrika

Pris: 600 kr


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