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Erik Oskarsson Antikvariat


Essais de Michel de Montaigne. Nouvelle édition avec les notes de tous les commentateurs. I-IV

Essais de Michel de Montaigne. Nouvelle édition avec les notes de tous les commentateurs. I-IV front-coverEssais de Michel de Montaigne. Nouvelle édition avec les notes de tous les commentateurs. I-IV back-cover
Paris, Garnier Frères. 1865-1866. (6)+viii+xxxii+495+(6)+525+(2)+(6)+527+(1)+(8)+538 pages. Near contemporary half-leather with raised binds (unknown bookbinder), four volumes. Bound without the original wrappers. Corners are a bit rubbed. Black stains on the slightly faded spines. 4 cm split in the outer back joints of vol. I, 2,5 cm split in the outer back joints and 2 cm split in the outer front joints of vol. III, 4 cm split in the outer back joints and 2 cm split in the outer front joints of vol. IV. The inner joints are strengthened. With the bookplate of Fredrik Wulff (professor of Roman languages at Lund University) on the front paste-down of vol. I and II, owner’s signature of B. (Bängt) Wulff (librarian at Lund University) on the fly-leaf of all volumes and an inscription in vol. I: “Till Fredrik Wulff af Axel Nyblaeus”. With frontispiece in vol. I. Complete set. Chefs-d’oeuvre de la Littérature Francaise 13-16.
Genre: Filosofi & idéhistoria

Pris: 1400 kr


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