Malthus, T. R.: An Essay on the Principle of Population or A View of its Past and Present effects on Human Happiness with an Inquiry into our Prospects Respecting the Future Removal or Mitigation of the Evils Which it Occasions
London, Ward, Lock & Co. Unknown year of publication, ca 1890. xlii+614+(16) pages. Publisher's half-cloth. A bit rubbed with a split of 2 cm in the outer front joints. The inner back hinge is a bit weak. Slightly faded spine. Owner signatures. Bookplate. Georg Froehner. A few pencil underlinings in the introduction. Reprint from the 1826 edition. With ads from the publisher at the end of the volume.
Genre: Ekonomi & näringsliv
Genre: Ekonomi & näringsliv
Pris: 275 kr
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