Liszt, F.: Des Bohémiens et de leur musique en Hongrie
Leipzig, Breitkopf & Haertel. 1881 (second edition, first published in 1859). (4)+538+(2) pages. Contemporary half-cloth (unknown bookbinder) bound without the original wrappers. The boards are rubbed with shelf-wear on the mounted paper. Corners are bumped. Split of approx. 1 cm in the upper end of the outer back-joints, and a split of 1 cm in the inner front hinge. The top margin of the back-board is slightly faded. A couple of library stamps: “Folklivsarkivet Lund” inside, as well as a stamp on the title pages stating "Recensions-Exemplar". A few pencil notes inside, the notes on page 447 are written with ink. Minor brown speckle in the lower margin on the first 8 pages, otherwise contents are in good condition.
Genre: Musik
Genre: Musik
Ny 2025-02-24
Pris: 850 kr
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