Lindblom, Andreas: Nordtysk skulptur och måleri i Sverige + La peinture gothique en Suède et en Norvège
Stockholm, Wahlström & Widstrand. 1916. (6) pages+frontispiece+(2)+32 pages+20 plates+(4) pages+frontispiece+(4)+252+(2) pages +50 plates. Contemporary half-leather with raised binds and red-stained edges. Unknown bookbinder, bound with the original wrappers of both of the studies inside. The boards are rubbed with shelf-wear on the mounted paper and two minor splits in the spine ends. Dark stains on the boards. Owner signatures: Gunnar Rosenlundh and T. Wåhlin (Theodor Wåhlin, 1864-1948, architect best known for his work on church restoration). The Swedish-language study was issued in 300 numbered copies, this one being no. 271.
Genre: Konst & arkitektur
Genre: Konst & arkitektur
Pris: 650 kr
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