Lambe, Lawrence M.: The Cretaceous Theropodous Dinosaur Gorgosaurus
Ottawa, Government Printing Bureau. 1917. (4)+iii+(1)+84 pages +7 folding plates. Printed wrappers. Corners and spine ends are bumped and creased. Inner hinges are strengthened with tape. The spine is slightly toned. Parts of the title on the spine has worn off. Stamps: “Univ. Geologiska Museum Lund” (The Geological Museum of the University, Lund) on the front wrapper, the fly-leaf and the title page. Contents are in good condition. With 49 illustrations (including the plates). First edition of this important study of tyrannosauroids. Four of the illustrations, made by Arthur Miles, are commonly regarded as some of the first drawings showing dinosaurs in non-standing positions. Canada Department of Mines. Geological Survey. Memoir 100.
Genre: Botanik & zoologi
Genre: Botanik & zoologi
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Pris: 2600 kr
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