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Erik Oskarsson Antikvariat


Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte der Achämenidenzeit und ihr Fortleben

Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte der Achämenidenzeit und ihr Fortleben front-cover
Berlin, Dietrich Reimer Verlag. 1983. 303 pages. Printed wrappers. Crease in the lower corner of the last 10 pages and the back wrapper. Minor dampstain on the spine and a tear of 1 cm in the outer fore edge. A couple of library stamps and pencil underlings inside. A label on the fly-leaf stated that this volume was given to the Swedish institute of Rome from prof. Carl Nylander. With plates. Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran. Ergänzungsband 10.
Genre: Mellanöstern & Nordafrika

Pris: 275 kr


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