Hammerich, L. L., Roman Jakobson, Elizabeth van Schooneveld, T. Starck & Ad. Stender-Petersen (eds.): Tönnie's Low German Manual of Spoken Russian. Pskov 1607. Volume I-II
Copenhagen, Ejnar Munksgaard. 1961-1970. 31+ca 550+xxviii+488 pages. Publisher's printed boards, two volumes. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. A couple of library stamps inside. Vol. I contains a facsimile reprint of the manuscript, vol. II contains transcription and English translation. Vol. III-IV, containing a dictionary, were published in 1985-1986.
Genre: Ryssland & Östeuropa
Genre: Ryssland & Östeuropa
Ny 2025-03-02
Pris: 500 kr
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