Gullstrand, Allvar: Die Reelle optische Abbildung
Uppsala & Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksells boktryckeri A-B. 1906. (4)+119 pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are a bit rubbed and darkened, with minor tears and loss of paper in the margins and a tear of 8 cm on the back-wrapper. Presentation copy to “Professor C. V. L. Charlier” [Carl Vilhelm Ludvig Charlier, professor of astronomy at Lund University], printed presentation statement: “Überreicht vom Verfasser” and author’s signature on the front wrapper. Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar. Band 41. N:o 3
Genre: Matematik & naturvetenskap
Genre: Matematik & naturvetenskap
Pris: 2900 kr
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