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Erik Oskarsson Antikvariat


Travels & Life in Ashanti & Jaman

Travels & Life in Ashanti & Jaman front-coverTravels & Life in Ashanti & Jaman back-coverTravels & Life in Ashanti & Jaman back-coverTravels & Life in Ashanti & Jaman back-cover
New York, Frederick A. Stokes Company. 1898. xx+559 pages. Publisher's decorated cloth. Top-edge gilt. Fore-edge and lower edge are uncut. The boards are heavily rubbed with dark speckles and a crack of 2 cm in the outer back joints. The spine is darkened. The book block is broken into two parts. The inner front hinge has been repaired and the inner back hinge is weak. Former library book with the usual labels and stamps inside (including stamps showing that the book has been discarded). Brown speckles on a few pages. Illustrated. With two coloured maps. First US edition of the first work of Freeman, later known for the crime novels about Dr. Thorndyke.
Genre: Afrika

Pris: 475 kr


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