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Erik Oskarsson Antikvariat


The Anatomy of Melancholy I-VI

The Anatomy of Melancholy I-VI front-coverThe Anatomy of Melancholy I-VI back-coverThe Anatomy of Melancholy I-VI back-coverThe Anatomy of Melancholy I-VI back-cover
Oxford at the Clarendon Press. 1995-2000. Vol. I-III are reprints with corrections, vol. IV-VI are first editions. lxxi+(1)+675+viii+(6)+443+xi+(7)+807+xvi+362+xiv+312+xi+(1)+461 pages. Publisher’s cloth, six volumes. All volumes except vol. III with dust-jackets. The spine ends of the boards are very slightly bumped. Bump mark on the back-board of vol. V. Slightly creased and bumped dust-jackets with traces of removed price-labels. Yellow speckles and a couple of tears (0,5-2 cm) on the dust-jackets of vol. I and II. A couple of dark strokes on the dust-jacket of vol. IV. Minor coffee stain on the dust-jacket of vol. VI. Vol. III appears to be a print on demand reprint, the printing quality is slightly different from the other volumes. Pages 515-518 in volume I are loose. Minor brown speckles on page 246 in volume I and pages 18-19 in volume II, otherwise the contents are clean. Complete set of this important scholarly edition of Burton’s text.
Genre: Filosofi & idéhistoria

Pris: 12000 kr


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