Bumke, Oswald (ed.): Handbuch der Geisteskrankheiten. Band I-XI + Ergänzungsband I
Berlin, Verlag von Julius Springer. 1928-1939. viii+732+(4)+viii+377+(3)+vi+333+(5)+vi+421+vii+(1)+578+(2)+vi+376+(2)+viii+700+viii+751+(1)+xi+(1)+783+(1)+vii+(1)+374+(2)+xii+1136+vi+305+(1) pages. Publisher’s cloth, twelve volumes (first edition). Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped and worn. Minor white speckles on the boards of vol. I-II. Minor loss of paper (1x1 cm) on the fly-leaf of vol. I. Inscription and/or stamps: “Psykiatriska kliniken, Lund” on the fly-leaves in all of the volumes. The inner back joints of vol. VI-VIII and X are a bit weak. Vol. X is a bit slanted and vol. XI has two minor tears in (5 mm each) in the upper spine end. A small worm-hole (1x1 mm) on the spine of the supplement volume. Contents are in good condition. With a small errata sheet in vol. V. Illustrated. Everything issued.
Genre: Medicin & fysiologi
Genre: Medicin & fysiologi
Pris: 5000 kr
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If you have any questions concerning this book, please send a message to: eoantikvariat@gmail.com, and we will get in touch as soon as possible.