Bergmans, Paul (ed.): Variétés musicologiques. Documents inédits sur l’histoire de la musique et des musiciens en Belgique. I-II
Gand, Camille Vijt. 1891-1901. 50+(2)+52-109 pages. Contemporary half-cloth (unknown bookbinder), bound with the original wrappers inside. The edges are uncut. The boards are a bit worn and rubbed. 3 mm splits in the upper ends of the outer joints. Owner’s signature: “Lars Lundberg”. Author’s dedication to Fl. van Duyre in both parts. Offprints from “Annales de l’Academie d’Archéologie en Belgique”, 4-5. Bound with: Bergmans, Paul: “L’organiste des archiducs Albert et Isabelle: Peter Philips (Pietro Philippi).” Gand, C. Vyt. 1903. 38 pages. +frontispiece. Bound with the original wrappers. Author’s dedication to Fl. van Duyre. Offprint from “Bulletin de l’Academie d’Archéologie en Belgique”.
Genre: Musik
Genre: Musik
Ny 2025-02-24
Pris: 450 kr
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