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Erik Oskarsson Antikvariat


A Monograph of the Fresh-Water Polyzoa, includes all the known species, both British and foreign

A Monograph of the Fresh-Water Polyzoa, includes all the known species, both British and foreign front-coverA Monograph of the Fresh-Water Polyzoa, includes all the known species, both British and foreign back-cover
London, Ray Society. 1856. viii+119+(2) pages+11 plates (10 of them in colour) with descriptions. Contemporary wrappers strenghtened with a cloth strip on the spine. Title label on the front wrapper. The wrappers are worn and rubbed with tears and loss of paper in the corners. A couple of loose pages. Minor tears (approx. 1 cm) and foxing on a couple of pages (unfortunately also on some of the plates), mostly confined to the margins. Owner's signature: "Dr. E. Overton" (most likely Ernest Overton, 1865-1933, professor of pharmacology at Lund University).
Genre: Botanik & zoologi

Pris: 775 kr


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