Abderhalden, Emil (gen. ed.): Methoden der reinen Psychologie. Teil A-B:I-II
Berlin, Urban & Schwarzenberg. 1927-1935. xix+(1)+1174+xvi+802+xviii+803-1722 pages +plates. Contemporary cloth (N. A. Ornells bokbinderi, Lund), bound without the original wrappers. Three volumes. Spine ends are slightly bumped. Stroke made with ballpoint pen on the fore-edge of vol. A. Page xviii in vol. B:II has been repaired with tape in the inner margin. Stamp: "Psykiatriska Kliniken Lund" on the front paste-down. Illustrated. Handbuch der biologischen Arbeitsmethoden. Abt. VI: Methoden der experimentellen Psychologie. Teil A-B (Zweite Hälfte).
Genre: Psykologi & pedagogik
Genre: Psykologi & pedagogik
Pris: 700 kr
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