A Missionary's Life in the Land of the Gods (1914)
Kessinger Publishing, utan årtal. 418 sid. +planscher. Limmat mjukband.
90 kr
Herrigel, Eugen: The Method of Zen
London, Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1960. (8)+102 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. Slightly bumped and faded spine. Minor brown speckle on the spine. A few pencil underlinings inside.
150 kr
Hervouet, Yves: Un poète de cour sous les Han. Sseu-Ma Siang-Jou
Paris, Presses universitaires de France. 1964. viii+478+(1) pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are bumped and faded. Minor dampstains on the back-wrapper. Tear of 2 cm in the outer front joints. Former library book with a couple of stamps and labels. Bibliotheque de l'institut des hautes études Chinoises. Volume XIX.
350 kr
Leipzig, C. A. Koch's Verlag. 1891. (2)+iv+(2)+185 pages. Publisher's cloth with red edges. Boards are a bit rubbed and worn. The first 8 pages are loose and the inner back hinge is weak. A few pencil underlinings inside. Koch's Sprachführer Bd. 21.
175 kr
Stockholm. 1942. 89 pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are a bit bumped with minor tears and brown speckles. Unopened. With 14 plates. Author's dedication: "Herr Professor m. m. B. Hanström [most likely Bertil Hanström, professor of zoology at Lund University] vördsamt från Carl-Herman Hjortsjö". Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China Under the Leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin. The Sino-Swedish Expedition. Publication 19. VII. Archaeology 3
365 kr
Hjärne, Harald: Två svenska Japanfarare. Olof Eriksson Willman och Carl Peter Thunberg
P A Norstedt & Söner. 1923. 215 sidor. Gott skick. Trådhäftad. Något nött pärm med avskavda ryggslut. Blyertsanteckningar på sista sidan. Med rättelseblad.
120 kr
Ho, Ping-ti: Studies on the Population China, 1368-1953
Massachusetts, Harvard University Press. 1967 (second printing). xviii+341+(1)+xxxii pages. Publisher's cloth, dust-jacket is missing. Spine ends are slightly bumped.
150 kr
Hughes, E R: The Art of Letters. Lu Chi's "Wen Fu," A.D. 302. A Translation and Comparative Study
Pantheon Books. 1951. xviii+261 sidor. Gott skick. Publisher's cloth. Slightly bumped spine. A couple of library stamps inside. With plates.
90 kr
Hägg, Mia & Hiroshi Maeda: Tokyo Trance Fusion
Paris. 2002. 79+(1) pages. Spiral-bound. Minor crease in the plastic front wrapper. Illustrated.
150 kr
Iwanaga, Kazuki: Images, Decisions and Consequences in Japan's Foreign Policy
Lund, Lund University Press. 1993. (4)+i+(1)+372+(4) pages. Printed wrappers. Corners are slightly bumped. Library label on the wrapppers and a couple of stamps inside. Lund Political Studies 80.
175 kr
Kano, Chieko m.fl.: Basic Kanji Book Vol. 2
Tokyo, Bonjinsha. 2009 (fourth edition). iv+269+(1) pages. Printed wrappers. A few pencil notes inside.
150 kr
Kano, Chieko, Yuri Shimizu, Hiroko Takenaka & Eriko Ishii: Basic Kanji book. Vol. 2
Bonjinsha. 2006. iv+269+(1) sidor. Limmat mjukband. Något kantstött. Delar av övningsuppgifterna ifyllda med blyerts. Ej senaste upplagan.
140 kr
Karlgren, Bernhard: The Book of Odes. Chinese Text, Transcription and Translation
Stockholm, The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities. 1974. (4)+270 pages. Printed wrappers. Minor brown speckles on the wrappers. Crease in the lower corner of the front wrapper and a tear of 1 cm in the upper end of the outer front joints. Reprint of the edition from 1950. Contains the Chinese source text of the Shi-jing (Shijing), transcription (Wade-Giles) and Karlgren's prose translation into English (first published in the Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities 16-17).
625 kr
Karlsson, Jens: Temporal adverbs in modern standard Chinese. A decompositional inquiry
Lund, Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University. 2010. (2)+xii+288 pages. Printed wrappers. With dissertation sheet.
140 kr
Kelly, David & Anthony Reid (eds.): Asian Freedoms. The Idea of Freedom in East and Southeast Asia
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 1999. x+228 pages. Printed wrappers. Corners and spine ends are very slightly bumped.
125 kr
Kentaro Shibata: Daiseishu. Great & Holy Master
L. H. Yoko Shuppan. 1993. xxxi+(1)+243 sidor. Gott skick. Publisher's cloth with vinyl dust-jacket. Slight creases on the dust-jacket, due to the material. Corners are very slightly bumped and the book has a very small spot on the top edge, otherwise a fine copy. With plates. Rare in English translation. The biography of Kotama Okada, the founder of the Sukyo Mahikari movement.
290 kr
Kim, Tae: A Guide to Japanese Grammar. A Japanese approach to Learning Japanese Grammar
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015. 299+(1) pages. Printed wrappers. Crease in the upper corner of the front wrapper.
150 kr
Kim, Youna (ed.): Media Consumption and Everyday Life in Asia
New York, Routledge. 2008. ix+(3)+238 pages. Publisher's printed boards. A couple of library stamps inside, otherwise a fine copy.
200 kr
Heidelberg, Edition Braus. 1993. 312 pages. Printed wrappers. The corners are a bit bumped and the front wrapper is a bit faded. Illustrated. In German.
150 kr
Lamotte, Étienne (translation): La Concentration de la Marche Héroïque (Suramgamasamadhisutra)
Bruxelles, Institut Belge des hautes études Chinoises. 1975. xiii+(1)+308 pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are slightly bumped. Minor brown speckle on the front wrapper. Unopened. With a booklet of 20 pages in Chinese in a pocket attached to the last page. Mélanges Chinois et bouddhiques. Volume XIII.
350 kr
Lancaster, Roy: Travels in China. A plantsman's paradise
Suffolk, Antique Collectors' Club. 1989. 516 sidor. Förlagets klotband med skyddsomslag. Något kantstött skyddsomslag. Namnad. Rikt illustrerad bok om Kinas växtliv.
175 kr
Lao zi/tzu & Göran Malmqvist (övers.): Dao de jing
Lund, Bakhåll. 2008. 143+(1) sid. Förlagets klotryggband. Förstrykningar med kulspets i delar av inlagan.
200 kr
Laufer, Berthold: Ivory in China
Chicago, Field Museum of Natural History. 1925. 78 pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are a bit rubbed and are partly loose. 3 cm tear in the outer front joints. Page 49 is a bit darkened due to a loose piece of paper. Illustrated. With 10 plates. Anthropology. Leaflet 21.
350 kr
Li Chi: The Beginnings of Chinese Civilization. Three Lectures Illustrated with Finds at Anyang
Seattle, University of Washington Press. 1957 (first edition). xvii+(1)+123 pages. Publisher's quarter cloth with dust-jacket. Two tears of 2 cm each in the dust-jacket. The spine is a bit faded. Stamp: "Utgallrad" ("Discarded") on the title page. A few pencil underlinings inside. Illustrated.
150 kr
Lin Yutang: The Importance of Living
London, Readers Union/William Heinemann. 1939. xiv+471 pages. Publisher's printed boards. Corners and spine ends are a bit rubbed. 1,5 cm split in the outer front joints. The spine is darkened. Owner's signature. First published in 1937.
100 kr
Stockholm, Albert Bonniers Förlag. 2006. 272 sidor. Förlagsband med tillhörande ljud-CD. Illustrerad.
100 kr
Köln, Taschen. 2008. 423+(1) pages. Hard-cover with dust-jacket. Spine ends are slightly bumped. Profusely illustrated.
250 kr
Liu Shao-Chi: How to be a Good Communist
Boulder, Panther Publications. 1967. (4)+95 sidor. Förlagets klotband med skyddsomslag. Något kantstött skyddsomslag med veck och revor.
100 kr
Ljunggren, Börje: Den kinesiska drömmen. Xi, makten och utmaningarna
Hjalmarson & Högberg Bokförlag. 1 uppl. 2017. 621 sidor. Limmat mjukband. Något kantstött rygg. Förstrykningar på de första 50 sidorna. Ägarstämpel.
105 kr
Lodén, Torbjörn & Wan Xinzheng: Tolv lektioner i kinesiska. Grundbok + Övningsbok
Stockholm, Atlantis. 2013. 202+132 sidor. Flexband, två volymer. Med ljud-CD till grundboken.
250 kr
Paris, Librairie d'Amerique et 'Orient Adrien Maisonneuve. 1951. 104 pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are slightly bumped. The spine is slightly faded. Hand-written note on the front wrapper.
90 kr
Lundström, Olle: Kina, kineserna och jag
Klurum förlag. 2012. 294 sidor. Gott skick. Limmat mjukband. Gallringsstämpel på främre omslagets insida (inga stämplar i övrigt). Illustrerad.
80 kr
Luo Guanzhong: Three Kingdoms. A Historical Novel. Abridged Edition
University of California Press. 1998. xv+(1)+489+(2) sidor. Gott skick. Limmat mjukband. Mindre del av lamineringen på omslaget har lossnat. Namnad. Förkortad utgåva av Moss Roberts översättning av "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" (ej i svensk övers.), roman från Ming-dynastin i samma stil som t.ex. "Berättelser från träskmarkerna".
120 kr
Maeda Shinzo: Bäume und Gräser. Photographien
Köln, Verlag Benedikt Taschen. 1987. 96 pages. Hard-cover with dust-jacket. Creases in the dust-jacket. Illustrated. Text in German.
150 kr
Malmqvist, Göran: Bernhard Karlgren. Ett forskarporträtt
Norstedts Akademiska Förlag. 1995. 539 sidor. Inbundet pappband med skyddsomslag. Något kantstött skyddsomslag med 3 mm lång glipa. Med planscher. / Hard-cover with dust-jacket. The dust-jacket is slightly bumped with a tear of 3 mm. With plates.
165 kr
Malmqvist, Göran: Kinesiska är inte svårt
Stockholm, Aldus. 1974. 213 sidor. Limmat mjukband. Omslaget något skavt i kanterna.
100 kr
Malmqvist, Göran (ed.): Modern Chinese Literature and its Social Context
Stockholm. 1977. (2)+217 pages. Printed wrappers. The spine is a bit faded. Stamp showing that the book has been discarded on the half-title. Nobel Symposium 32.
115 kr
Malmqvist, Göran (övers.): Det förtätade ögonblicket. T'ang-lyrik
Stockholm, Forum. 1965. 87 sidor. Förlagets klotband (skyddsomslaget saknas). Ryggfoten aningen tilltryckt. Innehåller Tang-lyrik skriven med kinesisk kalligrafi, transkription, ord för ord-översättning och litterärt utformad översättning.
100 kr
Markham, Elizabeth J.: Saibara. Japanese Court Songs of the Heian Period. Volume One
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 1983. xx+411 pages. Publisher's printed boards, dust-jacket is missing. Slightly bumped and faded spine. A couple of library stamps inside and on the edges. A second volume was issued.
350 kr
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 1998. xi+(3)+212 pages. Hard-cover. Spine ends are slightly bumped.
125 kr
Matthias Dietz & Michael Mönninger: Japanese Design
Taschen. 1994. 176 sidor. Mycket gott skick. Trådhäftad. Illustrerad. /Original printed wrappers. Illustrated.
130 kr
Mellen, Joan: The waves at Genji's door. Japan through its cinema
Pantheon Books. 1976. xxvii+(1)+463+(2) sidor. Gott skick. Original printed wrappers. Slightly bumped. Illustrated.
100 kr
The University of Michigan Press. 1996. xix+(1)+318+(1) sidor. Gott skick. Publisher's cloth. Very slightly bumped spine. A couple of library stamps inside. Illustrated.
100 kr
Georg Stilke. 1921. 75+(1) sidor. Gott skick. Private cloth bound with the front-wrapper inside. Slightly bumped. Author's dedication inside. From the library of anti quarian bookdealer Björn Löwendahl.
180 kr
Myokyo-ni (Irmgard Schloegl): Gentling the Bull. The Ten Bull Pictures. A Spiritual Journey
London, Zen Centre. Unknown year of publication (1980s?). Printed wrappers.
100 kr
Harvard University Press. 1991. x+258+(2) sidor. Gott skick. Publisher's cloth. Corners and spine are slightly bumped. A couple of library stamps inside.
85 kr
Nilsson, Ella & Anders Svensson (utg.): Resan till Kina. Anteckningar och brev sammanställda
Bjärnums Tryckeri AB. 2002. 399 sidor. Mycket gott skick. Inbundet pappband. Ryggen obetydligt blekt och kantstött. Illustrerad. Reseanteckningar av en missionär i Kina och Japan under 40- och 50-talen.
130 kr
Nyman, Lars-Erik: Great Britain and Chinese, Russian and Japanese interests in Sinkiang, 1918-1934
Stockholm, Esselte studium. 1977. (10)+165+(2) pages. Printed wrappers. The wrappers are slightly worn. Lund Studies in International History 8.
200 kr
Ogawa Naoyoshi: English-Favorlang Vocabulary
Tokyo, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa. 2003. (4)+223 pages. Publisher's cloth. Minor scratch mark on the front board. A couple of library stamps inside. Asia and African Lexicon Series No. 43.
300 kr
Okakura Kakuzo (Okakura Tenshin): Japans uppvaknande
Aktiebolaget Hiertas bokförlag. 1905. 216 sidor. Gott skick. Privatbundet halvklotband med ryggetikett i skinn och främre omslaget medbundet. Förstrykningar i inlagan. Mindre fläcka r på det medbundna omslaget.
120 kr
Osbeck, Pehr & Torén, Olof: Dagbok öfver en ostindisk resa åren 1750, 1751, 1752.
Stockholm, Bokförlaget Rediviva. 1969. (16)+376+(16) sidor. Förlagets pergamentliknande pappband med skyddsomslag i plast. Namnad. Med 12 planscher. Faksimil av utgåvan från 1757. Frakturstil. Suecica Rediviva 5.
400 kr
Peng Xizhe & Guo Zhigang (eds.): The changing population of China
Blackwell. 2000. xvi+291 pages. Hard-cover. A bit rubbed. A couple of library stamps.
90 kr
Penlington, John N.: The Mukden Mandate. Acts and Aims in Manchuria
Maruzen Company, Ltd. 1932. (2)+iii+(1)+264+vi sidor. Gott skick. Publisher's cloth. Corners and spine are slightly bumped. With plates. From the library of antiquarian bookdealer Björn Löwendahl.
1150 kr
Potter, John Deane: Admiral of The Pacific. The Life of Yamamoto
London, Heinemann. 65. xvii+(1)+332 pages. Publisher's cloth. Corners and spine ends are a bit rubbed. With plates.
125 kr
"Frem". Det nordiske forlag. 1903. (4)+121+(2) sidor. Gott skick. Förlagets dekorerade klotband. Något kantstött. Illustrerad. (Språk: danska.)
95 kr
Ring, Herman A.: Det civiliserade Japan. Efter nyaste engelska källor
Björck & Börjessons förlag. 1904. 296 sidor. Gott skick. Förlagets dekorerade klotband. Något blekt och nött rygg.
120 kr
Schloegl, Irmgard: The Wisdom of the Zen Masters
London, Sheldon Press. 1975. xvi+80 sidor. Limmat mjukband. Sporadiska blyertsförstrykningar.
90 kr
Shibatani, Masayoshi: The Languages of Japan
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 2005. xv+(1)+411 pages. Printed wrappers. Corners are very slightly bumped. Latest edition.
200 kr
Siösteen, Nils (bearb.): Det modärna Japan
Göteborg, Wald. Zachrissons Förlag. 1904. 261+(2) sid.+planscher. Förlagets klotband. Hörn och rygg aningen tilltryckta.
100 kr
Smith, Arthur: Kinesiska karaktärsbilder
Stockholm, Hugo Gebers Förlag. 1900. (4)+331 sidor. Förlagets dekorerade klotband. Nötta hörn och ryggslut. En mindre del av tyget på ryggen har lossnat.
190 kr
Strang, Herbert: Jack Brown från Mukden. En skildring från rysk-japanska kriget
Lund, CWK Gleerups förlag. 1906. (4)+350+(2) sidor. Förlagets klotryggband. Nött och något snedläst. Något svag främre innerfals. Korta glipor i ryggsluten (3-4 mm). Illustrerad.
100 kr
Suehiro, Akira: Catch-Up Industrialization. The Trajectory and Prospects of East Asian Economies
University of Hawai'i Press. 2008. xvi+395 sidor. Gott skick. Soft-cover. Slightly bumped corners. A couple of library stamps and pencil underlinings inside.
85 kr
Sun Tzu/Sun Zi & Sun Pin: The Complete Art of War
Boulder, Westview Press. 1996. xv+(1)+304 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. Något kantstött. Fläckar på övre snittet. Inplastad med enstaka biblioteksstämplar. Engelsk översättning av Ralph D. Sawyer.
100 kr
Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro: The Training of the Zen Buddhist Monk
Kyoto, The Eastern Buddhist Society. 1934. xiv+111 pages. Publisher's cloth, dust-jacket is missing. Corners and spine ends are a bit rubbed. The lower corner of the front board is bumped, and the spine is a bit faded. Occasional speckles and underlinings (some of them made with ballpoint pen) inside. With plates. First edition. Hanayama: "Bibliography on Buddhism", 13115.
675 kr
Suzuki, Hiroyuki (ed.): Shuhei Endo. Paramodern Architecture
Milan, Electa. 2006. 211 pages. Printed wrappers. Illustrated.
115 kr
Singapore, the Exhibition Committee. 1953. (20)+(24) pages. Printed wrappers. A bit rubbed with a tear in the outer front joints. With 28 plates. Text in English and Chinese. Bookplate: "From the library of the Rt. Hon. Malcolm Macdonald P.C., O.M." on the front paste-down and the label of "Han-Shan Tang, London" on the back paste-down.
190 kr
Toro, Anna di: La percezione della Russia in Cina tra XVII e XVIII sec
Sapienza. Università di Roma. 2012. 222+(2) sidor. ISBN 9788861349100 Mycket gott skick. Original printed wrappers Slightly bumped. Author's dedication on the half title. On the image of Russia in China during the Qing dynasty. In Italian. La Sapienza Orientale. Studi 2012.
85 kr
Tsao Hsueh-Chin & Kao Ngoh: Dream of the Red Chamber. A Chinese Novel
London, Routledge, without year of printing (probably 1930s). Second impression. xxvii+(1)+371 pages. Publisher's cloth. Corners are bumped. Spine is very slightly faded. Brown speckles on the edges and in parts of the book. With the label of "French Bookstore Peiping" on the back paste-down. Wang Chi-Chen's abridged translation of the "Hong lou meng" (also known as "The Story of the Stone" and "A Dream of Red Mansions"), first issued in 1929. Preface by Arthur Waley.
115 kr
Waley, Arthur: The Life and Times of Po Chü-i. 772-846 A.D.
London, George Allen & Unwin. 1949. 237 pages. Publisher's cloth, dust-jacket is missing. Spine eds are slightly bumped. A few pencil underlinings. Stamp showing that the book has been discarded on the title page. With plate and map.
175 kr
Waley, Arthur (translation): Chinese Poems
London, George Allen & Unwin. 1948. 213+(1) pages. Publisher's cloth. Spine ends are slightly bumped. Second impression.
125 kr
Wang Yu (ed.): Lernkarten für den Grundkurs Chinesisch. 1375 Chinesische Schriftzeichen
Beijing, Verlag Sinolingua. 1989. Cardboard box (20x14 cm) with Chinese flash-cards (simplified characters, German translation and pinyin transcription). The box is rubbed and has a couple of splits. Not complete - approximately 20% of the flash-cards are missing. From the library of Swedish politician Per Gahrton with approximately 250 additional hand-written flash-cards made by him.
Ny 2024-12-31
225 kr
Almqvist & Wiksell International. 1996. 292 pages. Printed wrappers. Author's dedication. With dissertation sheet. Lund Studies in African and Asian Religions. Volume 11.
190 kr
Watanna, Onoto (= Winnifred Eaton): En japansk näktergal
A.-B. Ekmans förlagsexpedition. 1907. 188 sidor. Gott skick. Vackert gulddekorerat klotband med helt guldsnitt. Aningen kantstötta hörn. Ex-libris och ägarsignatur. Illustrerad av S tina Beck-Friis. Med planscher. Typiskt exempel på japonismen vid förra sekelskiftet.
100 kr
Winchester, Simon: Hong Kong. The Shape of the City
Hong Kong, FormAsia. 1989. 128 sidor. Inbundet pappband med skyddsomslag. Obetydligt kantstött skyddsomslag. Rikt illustrerad med flygplansvyer över Hongkong.
100 kr
Wu Ch'êng-ên & Arthur Waley (translation): Monkey
London, George Allen & Unwin. 1942. 305+(1) pages. Publisher's decorated cloth. Dust-jacket is missing. A bit rubbed and bumped boards with dampstains in the upper margin. The top margin of the front board is slightly bent inwards and the lower margin of the back board is slightly bent outwards. Spine is a bit faded with a couple of speckles. Ex-libris: "J. & G. Gericke" and bookseller's label: "The Roycroft Book & Art Shop, Sydney" on the front paste-down. First printing of the original edition of "Monkey", Waley's abridged translation of the "Xiyouji" ("Journey to the West").
475 kr
Yamanashi Taeko: Paper Dolls of Old Japan
Toto Shuppan Company/Charles E. Tuttle Company. 1961. 49 sidor. Gott skick. Harld-cover. Corners are a bit rubbed. Illustrated.
125 kr
Yang Jizhou: Ezsino CSE-2007. Chinese Course. Han yu jiao cheng
Beijing, Unitesoft. 2007. iii+(1)+207 pages +CD Rom with slipcase. Printed wrappers. The slipcase is slightly bumped.
125 kr
Yang Xiaoneng (ed.): Sculpture of Prehistoric China
Hong Kong, Tai Dao Publishing. 1988. 168 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. The dust-jacket is slightly bumped. Illustrated. In English and Chinese (traditional characters).
125 kr
Yingjin Zhang (ed.): Cinema and Urban Culture in Shanghai, 1922-1943
Stanford University Press. 1999. xvi+369+(2) sidor. Mycket gott skick. Original printed wrappers. Crease in the front cover. Slightly faded spine. Illustrated.
140 kr
New York, Public Affairs. 2001, xlv+(1)+513+(1) pages. Hard-cover with dust-jacket. Spine ends are slightly bumped. Pencil underlinings in parts of the book.
125 kr
Zieme, Peter: Buddhistische Stabreimdichtungen der Uiguren
Berlin, Akademie Verlag. 1985. 247 pages. Printed wrappers. Corners and spine ends are slightly rubbed. Minor creases in the corners. A tear of 3 mm on the front wrapper and a tear of 4 mm on the back wrapper. With LXXXIX plates. Schriften zur Geschichte und Kultur des Alten Orients. Berliner Turfantexte XIII.
430 kr
Москва, Государстбенное издательство иностранных и национальных словарей [Moskva, Gosudarstbennoe izdatelʹstvo inostrannyh i nacionalʹnyh slovarej], 1962 (second revised edition). 631+(1) pages. Publisher's cloth. Corners are slightly bumped. Notes written with ballpoint pen in parts of the book. With a small errata sheet.
250 kr
三菱重工業株式会社 Mitsubishi juukoogyoo kabushiki gaisha. 1990. xxxx+1143+(2)+(2)+viii+(1)+222 sidor. Mycket gott skick. Two volumes in half-leather in slip-case. One corner of the slip-case is slightly rubbed. Illustrated. With plates.
230 kr
侯永 绿 [Hou Longyu]: 农民日记。一个农民的生存实录 [A Farmer's Diary. The Real Existence of a Farrmer]
Qingnian Chubanshe. 2007. (8)+266+(1) sidor. Gott skick. Original printed wrappers. Library stamp on the title page and a couple of underlinings inside. Illustrated. With plates . The history of the People's Republic of China as seen through the eyes of a farmer.
90 kr
スリーエーネットワーク [3A Corporation]. 2004. (2)+139+(4)+35 sidor. Limmat mjukband. Skyddsomslaget saknas. Reva på försättsbladet. Illustrerad. Med CD-skiva.
125 kr
東京, 凡人社 (Tokyo, Bonjinsha). 2004. 201+(2) pages. Printed wrappers. Corners are slightly bumped. The spine is slightly faded. A couple of library stamps inside. Illustrated. With a separate, staple-bound kanji word list and 2 audio CDs.
90 kr
Gott skick. Publisher's cloth with slip-case. The slip-case is slightly bumped. Illustrated.
110 kr
立石電機株式会社 Tateishi denki kabushiki gaisha. 1988. 234+(4) sidor. Mycket gott skick. Hard-cover with slip-case. The slip-case is very slightly bumped. Illustrated. On the history of Omron in Japanese.
90 kr