A Missionary's Life in the Land of the Gods (1914)
Kessinger Publishing, utan årtal. 418 sid. +planscher. Limmat mjukband.
90 kr
A Missionary's Life in the Land of the Gods (1914)
Kessinger Publishing, utan årtal. 418 sid. +planscher. Limmat mjukband.
90 kr
Catalogue of the Rare Books of the Tenri Central Library. Volume 3. 天理図書館稀書目録。洋書之部三
The Tenri Central Library. 1957. (10)+152+(4) sidor. Gott skick. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. Minor tears in the dust-jacket. With 6 plates. Catalogue of the rare European and Am erican books (洋書 [yosho]) acquired by the Tenri Central Library during the period 1951-1957.
170 kr
London, Naval Intelligence Division. xvi+542+xii+370+xiv+653 pages +plates and maps. Publisher's cloth, three volumes. A bit rubbed with missing pieces of cloth on the front board of vol. II. Faded spines with dampstains. The fold-out map is missing in vol. I. Vol. I is wavy throughout with some loss of paper in the outer margin of pp- 213-226. Vol. II is slightly wavy from page 230 and vol. III is slightly wavy from page 400. Library classification codes on the spines and a couple of library stamps inside. Complete set. Geographical Handbook Series for Official Use only. B.R. 530 (restricted).
500 kr
Nyt Nordisk Forlag/Arnold Busck. 1965. 291 sidor. Original printed wrappers. Slightly bumoed corners. Minor crease on the front cover. Slightly dark spot on the back-cover due to removed label. Danish translation of the 竹書紀年 Zhúshū Jìnián (Bamboo Annals/Ji Tomb Annals), a record of ancient Chinese history until ca 299 BC.
100 kr
En berättelse om en resa. Larkarnas studieresa till Japan våren 1977
(Alnarp), utan årtal (1979?). (7)+108+(1) sid. Limmat mjukband. Aningen tilltryckta hörn och ryggslut. Inlagan i gott skick. Illustrerad. Reseskildring från 1970-talets Japan av en grupp studenter i landskapsarkitektur vid Alnarp.
Ny 2025-02-22
150 kr
Lund, 1978. 16 vykort i fodral med kommentarhäfte. Akvarellserien finns i Lunds Univeristetsbiblioteks samlingar och skildrar hur kinesiskt porslin producerades på 1600- 1700-talen (Qing-dynastin). Ovanlig. / 16 postcards in a case with 4 pages of comments in Swedish. The drawings on the postcards belong to the University Library of Lund and depicts the production of Chinese porcelain in the early Qing dynasty (17th-18th centuries).
135 kr
Japan and National Anthropology. A critique
RoutledgeCurzon. 2004. xiv+256 sidor. Limmat mjukband. Liten nam
180 kr
Stockholm, Albert Bonniers förlag. 1904. xi+(5)+516 sidor. Förlagets dekorerade klotband. Något nötta hörn och rygg. Främre innerfalsen något svag. Två svarta fläckar på bakre pärmen. Namnad. Stämpel: "Tillhör förläggaren".
150 kr
Le Philosophe Meh-Ti et l'idée de Solidarité (Socialisme Chinois)
Luzac et Co. 1907. 185 sidor. Library bound with original printed wrappers p
150 kr
The New Japanese Woman. Modernity, Media, and Women in Interwar Japan
Duke University Press. 2003. xiv+242 pages. Soft-cover. Owner's signature.
150 kr
Lexington Books. 2008. liv+191 sidor. Soft-cover. Owner's signature on the insid
150 kr
当代中国的兵器工业 [Dāngdài zhōngguó de bīngqìgōngyè=Weapon Industry in Contemporary China]
北京, 当代中国出版社 [Běijīng, Dāngdài zhōngguó chūbǎnshè]. 1993. (12)+641+(3) pages. Publisher's cloth. Spine ends are very slightly bumped. Illustrated. With plates. In Chinese (simplified characters).
250 kr
北京, 当代中国出版社 [Běijīng, Dāngdài zhōngguó chūbǎnshè]. 1992. (4)+579+(3) pages. Publisher's cloth. Spine ends are very slightly bumped. Illustrated. With plates. In Chinese (simplified characters). Vol. II only.
175 kr
東京, 目黒雅叙園美術館 [Tokyo, Meguro gajoen]. 1991. 159+(1) pages. Publisher's cloth with cloth slip-case. The slip-case is slightly faded. Text in English and Japanese. Illustrated.
250 kr
東京, 三立社 [Tokyo, Sanritsu-sha (?)]. 明治45年 [Meiji 45=1912]. (8)+153+(3) pages +plates. Printed wrappers with title label on the front wrapper. Minor crease on the front wrapper. Tear of 2 cm on the front paste-down. Contents are in good condition.
Ny 2025-02-15
200 kr
Stockholm, Bokförlags Aktiebolaget Thule. 1938. 135 pages. Printed wrappers. A couple of minor tears (2-3 mm each) on the wrappers. Spine ends are slightly bumped. Illustrated. With two maps and one table in a pocket attached to the back paste-down. With dissertation sheet (a couple of minor tears on the dissertation sheet). Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China Under the Leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin, The Sino-Swedish Expedition, Publication 6, II. Geodesy, 1.
240 kr
Andersson, J. Gunnar ("Kina-Gunnar"): Den gula jordens barn. Studier över det förhistoriska Kina
Stockholm, Albert Bonniers förlag. 1932. x+413+(2) sidor. Förlagets dekorerade klotband med medbundet främre häftesomslag. Något kantstött rygg med ett par små svarta prickar. Namnteckning och exlibris. Illustrerad. Med planscher.
200 kr
Andersson, J. Gunnar ("Kina-Gunnar"): Under brinnande krig
Stockholm, Saxon & Lindströms förlag. 1938. 383+(1) sidor. Förlagets klotband. Något kantstött pärm. Inlagan i gott skick. Med planscher och utvikbar karta. Reseskildring från Kina 1936-1938, vid tiden för andra kinesisk-japanska krigets utbrott.
100 kr
Stockholm. 1931. 337+(1) sidor. Gott skick. Original printed wrappers. Slightly bumped wrappers with minor tears and creases. Unopened. Illustrated. With plates. Ku ngl. svenska vetenskapsakademiens handlingar. Tredje serien. Band 9. N:o 4
310 kr
Baelen, Jean: Études japonaises
Jan Förlag. 1946. 193+(2) sidor. Gott skick. Original printed wrappers. Slightly bumped corners. Two tears on the spine. In French. (From the library of antiquarian bookseller Björn Löwendahl.)
150 kr
John Murray. 1926. (2)+iv+766 pages. Publisher's cloth. Rubbed with tears in the outer joints. A couple of pencil underlinings inside. Minor spot on the fore-edge.
160 kr
Barnekow, Sten: Erfarenheter av zen
Lund, Bokförlaget Nya Doxa. 2003. 1248 sidor. Inbundet pappband med skyddsomslag. Något kantstött pärm. Veck i skyddsomslaget.
225 kr
Basabe, Fernando M.: Japanese Youth Confronts Religion. A Sociological Survey
Tokyo, Sophia University. 1967. vi+183 pages. Publisher's quarter cloth. Spine ends are slightly bumped. The top margin of the front board is slightly faded. Underlinings in the beginning of the book, some of them with ballpoint pen. Owner's signature and a couple of library stamps.
100 kr
Berglund, Lars: The Secret of Luo Shu. Numerology in Chinese Art and Architecture
Lund, Lund University. 1990. (6)+402 pages. Printed wrappers. The spine is worn (some text is missing). Contents are in good condition. Illustrated. With dissertation and errata sheets. Author's dedication. Scarce.
Ny 2025-02-14
550 kr
Bergman, Sten: I morgonstillhetens land. Skildringar från en forskningsfärd till Korea
Stockholm, Albert Bonniers förlag. 1937. 230+(1) sidor. Gediget stänkmarmorerat pappband (Nanna Grönvalls Eftertr. Gunnar Lindnberg, Malmö) med ryggetikett i skinn och stänkta snitt, häftesomslagen ej medbundna. Aningen blekt rygg med lätt tilltryckt ryggfot. Svag fläck efter prislapp på främre pärmen. Med planscher och karta. Första upplagan. Efterfrågad.
300 kr
Bergman, Sten: I morgonstillhetens land. Skildringar från en forskningsfärd till Korea
Stockholm, Albert Bonniers förlag. 1937. 230+(1) sidor. Senare osignerat halvklotband med främre häftesomslaget medbundet. Korta revor på det medbundna häftesomslaget. Första upplagan. Med planscher. Eftersökt.
275 kr
Besborodko, N. (pseud. för Paul Meijer-Grankvist): Tsaren och japanesiskan. Framtidsroman.
Skandias bokförlag. 1904. 3-954+(3) sidor. Samtida halvklotband. Originalomslagen ej medbundna. Hårt nött med pappersförlust på bakre pärmen. Titelbladet ej medbundet, men med alla de tre utvikbara kartorna (vilka dock är bundna i fel ordning). Kartornas marginaler något beskurna, och med reva på den första kartan. Omfattande följetongsroman med motiv från rysk-japanska kriget.
180 kr
Bol, Peter K.: "This Culture of Ours." Intellectual Transitions in T'ang and Sung China
Stanford, Stanford University Press. 2003. x+(2)+519 pages. Printed wrappers. Corners are very slightly bumped. Owner's signature. Reprint.
175 kr
Boulger, Demetrius Charles: The History of China I-II
London, W. Thacker & Co. 1898 (second revised edition). viii+(2)+734+(8)+627 pages +plates (portraits) and fold-out coloured map. Publisher’s decorated cloth, two volumes. Edges uncut. The boards are rubbed, corners are bumped. 2,5 cm split in the outer back joints of vol. ii, inner hinges are solid. Ink notes on the first 30 pages of vol. I. The outer margin of the first 14 pages of vol. II are cut, loss of paper (approx. 2,5x9 cm) in the top margin of pp. 7-8 in vol. II (some text is missing on these pages, as shown on the fourth picture). Tear of 2,5 cm on the map. End-papers are browned, minor brown speckles on a couple of pages.
1200 kr
Copenhagen, The National Museum. 1959. (12)+149+(3) pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are a bit bumped. Edges are cut. The front paste-down and fly-leaf are a bit darkened due to a loose newspaper article. Owner's signature (Niels Andersen). With LX plates.
315 kr
Braw, Monica: Kvinnor i Japan under tusen år. Nio porträtt
Stockholm, Bokförlaget Atlantis. 2013. 246 sidor. Inbundet pappband med skyddsomslag. Aningen kantstött skyddsomslag. Illustrerad. Signerad av författaren på titelbladet.
165 kr
Albert Bonniers förlag. 1871. (8)+391 sidor. Senare enkelt klotband med monterad originalrygg. Illustrerad. Med planscher.
350 kr
Beijing, People's Daily Press. 1988. 156 sidor. Förlagets klotband med skyddsomslag. Aningen kantstött skyddsomslag med mindre glipa. Rikt illustrerad med bilder på drakar från kinesiskt konsthantverk, arkitektur, kläder mm.
115 kr
Cao Xueqin & Gao E: A Dream of Red Mansions
Beijing, Foreign Languages Press. 2001. Paper-back with slip-case, four volumes. Unopened. Illustrated. Translated by Yang Xianyi & Gladys Yang. (Also known as "The Story of the Stone".)
250 kr
Chao Shu-Li: Li Yu-Tsais rim och andra berättelser
Stockholm, Arbetarekulturs förlag. 1952. 163 sidor. Trådhäftad med skyddsomslag. Centimeterlång glipa samt mindre pappersförlust på skyddsomslaget.
100 kr
Dietz, Matthias & Michael Mönninger: Japanese Design
Taschen. 1994. 176 sidor. Mycket gott skick. Trådhäftad. Illustrerad. /Original printed wrappers. Illustrated.
135 kr
Dore, Ronald: Shinohata. A Portrait of a Japanese Village
Allen Lane. 1978. 322 sidor. Gott skick. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. The dust-jacket is very slightly bumped. With plates.
90 kr
Dower, John W: Ways of Forgetting, Ways of Remembering. Japan in the Modern World
The New Press. 2012. viii+(2)+306 sidor. Mycket gott skick. Original printed wrappers. The spine is slightly bumped. Illustrated. Advance reading copy.
80 kr
Driscoll, Lucy & Kenji Toda: Chinese Calligraphy
Chicago , The University of Chicago Press. 1935. vii+(1)+71 pages. Publisher's cloth. Slightly bumped. The spine is a bit faded and the past-downs are a bit darkened. Ex-libris: "EJ". Chinese stamp on the title page. Illustrated.
190 kr
Dubosc, Jean-Pierre: Les quatre grands peintres de la Dynastie des Ming. XV:e et XVI:e siècles
Genève, Collections Baur. 1966. (66) pages. Printed wrappers. Yellow square on the back wrapper due to a removed price label. Illustrated.
165 kr
Stockholm, Association of Oriental Studies. 1994. (12)+300 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. Dedication from Göran Malmqvist on a separate sheet.
175 kr
Lund University. 2014. 228 sidor. Mycket gott skick. Original printed wrappers. Corners are very slightly bumped Illustrated.
175 kr
Fairbank, John King & Merle Goldman: China. A New History
Harvard University Press. 2 uppl. 2006. xix+(1)+560 sidor. ISBN 0674018281 Gott skick. Limmat mjukband. Något kantstötta hörn. Mindre pappersförlust på smutstitelbladet. Med planscher.
150 kr
Fleischer, Wilfrid: Vulkanen Japan
Stockholm, Natur och Kultur. 1942. 240 sidor. Gott skick. Förlagets halvklotband.
80 kr
Forrer, Matthi: Hokusai. Prints and drawings
London, Royal Academy of Arts. 1991. 224 sidor. Trådhäftad. Obetydligt kantstötta hörn. Mindre bruna fläckar på omslagens insidor. Rikt illustrerad. Katalog från Royal Academy of Arts, London. 15 november 1991-9 februari 1992. / Printed wrappers. Corners are very slightly bumped. Minor brown speckles on the paste-downs. Illustrated. Catalogue from Royal Academy of Arts, London. 15 November 1991-9 February 1992.
240 kr
Gardner, Sir Harry: Oriental Blue and White
London, Faber and Faber. 1954. xiii+(1)+86 pages. Publisher's cloth. Dust-jacket is missing. The spine is slightly bumped and faded. With plates.
90 kr
Garside, W. R.: Japan's Great Stagnation. Forging Ahead, Falling Behind
Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 2012. viii+219 pages. Hard-cover. A couple of library stamps inside, otherwise a fine copy.
Ny 2025-02-13
200 kr
Grantham, A. E.: Porcelain Pagodas and Palaces of Jade. Musings of an Old Collector
Methuen & Co. Ltd. 1929. xii+210+(2) sidor. Gott skick. Publisher's cloth. Corners and spine are slightly bumped. Occasional foxing. Owner's signature on the inside of the front cover. With plates.
150 kr
Grieg, Nordahl: Kinesiska dagar
Stockholm, Albert Bonniers förlag. 1927. 151+(2) sidor. Gediget osignerat halvskinnband med upphöjda bind och övre guldsnitt. Främre häftesomslaget medbundet. Blekt rygg. Nedre hörnet på bakre pärmen något tilltryckt. Ett par skrapmärken på främre pärmen. Bokhandelsetikett: "Lengertz antikvariat eftr." på främre pärmens insida. Med planscher. Ovanlig i svensk översättning.
225 kr
Halliday, M. A. K. & Jonathan J. Webster (ed.): Studies in Chinese Language
London/New York, Continuum. 2006. x+384 pages. Printed wrappers. A small crease in the lower corner of the front wrapper. The Collected Works of M. A. K. Halliday 8. This volume collects Halliday's papers on the Chinese language.
115 kr