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Träskfolket. Svenska Rhodesia-Kongo-expeditionens etnografiska forskningsresultat

Träskfolket. Svenska Rhodesia-Kongo-expeditionens etnografiska forskningsresultat

Stockholm, Albert Bonniers förlag. 1916. 468 sidor. Förlagets klotband med medbundet främre häftesomslag. Något tilltryckta hörn och ryggslut. 5 mm lång glipa i bakre ytterfalsens nedermarginal. Stellan och Martha Vennerstens exlibris. Illustrerad. Med planscher (planscherna ingår i pagineringen).

Ny 2025-02-09

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700 kr

Nation, nationalism och identitet. Sydafrika i svensk sekelskiftesdebatt

Nation, nationalism och identitet. Sydafrika i svensk sekelskiftesdebatt

Nya Doxa. 1992. (2)+iii+(1)+192+(2) sidor. Limmat mjukband. Något snedläst. Disputationsblad medföljer.

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130 kr

Konkoma. Eine Musikform der Fanti-Jungfischer in den 40er und 50er Jahren (Ghana, Westafrika)

Konkoma. Eine Musikform der Fanti-Jungfischer in den 40er und 50er Jahren (Ghana, Westafrika)

Berlin, Dietrich Reimer Verlag. 1989. (6)+180 pages. Printed wrappers. Minor brown speckles on the edges. Mainzer Ethnologische Arbeiten 8.

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115 kr

The Bantu Speaking Tribes of South Africa. An Ethnological Survey

The Bantu Speaking Tribes of South Africa. An Ethnological Survey

Cape Town, Maskew Miller Limited. 1956 (reprint, first published in 1937). xv+(1)+453 pages +plates and map. Publisher's cloth. The spine is a bit bumped and stained.

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175 kr

Sehen - Hören - Verstehen. Musikinstrumente und Schallgeräte bei den Kusasi und Mamprusi in Nordost-Ghana

Sehen - Hören - Verstehen. Musikinstrumente und Schallgeräte bei den Kusasi und Mamprusi in Nordost-Ghana

Pfaffenweiler, Centaurus-Verlagsgesellschaft. 1996. 411 pages. Printed wrappers. The upper spine end is slightly bumped. Owner's signature. Illustrated.

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115 kr

Die Traditionelle Jagd Westafrikas. Analyse ihrer wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung für anbautreibende Gruppen

Die Traditionelle Jagd Westafrikas. Analyse ihrer wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung für anbautreibende Gruppen

München, Klaus Renner Verlag. 1971. (4)+v+(1)+181+(2) pages. Printed wrappers with cloth strip on the spine. Brown speckles on the front wrapper, the spine and the edges. With maps. Arbeiten aus dem Institut für Völkerkunde der Universität zu Göttingen. Band 5.

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140 kr

Bulsa Sunsuelima. Folktales of the Bulsa in Northern Ghana. Series S: Folktales of the Supernatural. Volume 1: Tales of the Sky-God (Wen, Naawen). Part I

Bulsa Sunsuelima. Folktales of the Bulsa in Northern Ghana. Series S: Folktales of the Supernatural. Volume 1: Tales of the Sky-God (Wen, Naawen). Part I

Münster, Lit Verlag. 1993. xiv+412+(2) pages. Printed wrappers. The wrappers are slightly worn. Owner's signature. Forschungen zu Sprachen und Kulturen Afrikas. Band 2.

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160 kr

Kinkirsi, Boghoba, Saba. Das Weltbild der Nyonyosi in Burkina Faso (ehemals Obervolta, Westafrika)

140 kr

Sojourners in Search of Freedom. The Settlement of Liberia by Black Americans

Sojourners in Search of Freedom. The Settlement of Liberia by Black Americans

Lanham, University Press of America. 1987. xiii+(1)+228 pages. Publisher's cloth. Corners are slightly bumped.

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230 kr

Die Religion der Eweer in Süd-Togo

Die Religion der Eweer in Süd-Togo

Göttingen & Leipzig, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht/J. C. Hinrichs'sche buchhandlung. 1911. xvi+316 pages. Library-bound without the original wrappers. A bit rubbed. Trace of label on the front board, and a tear of 2,5 cm on the last page. A couple of pencil underlinings and library stamps inside. Quellen der Religions-Geschichte. Band 3. Gruppe 10.

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240 kr

Die Religion der Eweer in Süd-Togo

Die Religion der Eweer in Süd-Togo

Göttingen & Leipzig, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht/J. C. Hinrichs'sche buchhandlung. 1911. xvi+316 pages. Contemporary cloth with spine label, bound without the original wrappers. Minor speckles on the boards and a small missing piece on the spine label. A couple of speckles on the edges. Quellen der Religions-Geschichte. Band 3. Gruppe 10.

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240 kr

Capetown to Ladysmith. Egypt in 1898

Capetown to Ladysmith. Egypt in 1898

Edinburgh/London, William Blackwood and Sons. 1900. ix+(1)+347+(1) pages. Publisher's cloth. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. Black speckles on the front wrapper. End-papers are slightly darkened. Foxing on a few pages. With one map. The Works of George Warrington Stevens. Vol. IV.

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150 kr

The Exchange Economy of Pre-Colonial Tropical Africa

The Exchange Economy of Pre-Colonial Tropical Africa

London, C. Hurst & Company. 1974. xxii+262 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. Spine ends are slightly bumped.

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175 kr

Ritual and symbol in transitional Zaramo society

Ritual and symbol in transitional Zaramo society

Lund, Gleerup. 1970. 430 pages. Quarter-cloth bound for university library with parts of the original wrappers mounted to the boards. The boards are slightly worn and the spine is a bit faded. A couple of library stamps inside. With plates. Studia Missionalia Upsaliensia XVI.

Ny 2025-02-26

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125 kr

The River-lake Nilotes. Politics of an African tribal group

The River-lake Nilotes. Politics of an African tribal group

Uppsala. 1973. 215 pages. Printed wrappers. Small note on the front wrapper. Studia Sociologica Upsaliensia 8.

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90 kr

Map Collector's Series (Third Year). No. 30: Printed Maps of the Continent of Africa. Part II. 1500-1600. Regional Maps South of the Tropic of Cancer

Map Collector's Series (Third Year). No. 30: Printed Maps of the Continent of Africa. Part II. 1500-1600. Regional Maps South of the Tropic of Cancer

London, Map Collector's Circle. 1966. (2)+47-75 pages +plates. Staple-bound with stiff, printed wrappers. Slightly bumped.With a separate sheet with an index to the maps.

Ny 2025-02-18

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100 kr

Africana Suecana 1945-1965. An Analytical Approach to Swedish Printed Material on Africa

Africana Suecana 1945-1965. An Analytical Approach to Swedish Printed Material on Africa

Uppsala. 1975. 490 pages. Printed wrappers. Slightly bumped with a tear of 1 cm in the lower spine end. Aurthor's dedication. Institutionen för allmän och jämförande etnografi vid Uppsala Universitet. Occasional Papers IV.

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125 kr

African Music and the Church of Africa

African Music and the Church of Africa

Uppsala, Svenska Institutet för Missionsforskning. 1960. 296 pages. Hard-cover with dust-jacket. The dust-jacket is slightly bumped and has a couple of tears. Owner's signature. Also published as Uppsala Universitets årsskrift 1960:3.

Ny 2025-02-23

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150 kr

Africa's God. I. Gold Coast and its Hinterland

Africa's God. I. Gold Coast and its Hinterland

Massachusetts, Boston College Press. 1936. 81+(5) pages. Staple-bound, printed wrappers. The wrappers are rubbed with creases in the corners. Tears and minor loss of paper on the spine. The staples are a bit rusty. Anthropological Series of the Boston College Graduate School. Vol. I, No. I.

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125 kr

The Soul of the Bantu. A Sympathetic Study of the Magico-Religious Practices and Beliefs of the Bantu Tribes of Africa

The Soul of the Bantu. A Sympathetic Study of the Magico-Religious Practices and Beliefs of the Bantu Tribes of Africa

New York, Doubleday. 1928. xxvi+476 pages. Publisher's cloth. Corners and spine ends are a bit bumped. The spine is slightly darkened. Contents are in good condition.

Ny 2025-02-22

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300 kr

Musique Dan. La musique dans la pensée et la vie sociale d'une société africaine

Musique Dan. La musique dans la pensée et la vie sociale d'une société africaine

Mouton/Paris, La Haye. 1971. 320 pages. Printed wrappers. A bit rubbed. With plates. Cahiers de l'homme. Nouvelle série XI.

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215 kr

Dor el Gussa und Gebel ben Ghnema. Zur nachplavialen Besiedlungesgeschichte des Ostfezzan

Dor el Gussa und Gebel ben Ghnema. Zur nachplavialen Besiedlungesgeschichte des Ostfezzan

Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner Verlag Gmbh. 1967. x+94 pages. Publisher's cloth. Corners and spine ends are very slightly bumped. With 203 plates and 3 fold-out maps.

Ny 2025-02-23

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400 kr

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