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Erik Oskarsson Antikvariat


Botanik & zoologi

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Plant Life in Southwest and Central Asia. Vol. I.

Plant Life in Southwest and Central Asia. Vol. I.

Izmir, Ege University Press. 1996. (8)+499+(9) pages. Printed wrappers. Slightly bumped and faded spine. Illustrated.

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250 kr

Переносчики возбудителей приподноочаговых болезней [Perenoschiki. vozbuditelej prirodno-ochagovyh bolezney=Carriers of Stimuli of Natural Focal Diseases]

Переносчики возбудителей приподноочаговых болезней [Perenoschiki. vozbuditelej prirodno-ochagovyh bolezney=Carriers of Stimuli of Natural Focal Diseases]

Москва, Государственное издательство медицинской литератуы [Moskva, Gosudarstvennoye izdatel'stvo meditsinskoy literatuy]. 1962. 342+(2) pages. Publisher's cloth. Spine ends are slightly bumped. Illustrated. With one plate. In Russian.

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175 kr

Хромосомные числа цветковых растений [Khromosomnyye chisla tsvetkovykh rasteniy=Chromosome Numbers of Flowering Plants]

Хромосомные числа цветковых растений [Khromosomnyye chisla tsvetkovykh rasteniy=Chromosome Numbers of Flowering Plants]

Ленинград, Издательство "Наука" [Leningrad, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka"]. 1969. 926+(2) pages. Publisher's cloth. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. Inner hinges are a bit weak. With errata sheet. In Russian.

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325 kr

Комары Москвы (сем. culicidae) и Московской области [Komary Moskvy (sem. culicidae) i Moskovskoj oblasti=The mosquitoes of Moscow (fam. culicidae) and the Moscow region]

Комары Москвы (сем. culicidae) и Московской области [Komary Moskvy (sem. culicidae) i Moskovskoj oblasti=The mosquitoes of Moscow (fam. culicidae) and the Moscow region]

Москва [Moscow], KMK Scientific Press. 1999. 341+(1) pages. Printed wrappers. Creases in the corners of the wrappers. 1 cm tear in the outer back joints.Owner's stamp. Author's dedication. Illustrated. In Russian.

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200 kr

Кровососущие комары подтрибы culisetina (diptera, culicidae) мировой фауны [Krovososusie komary podtriby culisetina (diptera, culicidae) mirovoj fauny=Blood-sucking mosquitoes of the subtribe culisetina (diptera, culicidae) in the fauna of the world]

175 kr

Историсческое разбитие класса насекомых [Istorisčeskoe razbitie klassa nasekomyh= On the history and distribution of the class insects]

Историсческое разбитие класса насекомых [Istorisčeskoe razbitie klassa nasekomyh= On the history and distribution of the class insects]

Ленинград, Издательство "Наука" [Leningrad, Izdatelstvo "Nauka"]. 1980. 269+(3) pages. Publisher's cloth. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. Owner's signature. Illustrated. With plates.

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175 kr

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