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Erik Oskarsson Antikvariat


Botanik & zoologi

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Investigations on the Oribatid Fauna of New Zealand. With a Comparison between the Oribatid Fauna of New Zealand and that of the Andes Mountains, South America. Part III

Investigations on the Oribatid Fauna of New Zealand. With a Comparison between the Oribatid Fauna of New Zealand and that of the Andes Mountains, South America. Part III

København, Ejnar Munksgaard. 1968. 96+(2) pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are a bit bumped. Illustrated. With XXXIII plates. Unopened. Biologiske Skrifter udgivet af Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Bind 16, 2.

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125 kr

Investigations on the oribatid fauna of the Andes Mountains. II. Peru

Investigations on the oribatid fauna of the Andes Mountains. II. Peru

København, Ejnar Munksgaard. 1961. 157 pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are a bit bumped with creases and minor tears in the lower corner of the front wrapper. Illustrated. With XLIII plates. Unopened. Biologiske Skrifter udgivet af Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Bind 13, nr. 1.

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175 kr

Investigations on the oribatid fauna of the Andes Mountains. IV. Patagonia

Investigations on the oribatid fauna of the Andes Mountains. IV. Patagonia

København, Ejnar Munksgaard. 1962. 37+(3) pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are a bit bumped with creases and minor tears in the lower corner of the front wrapper. Illustrated. With XI plates. Unopened. Biologiske Skrifter udgivet af Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Bind 13, nr. 3.

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125 kr

Vergleichende Anatomie des Nervensystems der wirbellosen Tiere. Unter Berücksichtigung seiner Funktion

Vergleichende Anatomie des Nervensystems der wirbellosen Tiere. Unter Berücksichtigung seiner Funktion

Amsterdam, A. Asher & Co. 1968. (2)+xi+(1)+628 pages. Publisher's cloth. Spine ends are slightly bumped. Illustrated. Reprint from the 1928 edition. Author's dedication.

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275 kr

Dyre- og Plantelivet i den tropiske Verden. Naturskildringer

Dyre- og Plantelivet i den tropiske Verden. Naturskildringer

Kjøbenhavn, P.G. Philipsens Forlag. 1867. x+569+(2) sidor. Gott skick. Något senare (?) halvskinnband (okänd bokbindare, originalomslagen ej medbundna). Något nött. Sporadiska lagerfläckar. Med planscher. På svenska utgiven som "Tropikverlden framställd i djur- och växtlif".

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140 kr

A Systematic Survey of the Mesozoic Bivalvia from Japan

A Systematic Survey of the Mesozoic Bivalvia from Japan

Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press. 1975. vi+249 pages. Hard-cover with dust-jacket. Tears in the dust-jacket. Illustrated.

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225 kr

The Guava Fruit Fly. Anastrepha striata Schiner (Tephritidae) in seasonal and non-seasonal Neotropical forest environments

The Guava Fruit Fly. Anastrepha striata Schiner (Tephritidae) in seasonal and non-seasonal Neotropical forest environments

Uppsala, Uppsala University. 1991. 43+ca 200 pages. Printed wrappers. Tear in the outer front joints. A few pencil notes inside. With errata sheet. Author's dedication.

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150 kr

Der Kopfbau der Larven einiger nematoceren Dipterenfamilien. Rhyphidae, trichoceridae, psychodidae und ptychopteridae

Der Kopfbau der Larven einiger nematoceren Dipterenfamilien. Rhyphidae, trichoceridae, psychodidae und ptychopteridae

København. 1943. 61+(3) pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are a bit bumped. Owner's signature. With xi plates. Offprint from Spolia zoologica Musei Hauniensis III.

Ny 2025-02-26

Ställ en fråga

125 kr

Zur Biologie der Mäusetumoren. Experimentelle Untersuchungen

Zur Biologie der Mäusetumoren. Experimentelle Untersuchungen

Berlin, Verlag der Königl. Akademie der Wissenschaften. 1907. 75+(1) pages. Publisher's quarter-cloth. Spine-ends are slightly bumped. Stamp: "Anatomiska institutionen Lund" on the front board. With 2 plates.

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125 kr

The Insects of the Los Angeles Basin

The Insects of the Los Angeles Basin

Los Angeles, Natural History Museum. 1974. x+173 pages. Printed wrappers. Minor creases in the wrappers. Illustrated. Science Series 27. June 30, 1974.

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150 kr

Ett liv i Floras tjänst. Knut Bovin - trädgårdsmästare, publicist, idealist

Ett liv i Floras tjänst. Knut Bovin - trädgårdsmästare, publicist, idealist

Stockholm, Stockholmia förlag. 2022. 230 sidor. Förlagsband. Ryggfoten aningen tilltryckt. Illustrerad.

Ställ en fråga

150 kr

Handbok i zoologi för landtbrukare, skogshushållare, fiskeriidkare och jägare. I. Skandinaviens däggdjur

Handbok i zoologi för landtbrukare, skogshushållare, fiskeriidkare och jägare. I. Skandinaviens däggdjur

Stockholm, P A Norstedt & Söner. 1887 (andra något reviderade uppl.). xii+474+(2) sid. Osignerat halvklotband, häftesomslagen ej medbundna. Nött med skrapmärken på överdragspappret. Knappt centimeterlång lipa i övermarginalen på de första tio sidorna, annars är inlagan i gott skick. Illustrerad.

Ställ en fråga

150 kr

Handbok i zoologi för landtbrukare, skogshushållare, fiskeriidkare och jägare. II. Skandinaviens foglar. 1-2

Handbok i zoologi för landtbrukare, skogshushållare, fiskeriidkare och jägare. II. Skandinaviens foglar. 1-2

Stockholm, 1867-1871. (8)+609+(3) sid.+4 planscher+(8)+611-1151+(2) sid.+5-9 planscher. Förlagets två halvklotband, häftesomslagen ej medbundna (utgavs ursprungligen i två häften för varje band). Hårt nötta och skavda pärmar med mindre fläckar. Pärmarna på väg att lossna. Första bandet utan för- och eftersättsblad. Lager- och fuktfläckar i stora delar av inlagan (även planscherna fläckiga. Namnade: Matthias Widegren.

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300 kr

Problems on Marine-Glacial Relicts on Account of Investigations on the Genus Mysis

Problems on Marine-Glacial Relicts on Account of Investigations on the Genus Mysis

Lund. 1959. 3-270 pages. Printed wrappers. The wrappers are slightly bumped and darkened. Title-page is missing. Illustrated.

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100 kr

The Inland Floodwater Mosquito, Aedes Cexans: An Annotated Bibliography to World Literature I-II

The Inland Floodwater Mosquito, Aedes Cexans: An Annotated Bibliography to World Literature I-II

Champaign, Center for Economic Entomology, Illinois Natural History Survey. Unknown year of publication (1990?). (2)+x+264+(2)+xiv+109 pages. Stenciled with stiff wrappers. Owner stamps on the title pages.

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325 kr

Why we disagree about climate change. Understanding controversy, inaction and opportunity

Why we disagree about climate change. Understanding controversy, inaction and opportunity

Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 2009. xxxix+(1)+392 pages. Printed wrappers. Corners are very slightly bumped.

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200 kr

The Nordic Flora - Towards the Twenty-first Century. Studies in honour of Bengt Jonsell on the occasion of his 60th birthday 11 June 1996

The Nordic Flora - Towards the Twenty-first Century. Studies in honour of Bengt Jonsell on the occasion of his 60th birthday 11 June 1996

Uppsala. 1996. 363+(1) pages. Printed wrappers. The front wrapper is slightly faded with two minor brown strokes in the upper right corner. Illustrated. Symbolae botanicae Upsaliensis 31:3.

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200 kr

The New Systematics

The New Systematics

Oxford, Oxford University Press. 1949. viii+583 pages. Publisher's cloth. Slightly bumped and faded spine. Owner's signature.

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150 kr

Der Krebs. Eine Einleitung in das Studium der Zoologie

Der Krebs. Eine Einleitung in das Studium der Zoologie

Leipzig, F. A Brockhaus. 1881. x+313 pages. Contemporary cloth (unknown bookbinder), bound without the original wrappers. A bit rubbed. The spine is a bit slanted. Owner's signature and bookplate: Simon Bengtsson, and owner's signature: Kjell Ander. Illustrated. Internationale Wissenschaftliche Bibliothek. XLVIII Band. First German edition of "The Crayfish. An Introduction to the Study of Zoology"

Ny 2025-03-04

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600 kr

A Manual of the Anatomy of Invertebrated Animals

A Manual of the Anatomy of Invertebrated Animals

London, J. & A. Churchill. Without year of publication (catalogue at the end of the volume is dated 1885), reprint. 596 pages +catalogue from the publisher of 16 pages. Publisher's cloth. Boards are a bit rubbed. The corners are bumped. Owner's signature: "C. E. [=Charles Ernest] Overton". Illustrated.

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300 kr

Nomenklatorische und systematische Studien über nordische Gefässpflanzen

Nomenklatorische und systematische Studien über nordische Gefässpflanzen

Uppsala, A.-B. Lundequistska bokhandeln. 1945. 337+(3) pages. Contemporary cloth (E. Hanssons bokbinderi, Lund) with stained edges, bound with the original wrappers inside. N:o 45 of 50 numbered copies. A fine copy. Uppsala Universitets årsskrift 1945:7.

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275 kr

Nordisk kärlväxtflora I-II

Nordisk kärlväxtflora I-II

Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell. 1953-1966. xv+(1)+392+karta+xi+(1)+455+(1) sid +maskinskrivna innehållsförteckningar och register. Osignerat klotband, häftesomslagen till andra delen medbundna. Illustrerad. Sammanbundna med Hylander, Nils: "Taxa et nomina nova. In opere meo: Nordisk kärlväxtflora I (1953) inclusa." Lund 1953. 352-359 sid. Särtryck ur "Botaniska notiser 1953". Främre häftesomslag medbundet. Särtrycket placerat mellan första och andra delen av floran.

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250 kr

Fjärilar i Sverige

Fjärilar i Sverige

Stockholm, Rabén & Sjögren. 1989. 165 sidor. Förlagets pappband. Inplastad med enstaka biblioteksstämplar. Illustrerad.

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100 kr

Floravård i jordbrukslandskapet. Skyddsvärda växter

Floravård i jordbrukslandskapet. Skyddsvärda växter

Lund, Svensk botanisk tidskrift. 1993. 559 sidor. Förlagets pappband. Något tilltryckta ryggslut. Illustrerad.

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100 kr

The Usambara Mountains, NE Tanzania. Phytogeography of the vascular plant flora

The Usambara Mountains, NE Tanzania. Phytogeography of the vascular plant flora

Uppsala. 1991. (6)+234 pages. Printed wrappers. Minor creases in the wrappers. The spine is very slightly faded. Symbolae botanicae Upsaliensis XXIX:3.

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175 kr



Stockholm, Norstedts. 2012. 190 sidor. Inbundet pappband med skyddsomslag. Skyddsomslaget obetydligt kantstött. Illustrerad.

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100 kr

Anatomical drawings of biting flies

Anatomical drawings of biting flies

London, British Museum. 1987. 119 pages. Publisher's cloth. Spine ends are slightly bumped. Minor bump mark in the lower margin of the front board. Illustrated.

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700 kr

Studies in the North-West European Species of Rorippa s. str.

Studies in the North-West European Species of Rorippa s. str.

Uppsala. 1968. 222 pages. Printed wrappers. Minor brown speckles on the wrappers. The inner margin of the front wrapper is slightly faded. Partly unopened. Symbolae botanicae Upsalienses XIX:2.

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150 kr

Hortus Linnaeanus. An enumeration of plants cultivated in the Botanical Garden of Upsala during the Linnean period

Hortus Linnaeanus. An enumeration of plants cultivated in the Botanical Garden of Upsala during the Linnean period

Uppsala/Stockholm. 1919. 125 pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are slightly bumped and chipped. The back wrapper is slightly sunned in the top margin. Unopened. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Linné-sällskapet. Nr. 1.

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150 kr

Arboretum drafle. 1890-1939

Arboretum drafle. 1890-1939

Uppsala och Stockholm, 1940. 54+(2) sid.+88 planscher. Trådhäftad. Aningen kantstött överskjutande omslag. De första 50 sidorna är slarvigt uppskurna.

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190 kr

Die Vegetation von Kephallinia, Griechenland

Die Vegetation von Kephallinia, Griechenland

Koenigstein, Verlag Otto Koeltz. 1965. (2)+206 pages. Printed wrappers. Spine ends are very slightly bumped. Minor brown speckles on the back wrapper. Owner's signature.

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150 kr

A Catalog of the Mosquitoes of the World (Diptera: Culicidae)

A Catalog of the Mosquitoes of the World (Diptera: Culicidae)

College Park, Entomological Society of America. 1977. xi+(1)+611 pages. Publisher's cloth. Spine ends are slightly bumped and the inner hinges are a bit weak. Owner's signature. Second edition. The Thomas Say Foundation. Volume VI 1977.

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300 kr

Species Crossings in Malva

Species Crossings in Malva

Lund. 1926. 233-354 pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are slightly bumped. Unopened. Also published in "Hereditas VII. 1926".

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125 kr

Jordbruksbok för alternativodlare

Jordbruksbok för alternativodlare

Stockholm, LTs förlag. 1989. 495 sidor. Inbundet pappband. Något skavd och kantstött pärm. Ryggen något blekt. Illustrerad.

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240 kr

The Natural History of Larval Mosquito Habitats

The Natural History of Larval Mosquito Habitats

London, Academic Press. 1988. xxvii+(1)+555 pages. Hard-cover. Spine ends are slightly bumped. Owner's stamp on the fly-leaf. Illustrated.

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800 kr

The Cretaceous Theropodous Dinosaur Gorgosaurus

The Cretaceous Theropodous Dinosaur Gorgosaurus

Ottawa, Government Printing Bureau. 1917. (4)+iii+(1)+84 pages +7 folding plates. Printed wrappers. Corners and spine ends are bumped and creased. Inner hinges are strengthened with tape. The spine is slightly toned. Parts of the title on the spine has worn off. Stamps: “Univ. Geologiska Museum Lund” (The Geological Museum of the University, Lund) on the front wrapper, the fly-leaf and the title page. Contents are in good condition. With 49 illustrations (including the plates). First edition of this important study of tyrannosauroids. Four of the illustrations, made by Arthur Miles, are commonly regarded as some of the first drawings showing dinosaurs in non-standing positions. Canada Department of Mines. Geological Survey. Memoir 100.

Ny igår

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2600 kr

Faunistisch-ökologische Untersuchungen in einigen seischten ologotrophen bzw. bystrophen Seen in Südschweden. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Profundalfauna

Faunistisch-ökologische Untersuchungen in einigen seischten ologotrophen bzw. bystrophen Seen in Südschweden. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Profundalfauna

Lund. 1931. 175+(2) pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are slightly bumped with a couple of minor tears. Unopened. Lunds Universitets Årsskrift N. F. Avd. 2. Bd. 27. Nr 18.

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150 kr

Pads, furrows, and papillae in the foot of birds

Pads, furrows, and papillae in the foot of birds

Lund, 1973. 111 pages +plates. Printed wrappers with cloth strip on the spine. Slightly bumped with minor speckles on the wrappers and a tear on the spine strip. With dissertation sheet.

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200 kr

Le Jardin des plantes à la croisée des chemins avec André Thouin 1747-1824

Le Jardin des plantes à la croisée des chemins avec André Thouin 1747-1824

Paris, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. 1989. 678+(1) pages. Printed wrappers. The upper corner of the front wrapper is a bit rubbed.

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150 kr

Collection of 16 off-prints on allium, several with dedication from Albert Levan

Collection of 16 off-prints on allium, several with dedication from Albert Levan

Private-bound cloth with slightly red-stained edges, unknown bookbinder. The spine is faded. The off-prints are bound without wrappers unless otherwise stated. Contents: (1) “Zahl und Anordning der Chromosomen in der Meiosis von Allium.” From Hereditas XIII. Lund, 1929. Pp. 80-86. Without wrappers. Author’s dedication to botanist Arne Hässler. (2) “Experimentell analys och syntes av polyploida arter inom Allium paniculatum-gruppen.” From Nordiska (19. Skandinaviska) naturforskarmötet i Helsingfors. 1936. 2 pages. (3) ”Polyploidi and Self-Fertility in Allium.” From Hereditas XXII. Lund, 1936. Pp. 278-280. (4) “Pseudo-bivalent formation in the pollen of Allium Schoenoprasum”. From Botaniska notiser 1937. Pp. 151-152. (5) “Cytological Studies in the Allium Group.” From Hereditas XXIII. Lund, 1937. Pp. 317–370. Bound with the original wrappers. (6) “Amphibivalent formation in Allium cernuum and its consequences in the pollen.” From Botaniska notiser. Lund, 1939. Pp. 256-260. Bound with the original wrappers. (7) “Meiosis of Allium Porrum, a Tetraploid Species with Chiasma Localisation.” From Hereditas XXVI. Lund, 1940. Pp. 454-462. (8) “The Cytology of Allium Amplectens and the Occurrence in Nature of its Asynapsis.” From Hereditas XXVI. Lund, 1940. Pp. 353-394. Bound with the original wrappers. (9) “Die Zytologie von Allium Cepa x Fistulosum.” From Hereditas XXI. Lund, 1936. Pp. 195-214. Bound with the original wrappers. Author’s dedication to Arne Hässler (partly cut in the top margin). (10) “The Cytology of the Species Hybrid Allium Cepa x Fistulosum and its Polyploid Derivatives.” From Hereditas XXVII. Lund, 1941. Pp. 253-272. Bound with the original wrappers. (11) “Cytological Studies in Allium. A Preliminary Note.” From Hereditas XV. Lund, 1931. Pp. 347-356. Author’s dedication to Arne Hässler (partly cut in the top margin). (12) “Cytological Studies in Allium, II. Chromosome Morphological Contributions.” From Hereditas XVI. Lund, 1932. Pp. 257-294+plate. Bound with the original wrappers. Author’s dedication to Arne Hässler. (13) “Cytological Studies in Allium, III. Allium Carinatum and Allium Oleraceum.” From Hereditas XVIII:1-2. Lund, 1933. Pp. 101-114+plate. Bound with the original wrappers. Author’s dedication to Arne Hässler. (14) “Cytological Studies in Allium, IV. Allium Fistulosum” From Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift. Bd. 27. H. 2. Uppsala, 1933. Pp. 211-232. Bound with the original wrappers. (15) “Cytological Studies in Allium, V. Allium Macranthum” From Hereditas XVIII. Lund, 1933. Pp. 349-359. Author’s dedication to Arne Hässler (partly cut in the top margin). (16) “Cytological Studies in Allium, VI. The Chromosome Morphology of some Diploid Species of Allium.” From Hereditas XX. Lund, 1935. Pp. 289-330. Bound with the original wrappers. Author’s dedication to Arne Hässler. An extensive collection of early off-prints by Levan, later known for establishing the number of chromosomes in the human genome together with Joe Hin Tjio.

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1700 kr

Zytologische Studien an Allium Schoenoprasum

Zytologische Studien an Allium Schoenoprasum

Lund, 1935. 128 pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are slightly bumped and chipped. Illustrated. Unopened. Offprint from Hereditas XXII.

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200 kr

Masken uti rosen. Nymalthusianism och födelsekontroll i Sverige 1880-1910

Masken uti rosen. Nymalthusianism och födelsekontroll i Sverige 1880-1910

Järfälla, Brutus Östlings bokförlag Symposion. 1994. 475 sidor. Danskt band. Främre omslaget och snitten något fläckiga. Sista 50 sidorna något solkiga. Med planscher och disputationsblad. Kulturhistoriskt bibliotek.

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115 kr

Norsk och svensk flora

Norsk och svensk flora

Oslo, Det norske samlaget. 2 uppl. 1974. 808 sidor. Förlagsband. Något tilltryckta ryggslut. Reviderad upplaga.

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100 kr

Studien über den Blutzucker bei Astacus fluviatilis

Studien über den Blutzucker bei Astacus fluviatilis

Kristianstad. 1931. 129 pages. Printed wrappers. With dissertation sheet.

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125 kr

The Use of Oxen as Pack and Riding Animals in Africa

The Use of Oxen as Pack and Riding Animals in Africa

Stockholm. 1931. 77+(2) pages. Printed wrappers. Crease in the upper corner of the back-wrapper. Spine ends are very slightly bumped. Illustrated. Author's dedication. Riksmuseets etnografiska avdelning. Smärre meddelanden 10.

Ny 2025-02-26

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125 kr

Die Fliegen der Palaearktischen Region Bd. II 1

Die Fliegen der Palaearktischen Region Bd. II 1

Stuttgart, E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung. 1930. (10)+23+37+16+75+62+71+196 pages+plates. Publisher's cloth. Corners and spine ends are very slightly bumped. Owner's signature.

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900 kr

Caroli Linnæi Systema natura. A photographic facsimile of the first volume of the tenth edition (1758). Regnum animale.

Caroli Linnæi Systema natura. A photographic facsimile of the first volume of the tenth edition (1758). Regnum animale.

London, British Museum. 1956. v+(5)+823+(1) pages. Publisher's cloth. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. Speckles and missing pieces of cloth on the boards. Minor brown speckles on the edges. 1,5 cm split in the outer front joints. Owner's stamp, otherwise the contents are clean and in good condition.

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600 kr

Die Torf- und Lebermoose. Die Farnpflanzen (Pteridophyta)

Die Torf- und Lebermoose. Die Farnpflanzen (Pteridophyta)

Berlin, Verlag von Julius Springer. 1914. viii+(2)+184+108+(2) pages. Contemporary half-cloth (unknown bookbinder) bound without the original wrappers. Owner's signature: Oscar Palmgren. Illustrated. Kryptogamenflora für Anfänger 6.

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150 kr

Nordisk svampbok. Med beskrifning öfver Sveriges och Norra Europas allmännnaste ätliga och giftiga svampar

Nordisk svampbok. Med beskrifning öfver Sveriges och Norra Europas allmännnaste ätliga och giftiga svampar

Stockholm, G A V Lundholms förlag. Tredje uppl. 1904. 70+(2) sidor. Förlagets dekorerade klotband. Ryggen aningen nött. Med fyra färgplanscher.

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90 kr

Untersuchungen über die innere Struktur und Entwicklung gleichaltriger naturnormaler Kiefernbestände

Untersuchungen über die innere Struktur und Entwicklung gleichaltriger naturnormaler Kiefernbestände

Helsinki. 1925. (8)+269 pages. Printed wrappers. Corners are slightly bumped. With plates (charts). Author's dedication to C. V. L. Charlier. Offprint from Acta forestalia Fennica 30.

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200 kr

Chromosome Numbers of Northern Plant Species

Chromosome Numbers of Northern Plant Species

Reykjavik, 1948. 131 pages. Printe wrappers. Spine ends are slightly bumped. Creases in the lower corners of a couple of pages. Owner's signature: Oscar Palmgren. University Institute of Applied Sciences. Department of Agriculture, Reports, Series B. No. 3.

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100 kr

Biología de la Antártica Sudamericana. Estudios realizados durante la Expedición Antártica Chilena, 1947

Biología de la Antártica Sudamericana. Estudios realizados durante la Expedición Antártica Chilena, 1947

Santiago, Universidad de Chile. 1948. 364 pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are a bit bumped and chipped. Creases and minor speckles on the wrappers. Slightly darkened spine. Illustrated. Author's dedication on page 9. Instituto de Geografia de la Universidad de Chile. Publicación N:o 2.

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650 kr

Problems of Cytology and Evolution in the Pteridophyta

Problems of Cytology and Evolution in the Pteridophyta

Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 1950. xi+(1)+316 pages. Publisher's cloth. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. The spine is a bit faded. White stains on the back board. Owner's signature. Illustrated.

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275 kr

An Atlas of Common Queensland Mosquitoes with A Guide to Common Queensland Biting Insects

An Atlas of Common Queensland Mosquitoes with A Guide to Common Queensland Biting Insects

Herston, Queensland Institute of Medical Research. 1982. 75+(1) pages. Printed wrappers. Corners are slightly bumped and the spine is a bit faded. Owner's signature. Illustrated.

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125 kr

The British Mosquitoes

The British Mosquitoes

London, British Museum. 1938. xi+(1)+341+(1) pages. Publisher's cloth (dust-jacket is missing). A bit rubbed with a 1 cm split in the outer front joints. The spine is a bit faded. Owner's stamp and signature. A few pencil underlinings. With plates.

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275 kr

Die laubwerfende Eichenwälder Kretas

Die laubwerfende Eichenwälder Kretas

Berlin/Stuttgart, J. Cramer. 1988. (4)+172 pages. Printed wrappers. Illustrated. With fold-out map. Dissertationes botanicae Band 119.

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125 kr

The Culicine Mosquitoes of the Indomalayan Area. Part I-VI

The Culicine Mosquitoes of the Indomalayan Area. Part I-VI

London, The British Museum. 1957-1965. 61+57+61+61+62+67 pages. Printed wrappers, six volumes. Spine ends are slightly bumped. Minor tears in the outer back joints of part I-II. A blue stroke on the front wrapper of vol. VI. Owner's signature and traces of removed price labels. Illustrated. Complete set.

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500 kr

Contributions to the Embryology of the Orders Rosales and Myrtales

Contributions to the Embryology of the Orders Rosales and Myrtales

Lund, CWK Gleerup. 1939. (2)+120+(1) pages. Printed wrappers. Slightly sunned with minor loss of paper in the lower spine end. Crease on the half-title. Author's dedication. Lunds Universitets Årsskrift N.F. Avd. 2. Bd 35. Nr 2.

Ställ en fråga

125 kr

Mathematics for Modern Life

Mathematics for Modern Life

New York, D. Appleton-Century Company. 1937. xv+(1)+448 pages. Publisher's decorated cloth. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. Minor bump mark in the top margin of the front board. The spine is slightly faded. Contents are clean and in good condition. Illustrated. First edition.

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325 kr

Venomous Reptiles

Venomous Reptiles

London, George Allen & Unwin. 1971. xii+274+(1) sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. Något nött skyddsomslag. Blekt rygg. Namnad. Med planscher.

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100 kr

Studien über Mallophagen und Anopluren

Studien über Mallophagen und Anopluren

Uppsala. 1910. 296 pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are slightly bumped and chipped. Illustrated. With plates. Unopened. Arkiv för zoologi. Band 6. N:o. 13.

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200 kr

Några erfarenhetsrön om de högre svamparna. Kritisk öfversikt

Upsala, 1918. 55+(1) sid. +planscher. Trådhäftad. Veck och korta riss i omslaget. Stämplar: "Från författaren" samt "Medicinskt-kemiska institutionen, Lunds Universitet". Särtryck ut "Upsala läkareförenings förhandlingar. Ny följd. Bd XXIV. H. 1-2 1918.

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100 kr

Bidrag till Bornholms fossila flora. Pteridofyter

Bidrag till Bornholms fossila flora. Pteridofyter

Lund. 1902. (2)+63+(5) sidor. Trådhäftad med blankt omslag. Något fläckigt omslag med ett par revor. Inlagan i gott skick. Med sex planscher. Mer utkom.

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175 kr

Undersökningar öfver fytoplankton och under den pelagiska regionen försiggående gyttje- och dybildningar inom vissa syd- och mellansvenska urbergsvatten

Undersökningar öfver fytoplankton och under den pelagiska regionen försiggående gyttje- och dybildningar inom vissa syd- och mellansvenska urbergsvatten

Stockholm. 1917. (2)+165 sidor. Trådhäftad. Något kantstött överskjutande omslag med korta riss och mindre pappersförlust i yttermarginalen. Ryggen något mörknad. Ouppskuren. Illustrerad. Med sju planscher. Mit zusammenfassung in Deutscher sprache. Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens handlingar. Band 56. N:o 6.

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450 kr

Tasmanian Cadiss-flies

Tasmanian Cadiss-flies

Hobart, University of Tasmania. 1981. 180 pages. Printed wrappers. Owner's signature. Illustrated. Fauna of Tasmania Handbook No. 2.

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225 kr

Skandinavisk fauna. Fåglarna [Foglarna] I-II

Skandinavisk fauna. Fåglarna [Foglarna] I-II

Stockholm, Gidlunds. 1980. xxxiv+580+(4)+580+iv sidor. Kartonnageband med pappkassett, två volymer. Nött kassett. Något fläckiga och kantstötta ryggar. Faksimil efter tredje upplagan från 1858.

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150 kr

Caloplaca, sect. Gasparrinia i Nordeuropa. Taxonomiska och ekologiska studier

Caloplaca, sect. Gasparrinia i Nordeuropa. Taxonomiska och ekologiska studier

Uppsala. 1972. (2)+x+184 sidor. Trådhäftad. Centimeterlång glipa i främre ytterfalsen. Illustrerad.

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100 kr

Danish Charophyta. Chorological, Ecological, and Biological Investigations

Danish Charophyta. Chorological, Ecological, and Biological Investigations

København, Ejnar Munksgaard. 1944. 240 pages. +two plates. Printed wrappers. Spine ends are slightly bumped, the spine is a bit slanted. Crease in the last ten pages and the lower corner of the back wrapper. Det kongelige danke videnskabernes selskab. Biologiske skrifter. Nind III, Nr. 1.

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250 kr

A Discussion on the Biology of the Southern Cold Temperature Zone

A Discussion on the Biology of the Southern Cold Temperature Zone

London, 1960. Pp. 429-682. +plates. Printed wrappers. Slightly bumped with creases in the corners of the wrappers. Author's dedication. Reprint from the Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Vol. 152.

Ny 2025-02-14

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225 kr

Mycoparasitism by the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora

Mycoparasitism by the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora

Lund, Department of Ecology, 1991. 24+(2)+11+(9)+11+(3)+283-291+(3)+196-200+(3)+13+(7) pages. Printed wrappers. Spine ends are slightly bumped. Author's dedication and dissertation sheet.

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80 kr

Garden Birds

Garden Birds

Leicester, Windward. 1977. 111+(1) sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. Något böjd pärm. Reva i skyddsomslaget. Illustrerad.

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125 kr

Geologic Disposal of Low- and Intermediate-Level Radioactive Waste

Geologic Disposal of Low- and Intermediate-Level Radioactive Waste

Boca Raton, CRC Press. 2017. xvii+(1)+326 pages. Hard-cover. Very small rubbing in the upper corner of the front-cover. Illustrated.

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335 kr

Comparative Anatomy of the Female Genitialia of Genera and Subgenera in Tribe Aedini (Diptera: Culicidae). Part XIII. Genus Ochlerotatus Lynch Arribalzaga. Part XIV. Key to Genera

Comparative Anatomy of the Female Genitialia of Genera and Subgenera in Tribe Aedini (Diptera: Culicidae). Part XIII. Genus Ochlerotatus Lynch Arribalzaga. Part XIV. Key to Genera

Gainesville, The American Entomological Institute. 2002. (2)+117 pages. Printed wrappers. Stamp on the front wrapper and minor speckles on the back wrapper. Contributions of the American Entomological Institute. VOlume 33, Number 1.

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100 kr

Insekternas levnadsvanor och instinkter

Insekternas levnadsvanor och instinkter

Stockholm, Beijers bokförlagsaktiebolag. 1913. xvi+454+(1) sid. Förlagets klotryggband. Nött med bruna fläckar på pärmen. Exlibris: Arvid Frisendahl. Illustrerad.

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100 kr

Scientific Results of the Vernay-Lang Kalahari Expedition, March to September, 1930. Birds + Mammals

Scientific Results of the Vernay-Lang Kalahari Expedition, March to September, 1930. Birds + Mammals

Cambridge, University Press. 1935. 249 pages. Printed wrappers. A bit rubbed with minor tears and loss of paper on the wrappers. Dampstain in the lower corner of the front wrapper. With plates and map. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. Vol. XVI. Part I.

Ny 2025-02-15

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300 kr

The Historical Development of Diptera

The Historical Development of Diptera

Alberta, The University of Alberta Press. 1974. xv+(1)+360 pages. Printed wrappers. The wrappers are a bit bumped. Spine is a bit slanted and faded. Pencil underlinings in parts of the book. Illustrated.

Ny 2025-02-18

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125 kr

Champignons d'Europé 1-2

Champignons d'Europé 1-2

Paris, Bordas. 1977. Ca 600 pages. Publisher's cloth with mounted pictures on the front boards, two volumes. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. Illustrated.

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350 kr

Zur kenntnis der parasitischen Schnecken

Zur kenntnis der parasitischen Schnecken

Lund. 1910. (4)+67+(1) pages. Disbound. With four plates. Crease in the upper corner of the last plate. Lunds Universitets årsskrift. N. F. Afd. 2. Bd 6. Nr 4. Kongl. fysiografiska sällskapets handlingar. N. F. Bd 21. Nr 4.

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125 kr

Studies on Bird Migration. Based on Field Studies in Southern Sweden

Studies on Bird Migration. Based on Field Studies in Southern Sweden

Lund. 1950. 148 pages. Printed wrappers. Minor stains and creases on the wrappers. Vår fågelvärld, supplementum 1.

Ny 2025-02-24

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125 kr

Beitrag zur Kenntnis einiger hermaphroditischen Dekapoden Crustaceen

Beitrag zur Kenntnis einiger hermaphroditischen Dekapoden Crustaceen

Bergen. 1925. 115 pages. Printed wrappers. Tear of 1 cm in the outer back joints. The front wrapper is slightly darkened. Unopened. With 5 plates and dissertation sheet. Bergens Museums skrifter. Ny række. Bind III. No. 2.

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200 kr

Études de la nature

Études de la nature

Paris, Librairie de Firmin Didot Frères. 1846. (6)+563+(1) pages. Contemporary half-leather, bound without the original wrappers. A bit rubbed. Foxing in parts of the book.

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125 kr

Fuglene på Grønland

Fuglene på Grønland

Rhodos. 1967. 341+(2) sidor. Gott skick. Inbundet pappband. Något kantstött. Illustrerad. Språk: danska.

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140 kr

Miljöetik. En introduktion

Miljöetik. En introduktion

Bokförlaget Thales. 2013. 173 sidor. Gott skick. Trådhäftad. Förstrykningar med grön märkpenna i delar av inlagan.

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110 kr

The Pauropoda of Ceylon

The Pauropoda of Ceylon

Lund. 1970. 97 pages. Printed wrappers. Slightly faded spine. Minor crease in the lower corner of the front wrapper. With dissertation sheet. Illustrated. Reports from the Lund University Ceylon Expedition in 1962. Vol. I. / Entomologica Scandinavica. Supplementum I:5-97.

Ny 2025-02-23

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150 kr

Orchids of Malaya

Orchids of Malaya

Rotterdam, A. A. Balkema. 1992. vii+(1)+168 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. The dust-jacket is very slightly bumped. Illustrated. Author's dedication: "Till Gerty och Georg / från tillgivne vännen / författaren / Börje".

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450 kr

On the late Quaternary History of the Hawaiian Vegetation

On the late Quaternary History of the Hawaiian Vegetation

Honolulu. 1948. (4)+154 pages. Printed wrappers. A bit slanted. Illustrated. With 27 plates. Author's dedication to Stig Waldheim.

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200 kr

The Natural History of the African Elephant

The Natural History of the African Elephant

London, Weidenfeld and Nicholson. 1971. xxv+(1)+397 pages. Publisher's cloth. Dust-jacket is missing. A bit rubbed. Beginning crack in the inner front joints. Minor speckles on the top edge. With the ex-libris of Hans Bjarne Hansen. With plates. The World Naturalist.

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290 kr

The Vascular Plants in the Flora of Ellesmereland

The Vascular Plants in the Flora of Ellesmereland

Kristiania. 1906. 197+(1) pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are sligthly bumped with a couple of minor tears in the outer margins (2-3 mm). Illustrated. With 10 plates. Unopened. Report of the Second Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the "Fram" 1898-1902. No. 2.

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475 kr

Studien über Sexualität, Vererbung und Zytologie bei einigen diözischen Mucoraceen

Studien über Sexualität, Vererbung und Zytologie bei einigen diözischen Mucoraceen

Lund, Gleerupska univ-bokhandeln. 1945. 97 pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are slightly bumped. With dissertation sheet. Author's dedication.

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100 kr

Essentials of Animal Behaviour. Studies in Biology

Essentials of Animal Behaviour. Studies in Biology

Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 1999. 233 sid. Trådhäftad. Mindre veck i pärmen. Namnteckning på första sidan (sidan med abstract). Illustrerad.

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125 kr

Masters of Decorative Bird Carving

Masters of Decorative Bird Carving

Tulsa, Winchester Press. 1981. 147+(1) pages. Publisher's cloth with laminated dust-jacket. Spine ends are slightly bumped. With errata slip. Author's signature on the title page. Illustrated.

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150 kr

Opuscula entomologica. Band XXII. Häfte 1

Opuscula entomologica. Band XXII. Häfte 1

Lund, Entomologiska sällskapet. 1957. 96 pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are slightly bumped and chipped. Illustrated. With plates. Major articles: "Reproductive system and mating in Ephemeroptera" by Per Brinck and "Über die Gattung Hyedenia" by Karl-Johan Heqvist.

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100 kr

Das Muskelsystem des Gorilla

Das Muskelsystem des Gorilla

Jena, Gustav Fischer. 1906. (4)+128 pages. Later cloth bound with the original wrappers inside. Loss of paper on the original front wrapper. A couple of stamps: "Anatomiska institutionen Lund" inside. Inscribed.

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200 kr

Humboldt, Bonpland Kunth and Tropical American Botany. A Miscellany on the 'Nova genera et species plantarum'

Humboldt, Bonpland Kunth and Tropical American Botany. A Miscellany on the 'Nova genera et species plantarum'

Lehre, Verlag von J. Craemer. 1968. (8)+159 pages. Printed wrappers. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. Two minor brown speckles on the front wrapper. With fold-out map.

Ny 2025-02-24

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150 kr

Résultats scientifiques du voyage aux Indes Orientales Néerlandaises de LL. AA. RR. le Prince et la Princesse Léopold de Belgique. I. introduction.

Résultats scientifiques du voyage aux Indes Orientales Néerlandaises de LL. AA. RR. le Prince et la Princesse Léopold de Belgique. I. introduction.

Bruxelles, Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique. 1933. (4)+222 pages. Printed wrappers. Tears in the over-sized wrappers. Broken spine with missing pieces, hence the price. Mostly unopened. Illustrated. With XCI plates with high-quality photographs. In total, five volumes were issued.

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310 kr

Nationalnyckeln. Stjärnmaskar - Slemmaskar. Sipuncula - Nemertea

Nationalnyckeln. Stjärnmaskar - Slemmaskar. Sipuncula - Nemertea

Uppsala, ArtDatabanken SLU. 2010. 188 sidor. Förlagets klotband med skyddsomslag. Aningen kantstött skyddsomslag med 5 mm lång glipa. Illustrerad.

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140 kr

Om växtämnets läge i fröet, jemte serskilt redogörelse för hjertbladens ställning hos Svenska växter

Om växtämnets läge i fröet, jemte serskilt redogörelse för hjertbladens ställning hos Svenska växter

Lund, Håkan Ohlssons Boktryckeri. 1868. (2)+31+(2)+63 sidor. Tagen ur band, pappersremsa på ryggen. Lagerfläckar i delar av inlagan, ett par svarta prickar på sid. 24-25. Med en plansch. Sid. 34 är felnumrerad som 63. Ej i Libris.

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175 kr

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