Taflor från skog och mark. Album för jägare och jagtvänner
Stockholm, Albert Bonniers förlag. 1877. (4)+48 sid. +24 planscher (komplett, planschen med morkullan, nr 22, är frontespis). Förlagets dekorerade klotband. Pärmen ganska hårt nött. Ryggen något blekt och skev. Ett par fläckar på pärmen. Revor, 2-3 cm, i ett par av planscherna. Enstaka mindre bruna prickar i inlagan. Namnad: Axel Forssén.
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Allman, George James: A Monograph of the Fresh-Water Polyzoa, includes all the known species, both British and foreign
London, Ray Society. 1856. viii+119+(2) pages+11 plates (10 of them in colour) with descriptions. Contemporary wrappers strenghtened with a cloth strip on the spine. Title label on the front wrapper. The wrappers are worn and rubbed with tears and loss of paper in the corners. A couple of loose pages. Minor tears (approx. 1 cm) and foxing on a couple of pages (unfortunately also on some of the plates), mostly confined to the margins. Owner's signature: "Dr. E. Overton" (most likely Ernest Overton, 1865-1933, professor of pharmacology at Lund University).
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Fries, Th. M.: Polyblastiæ scandinavicæ
Upsala, 1877. (2)+27+(1) sid. Tagen ur band. Lagerfläckar och korta revor på titelbladet. Enstaka småfläckar i inlagan. Arbetet på väg att falla isär mellan sid. 16 och 17. Ouppskuren. Språk: latin. Allt som utkom av den planerade tredje delen av Fries standardverk om Skandinaviens lavar - ”Lichenographia scandinavica”. Ur Nova acta regiæ societatis scientiarum Upsaliensis. Series III. Vol. extr. ord. (Stafleu 1903)
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Hylander, Nils: Nordisk kärlväxtflora I-II
Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell. 1953-1966. xv+(1)+392+karta+xi+(1)+455+(1) sid +maskinskrivna innehållsförteckningar och register. Osignerat klotband, häftesomslagen till andra delen medbundna. Illustrerad. Sammanbundna med Hylander, Nils: "Taxa et nomina nova. In opere meo: Nordisk kärlväxtflora I (1953) inclusa." Lund 1953. 352-359 sid. Särtryck ur "Botaniska notiser 1953". Främre häftesomslag medbundet. Särtrycket placerat mellan första och andra delen av floran.
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Levan, Albert: Collection of 16 off-prints on allium, several with dedication from Albert Levan
Private-bound cloth with slightly red-stained edges, unknown bookbinder. The spine is faded. The off-prints are bound without wrappers unless otherwise stated. Contents: (1) “Zahl und Anordning der Chromosomen in der Meiosis von Allium.” From Hereditas XIII. Lund, 1929. Pp. 80-86. Without wrappers. Author’s dedication to botanist Arne Hässler. (2) “Experimentell analys och syntes av polyploida arter inom Allium paniculatum-gruppen.” From Nordiska (19. Skandinaviska) naturforskarmötet i Helsingfors. 1936. 2 pages. (3) ”Polyploidi and Self-Fertility in Allium.” From Hereditas XXII. Lund, 1936. Pp. 278-280. (4) “Pseudo-bivalent formation in the pollen of Allium Schoenoprasum”. From Botaniska notiser 1937. Pp. 151-152. (5) “Cytological Studies in the Allium Group.” From Hereditas XXIII. Lund, 1937. Pp. 317–370. Bound with the original wrappers. (6) “Amphibivalent formation in Allium cernuum and its consequences in the pollen.” From Botaniska notiser. Lund, 1939. Pp. 256-260. Bound with the original wrappers. (7) “Meiosis of Allium Porrum, a Tetraploid Species with Chiasma Localisation.” From Hereditas XXVI. Lund, 1940. Pp. 454-462. (8) “The Cytology of Allium Amplectens and the Occurrence in Nature of its Asynapsis.” From Hereditas XXVI. Lund, 1940. Pp. 353-394. Bound with the original wrappers. (9) “Die Zytologie von Allium Cepa x Fistulosum.” From Hereditas XXI. Lund, 1936. Pp. 195-214. Bound with the original wrappers. Author’s dedication to Arne Hässler (partly cut in the top margin). (10) “The Cytology of the Species Hybrid Allium Cepa x Fistulosum and its Polyploid Derivatives.” From Hereditas XXVII. Lund, 1941. Pp. 253-272. Bound with the original wrappers. (11) “Cytological Studies in Allium. A Preliminary Note.” From Hereditas XV. Lund, 1931. Pp. 347-356. Author’s dedication to Arne Hässler (partly cut in the top margin). (12) “Cytological Studies in Allium, II. Chromosome Morphological Contributions.” From Hereditas XVI. Lund, 1932. Pp. 257-294+plate. Bound with the original wrappers. Author’s dedication to Arne Hässler. (13) “Cytological Studies in Allium, III. Allium Carinatum and Allium Oleraceum.” From Hereditas XVIII:1-2. Lund, 1933. Pp. 101-114+plate. Bound with the original wrappers. Author’s dedication to Arne Hässler. (14) “Cytological Studies in Allium, IV. Allium Fistulosum” From Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift. Bd. 27. H. 2. Uppsala, 1933. Pp. 211-232. Bound with the original wrappers. (15) “Cytological Studies in Allium, V. Allium Macranthum” From Hereditas XVIII. Lund, 1933. Pp. 349-359. Author’s dedication to Arne Hässler (partly cut in the top margin). (16) “Cytological Studies in Allium, VI. The Chromosome Morphology of some Diploid Species of Allium.” From Hereditas XX. Lund, 1935. Pp. 289-330. Bound with the original wrappers. Author’s dedication to Arne Hässler. An extensive collection of early off-prints by Levan, later known for establishing the number of chromosomes in the human genome together with Joe Hin Tjio.
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Marshall, J. F.: The British Mosquitoes
London, British Museum. 1938. xi+(1)+341+(1) pages. Publisher's cloth (dust-jacket is missing). A bit rubbed with a 1 cm split in the outer front joints. The spine is a bit faded. Owner's stamp and signature. A few pencil underlinings. With plates.
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McCormack, Joseph P.: Mathematics for Modern Life
New York, D. Appleton-Century Company. 1937. xv+(1)+448 pages. Publisher's decorated cloth. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. Minor bump mark in the top margin of the front board. The spine is slightly faded. Contents are clean and in good condition. Illustrated. First edition.
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Segerbäck, L. B. [Börje]: Orchids of Malaya
Rotterdam, A. A. Balkema. 1992. vii+(1)+168 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. The dust-jacket is very slightly bumped. Illustrated. Author's dedication: "Till Gerty och Georg / från tillgivne vännen / författaren / Börje".
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Turesson, Göte: The Genotypical Response of the Plant Species to the Habitat
Lund. 1922. 211-350 pages. Printed wrappers. The top and inner margins of the front wrapper are slightly darkened. Minor crease in the lower corner of the front wrapper. Illustrated. Author's dedication to Oscar Palmgren. Offprint from Hereditas III, 1922. In this article, Turesson elaborates on his term "ecotype": a group of plants which is genotypically adapted to a specific habitat.
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Wallengren, H. D. J.: Lepidoptera Scandinaviae heterocera. Disposita et descripta. Skandinaviens heterocer-fjärilar. I-II:2
Lund, tryckt hos Chr- Bülow. 1863-1871.(4)+xxii+112+(4)+(2)+136+(2)+137-256 sid. Trådhäftade, tre häften. Häfte I med fastlimmat främre omslag. Pappersförlust och längre glipor i ryggarna (häfte I nästan helt itu). Häfte I med genomgående fukt- och lagerfläckar (jfr andra bilden), övriga häften med fläckiga omslag. Svaga fuktfläckar i häfte II:2 på sid. 221-240, i övrigt är häfte II:1-2 rena. Häfte I och II:1 till större delen ouppskurna, häfte II:2 med skurna snitt. Häfte II:3, som saknas här, utkom 1885 och gick endast att beställa direkt från författaren. Dal: "Sveriges zoologiska litteratur". Sid. 314.
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Виноградова, Е. Б. [Vinogradova, E. B.]: Комары комплекса Culex pipiens в России (таксономия, распространение, экология, физиология, генетика, практическое значение и контроль) [Komary kompleksa Culex pipiens v Rossii (taksonomija, rasprostranenie, èkologija, fiziologija, genetika, praktičeskoe značenie i kontrolʹ) =Mosquitoes of the Culex pipiens complex in Russia (taxonomy, distribution, ecology, physiology, genetics, applied significance and control)]
Санкт-Петерсбург [Sankt-Petersburg]. 1997. 306+(2) pages. Publisher's faux leather. Corners and spine ends are very slightly bumped. Owner's signature. In Russian. Российская академия наук. Труы зоологическиго института, том 271. [Russian Academy of Sciences. Proceedings of the Zoological Institute. Vol. 271.
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Волховский, З. В., В. Г. Григ, Т. С. Матвеева, О. И. Захарьева [Bolhovskih, Z. V, V. G. Grif, T. S. Matvejeva, O. I. Zahar'eva]: Хромосомные числа цветковых растений [Khromosomnyye chisla tsvetkovykh rasteniy=Chromosome Numbers of Flowering Plants]
Ленинград, Издательство "Наука" [Leningrad, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka"]. 1969. 926+(2) pages. Publisher's cloth. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. Inner hinges are a bit weak. With errata sheet. In Russian.
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