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Bernström, Peter: Cytogenetic Studies in Lamium
Lund, 1955. 8 pages +offprints. Printed wrappers. Corners are very slightly bumped. Minor dark stains on the back-wrapper. Author’s dedication to Harald Wieselgren. Collection of seven offprints, all except the first one bound with the original wrappers, together forming Bernström’s cumulative Ph.D. dissertation: (1) “Does the fertility of intraspecific hybrids in autogamous species improve in consequence of a heterotic effect?” Lund, 1950. Pp. 225-228. Offprint from Hereditas XXXVI. (2) “Cleisto- and chasmogamic seed setting in di- and tetraploid Lamium amplexicaule.” Lund, 1950. Pp. 492-506. From Hereditas XXXVI. (3) “Cytogenetic intraspecific studies in Lamium I.” Lund, 1952. Pp. 163-220. Offprint from Hereditas XXXVIII. (4) “Increased crossability in Lamium after chromosome doubling.” Lund, 1953. Pp. 241-256. Offprint from Hereditas XXXIX. (5) “Cytogenetic intraspecific studies in Lamium II.” Lund, 1953. Pp. 381-437. Offprint from Hereditas XXXIX. (6) “Fertility and aneuploidy in new autotetraploids in Lamium.” Lund, 1954. Pp. 181-241. Offprint from Hereditas XL. (7) “Cytogenetic studies on relationships between annual species of Lamium.” Lund, 1955. 122 pages. Offprint from Hereditas XLI.
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Buchwaldt, F. A.: Geometrisk Bidrag til Geoidens Bestemmelse
København. 1916. (6)+85+(1)+viii pages. Printed wrappers. The wrappers are slightly bumped. Tear of 3 mm on the front wrapper and the first 20 pages. Loss of paper in the lower spine end. Owner's signature: C. V. L. Charlier (professor of astronomy at Lund University). The summary in French is loose. With two fold-out plates.
Ny 2025-03-07
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Charlier, Carl Ludwig: Die Mechanik des Himmels I-II
Leipzig, Verlag von Veit & Comp. 1902-1907. viii+488+viii+479 pages.Original printed wrappers, two volumes. The spine of the second volume is broken, hence the price. A bit rubbed with creases and tears on the wrappers. The front wrapper of vol. II has been repaired with glue and the back wrapper is loose. The front wrapper of vol. I is slightly foxed. A minor missing piece of the wrapper in the lower spine end of vol. I. Minor stamps on the front wrappers and the title pages. Partly unopened. Illustrated.
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Flammarion, Camille: Populär astronomi
Stockholm, Albert Bonniers förlag. 1897. (8)+626 sidor. Förlagets dekorerade klotband med rött helsnitt. Något nött rygg med ett par fläckar. Svag i bindningen. Illustrerad. Med planscher samt utvikbar karta över Norra Stjärnhimlen.
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Fogh, C., Chr. Lütken & Chr. Vaupell (utg.): Tidsskrift for populære Fremstillinger af naturvidenskaben. I-V
Kjøbenhavn, P. G. Philpsens Forlag. 1855-1858. (4)+416+(2)+414+(1)+(4)+432+(4)+434+435+(1) sid. Fem osignerade halvskinnband, häftesomslagen ej medbundna. Hårt nötta och skavda pärmar med glipor i ytterfalsarna på de första två volymerna och avskavt övre ryggslut på andra volymen (dock stabila i bindningen). Insektshål på pärmarna, tränger inte igenom pärmen. Illustrerade. Kompletta med två litograferade planscher i vol. I och en plansch vardera i vol. II, III och V. Komplett uppsättning av den “første række”.
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Glaser, Hugo: Gift
Stockholm, Skoglunds. 1939. 322+(1) sidor. Trådhäftad. Något nött och mörknat omslag med mindre pappersförlust i rygghuvudet. Delvis ouppskuren.
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Gullstrand, Allvar: Die Reelle optische Abbildung
Uppsala & Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksells boktryckeri A-B. 1906. (4)+119 pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are a bit rubbed and darkened, with minor tears and loss of paper in the margins and a tear of 8 cm on the back-wrapper. Presentation copy to “Professor C. V. L. Charlier” [Carl Vilhelm Ludvig Charlier, professor of astronomy at Lund University], printed presentation statement: “Überreicht vom Verfasser” and author’s signature on the front wrapper. Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar. Band 41. N:o 3
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Heneen, Waheeb K.: Karotype Studies, Chromosomal Behaviour and Aberrations in some Species and Hybrids in the Tribe Hordeae
Lund, 1963. 9 pages. Contemporary cloth (unknown bookbinder), bound with the original wrappers inside. The spine is faded. Author’s dedication to Sven Snogerup. Bound together with the offprints of the following articles from “Hereditas” (all of them parts of Heneen’s cumulative Ph.D. dissertation), bound with the original wrappers: (1) “Chromosome Morphology in Inbred Rye” (Hereditas 48, 1962: pp. 182-200 +plates), (2) “Karyotype Studies in Agropyron Junceum, A. Repens and their Spontaneous Hybrids” (Hereditas 48, 1962: pp. 471-502 +plates), (3) “Extensive Chromosome Breakage occurring Spontaneously in a Certain Individual of Elymus Farctus (=Agropyron Junceum)” (Hereditas 49, 1963: pp. 1-32 +plates), (4) “Cytology of the Intergeneric Hybrid Elymus Arenarius x Secale Cereale” (Hereditas 49, 1963: pp. 61-77 +plates), (5) “Meiosis in the Interspecific Hybrid Elymus Farctus x E. Repens (=Agropyron Junceum x A. Repens)” (Hereditas 49, 1963: pp. 107-118 +plates), (6) “Chromosomal Polymorphism and Morphological Diversity in Elymus Rechingeri” (Hereditas 48, 1962: pp. 545-464 +plates, author’s dedication to Sven Snogerup).
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Ishihara, S.: Tests for Colour-Blindness
Tokyo, Kanehara Shuppan. 1932 (sixth edition with 16 plates). Publisher's cloth, leporello binding with staple-bound booklet of (2)+6 pages. Rubbed with a split of 7 cm in the outer front joints. The slip-case is missing and the leporello binding is broken in two parts. Owner's stamp and label from "AB Nordiska Bokhandeln" on the booklet.
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Johnston, James F. W.: Hvardagslifvets chemi. I-II
Stockholm, Adolf Bonnier. 1854-55 (första svenska upplagan). 5-347+3 kartor+440 sid+2 kartor Två samtida osignerade halvfranska band med guldornerade ryggar. Häftesomslagen ej medbundna, så ej heller försätts- och smutstitelbladen i del I. Något nötta. Skinnet har färgat av sig på försätts- och spegelbladen. Ett par små fläckar på titelbladen, i övrigt är inlagan ren och i gott skick. Illustrerade. Innehåller bl.a utförliga avsnitt om "Drycker, som vi erhålla genom jäsning" och "Narkotiska ämnen, som vi begagna".
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Kardel, Troels: Steno. Life, Science, Philosophy.
With Niels Stensen's Prooemium or Preface to a Demonstration in the Copenhagen Anatomical Theater in the Year 1673, and Holger Jacobæus: 'Niels Stensen's Anatomical Demonstration no. XVI' and Other Texts Translated from the Latin. Copenhagen, The Danish National Library of Science and Medicine. 1994. 159 pages. Printed wrappers. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. Minor brown speckle on the front wrapper. With one plate. Acta Historica Scientiarum Naturalium et Medicinalium 42.
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Klockmann, F.: Lehrbuch der Mineralogie
Stuttgart, Verlag von Ferdinand Enke. 1912 (fifth/sixth revised edition). Xi+(1)+628+41 pages. Contemporary half-cloth bound without the original wrappers. Spine ends are slightly bumped. Shelf-wear on the mounted paper. Owner's signature: "Bror Albert Mattisson". Underlinings with red pencil in parts of the book. Illustrated.
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Palmér, Frida: Studies of Irregular Variable Stars
Lund, 1939. 167+(1) pages. Printed wrappers. Corners are slightly bumped. Minor brown speckles on the front wrapper. Two black stains, approx. 5x20 mm, in the lower margin and on the bootom edge from page 90. Minor speckles on the top edge. The first Swedish Ph.D. dissertation in astronomy written by a woman. Meddelande från Lunds astronomiska observatorium. Ser. II. Nr. 103.
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Piccard, Sophie: Sur les courbes binominales
Lausanne. 1929. 50 pages. 24x17 cm. Printed wrappers. Crease and minor brown stains on the front wrapper. Tears of 1,5 cm in the spine ends. Author's dedication: "Hommage de l'auteur" on the front wrapper. Offprint from "Mémoires de la Société vaudoise des Sciences naturelles. N:o 18, Vol. 3, N:o 3. Piccard's Ph.D. dissertation. Piccard later became the first female professor ordinarius in Switzerland.
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Schödler, Fr. & C. Joh. Keyser (svensk bearb.): Vårt tidehvarfs kemi
Stockholm, Adolf Bonniers förlag. 1857. (4)+362+(2) sidor. Samtida osignerat halvfranskt band med guldornerad rygg. Häftesomslagen ej medbundna. Något nött. Skinnet har färgat av sig på försätts- och spegelbladen. Mindre fläckar på titel- och rättelsebladen. Lite pappersförlust i innermarginalen på sista sidan, ca 5x2 mm (ingen text saknas). I övrigt är inlagan ren och i gott skick. Illustrerad. Svensk bearbetning av "Chemie der Gegenwart"
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Siegbahn, Manne: Magnetische Feldmessung
Lund, C W K Gleerup. 1911. 64+(1) pages. Printed wrappers. The spine is a bit rubbed with loss of paper, approx. 3 cm, in the lower spine end. Two tears of 1 cm each on the wrappers, which are also a bit faded in the margins. Minor loss of paper on the back wrapper, and creases in the lower corners. A couple of weak stains on the title page, otherwise contents are clean and in good condition. Illustrated. Scarce. Siegbahn's Ph.D. dissertation. Lunds Universitets Årsskrift. N.F. Afd. 2. Bd 7. Nr 2. Kongl. Fysiografiska Sällskapets Handlingar. N.F. Bd 22. Nr 2.
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Stewart, Balfour: La conservation de l'energie
Paris, Félix Alcan. 1903. iii+(2)+ii+216 pages. Publisher's gilt-decorated cloth. Spine ends are slightly bumped. Publisher's stamp on the title page. Seventh edition. French translation of "The conservation of energy", together with "Qu'est-ce que la force?" by M. P. de Saint-Robert.
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Tyndall, John: Heat. A Mode of Motion
London, Longmans, Green and Co. 1880. xix+(1)+591 pages. Publisher's cloth. The boards are a bit worn and rubbed. Spine is slightly faded. Inner back hinge has been repaired. Pencil underlinings in parts of the book. Illustrated. With one plate. Sixth edition, 13th thousand.
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Verdet, Émile, Mm. Prudhon & Violle (eds.): Théorie mécanique de la chaleur I-II
Paris, a l'Imprimerie nationale. 1872. (4)+ii+(2)+xi-cxlviii+335+(4)+342 pages (complete). Contemporary half-cloth (unknown bookbinder) bound without the original wrappers, two volumes. The boards are worn and rubbed. The spine is faded. The price is written with ink on the front paste-down of vol. I, otherwise contents are in good condition. Later edition.Oeuvres de É. Verdet publiés par les soins de ses élèves VII-VIII.
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