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Sayyid Ahmad Khan. A Reinterpretation of Muslim Theology

Sayyid Ahmad Khan. A Reinterpretation of Muslim Theology

New Delhi, Vikas Publishing House. 1978. xxii+384 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. Slightly bumped with a couple of tears in the dust-jacket. Inscription and a few pencil underlinings. With plates.

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250 kr

Resa i Persien

Resa i Persien

Landskrona, J. L. Törnqvists förlag. 1869. (6)+272 sid. +8 planscher varav två kolorerade (komplett). Samtida osignerat halvskinnband. Hörn och rygg något nötta. Enstaka bruna fläckar i inlagan. Ca 2 cm lång reva i innermarginalen på den sista planschen. Familje-bibliotek VIII.

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250 kr

Politics and the Military in Jordan. A Study of the Arab Legion 1921-1957

Politics and the Military in Jordan. A Study of the Arab Legion 1921-1957

London, Frank Cass & Company. 1967. xvi+169 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacklet. The dust-jacket is a bit rubbed. Owner's signature.

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100 kr

Skrifter 1-3

Skrifter 1-3

Stockholm, Atlantis/Helsingfors, Svenska Litteratursällskapet i Finland. 2010-2012. 455+465+482 sid. Förlagets pappband med skyddsomslag, tre volymer. Skyddsomslaget till tredje delen aningen blekt. Illustrerade. Mer utkom.

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500 kr

The Faith and Practice of Al-Ghazali

The Faith and Practice of Al-Ghazali

London, George Allen & Unwin. 1970. 155+(4) pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. Minor brown stains on the dust-jacket. A few pencil underlinings inside. Fourth impression.

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100 kr

The Emergence of Minorities in the Middle East. The politics of community in French mandate Syria

125 kr

Vision or Reality? The Kurds in the Policy of the Great Powers, 1941-1947

Vision or Reality? The Kurds in the Policy of the Great Powers, 1941-1947

Lund University Press, 1995. 246+(2) sid. Trådhäftad. Mindre veck i bakre pärmen, annars got t skick. Softcover. Small crease on the back cover, otherwise a very fine copy.

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100 kr

Arab Politics in the Soviet Mirror

Arab Politics in the Soviet Mirror

Jerusalem, Israel University Press. 1973. xii+332 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. The spine is a bit faded. Owner stamps on the title page and the edges.

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100 kr

Tusen och en natt I-VI

Tusen och en natt I-VI

Malmö, Förlagshuset Norden, 1962. 355+(1)+357+(2)+350+(1)+354+(1)+360+(1)+338+(9) sid. Förlagets sex gulddekorerade klotband med övre guldsnitt. Skyddsomslagen saknas. Övre hörnen på främre pärmen till band I och V något tilltryckta. Titelbladen något mörknade pga. förlagets medföljande lösblad med instruktioner om hur nya böcker ska förvaras och öppnas. Översatt av Johannes Östrup (till svenska av Torsten Wennström). Illustrerade av Tjerd Ackema (se bild 2 för exempel).

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475 kr

Kur'ân-i Kerim ve Açiklamali Meâli [Den heliga Koranen med kommenterad översättning]

Kur'ân-i Kerim ve Açiklamali Meâli [Den heliga Koranen med kommenterad översättning]

Ankara, Türkiye diyanet vakfi. 1993. viii+604+(7)+29 sidor. Förlagets skinnimiterande band. Något kantstött. Förstrykningar med märkpenna i texten på turkiska. Koranen i kommenterad översättning till turkiska med arabisk parallelltext.

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150 kr

دیوان [Divan]. تحقیق در احوال و آثار و افکار و اشعار

دیوان [Divan]. تحقیق در احوال و آثار و افکار و اشعار

Unknown publisher, 1353 (=1975), third printing. 58+322 pages. Publisher's cloth. A bit rubbed with 1 cm split in the outer front joints. Beginning crack in the inner back hinge. Persian text with lengthy introduction and comments in Persian.

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175 kr

یشت ها. [Yasht-ha. = Yashts].Volume I-II

یشت ها. [Yasht-ha. = Yashts].Volume I-II

Tehran, Tahouri Publishing. 1968 (reprint of the 1928 edition). (6)+xvii+(1)+48+57+(1)+626+24+545 pages. Publisher’s cloth, two volumes. A bit rubbed. Beginning crack between pages 56-57 in the Persian preface of vol. I. A few loose pages. Former library books with a few stamps and labels inside. Richly commented edition of the Avestan text and translation to New Persian. Preface in English (the comments are written in Persian).

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775 kr

ميمر في وجود الخاليق و الدين القويم. [Maymar fi wujud al-Kaliq qa-l-din al-qawim] Traite de l'existence du createur et de la vraie religion. Introduction et texte critique

ميمر في وجود الخاليق و الدين القويم. [Maymar fi wujud al-Kaliq qa-l-din al-qawim] Traite de l'existence du createur et de la vraie religion. Introduction et texte critique

Liban, Librairie Saint-Paul. 1982. lvi+298 pages. Printed wrappers. A bit rubbed. Loss of paper on the wrappers due to removed labels. A couple of library stamps inside. Scholarly edition of the Arabic text (no translation is included). Comments in Arabic, introduction in French. Patrimonie Arabe Chretien 3.

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200 kr

مجموعة خطب وتصريحات وبيانات الرئيس جمال عبد الناصر. فبراىر ١٩٥٨ـ يونيو ١٩٦٦ [Majmūʻat khuṭab wa-taṣrīḥāt wa-bayānāt al-raʼīs Jamāl Abd al-Nāṣir (Gamal Abdel Nasser). Fibrāyir 1958- Yūniyū 1966 = Collected Speeches, Statements and Announcements of Jamāl Abd al-Nāṣir. February 1958-June 1966] (1-3)

مجموعة خطب وتصريحات وبيانات الرئيس جمال عبد الناصر. فبراىر ١٩٥٨ـ يونيو ١٩٦٦ [Majmūʻat khuṭab wa-taṣrīḥāt wa-bayānāt al-raʼīs Jamāl Abd al-Nāṣir (Gamal Abdel Nasser). Fibrāyir 1958- Yūniyū 1966 = Collected Speeches, Statements and Announcements of Jamāl Abd al-Nāṣir. February 1958-June 1966] (1-3)

القاهرة, مصلحة الاستعلامات [Cairo, Maṣlaḥat al-Istiʻlāmāt]. Vol. 1-2 are without year of publication (1960s?), vol. 3 is printed in 1967. (2)+722+(23)+(12)+678+(12)+(2)+625 pages. Printed wrappers, three volumes. A bit rubbed with tears, creases, brown stains and slight loss of paper on the wrappers. Strokes with ballpoint pen on the back-wrapper of vol. 1. Contents are in good condition. In Arabic only.

Ny 2024-12-31

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900 kr

الفن المعاصر في مصر [Contemporary Art in Egypt]

الفن المعاصر في مصر [Contemporary Art in Egypt]

1964. 10+(1)+17+(6) pages +120 monochrome plates and 22 mounted colour plates. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket and plastic dust-jacket. Minor tears, creases and loss of paper on the dust-jacket. Text in Arabic. With six loose sheets with a list of plates in English.

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290 kr

جامع التواريخ [Jami' al-tawarikh=The History of the Khutay Kings' Family]

جامع التواريخ [Jami' al-tawarikh=The History of the Khutay Kings' Family]

Tehran, Miras-i Maktub. 2006. 19+(1)+180+(8) pages. Hard-cover. Spine-ends are very slighty bumped. Annotated edition of the Persian text (no English translation).

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165 kr

مفكرة طفلة الخامس والثمانين [Mufakirat tiflat alkhamis wa althamanyin= Notebook of a girl of eighty-five years]

مفكرة طفلة الخامس والثمانين [Mufakirat tiflat alkhamis wa althamanyin= Notebook of a girl of eighty-five years]

Delemont, Edition Roznameh. 2017. (2)+213 pages. Printed wrappers. Corners are slightly bumped. Crease in the front wrapper and a coffee stain on the fore-edge. Author’s dedication to Swedish politician Per Gahrton: “To my friend Per / Nawal” on the fly leaf and with Gahrton’s pencil notes (in Swedish) throughout, mostly translations of Arabic words and expressions but also short summaries and personal commentaries. In Arabic.

Ny 2025-01-11

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550 kr

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