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Holy White Lies. Muslim Brotherhood in the West

Holy White Lies. Muslim Brotherhood in the West "Case - Sweden"

Cairo, Dar el Maaref Publishing House. 2018. 354 pages. Printed wrappers. Corners are bumped. A few pencil underlinings inside.

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200 kr

Die Abhandlung über den Nachweis der Natur des Möglichen von Yahya Ibn 'Adi (gest. 974 A.D.). Übersetzung und Kommentar

Die Abhandlung über den Nachweis der Natur des Möglichen von Yahya Ibn 'Adi (gest. 974 A.D.). Übersetzung und Kommentar

Frankfurt am Main, Johann Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität. 1990. (4)+v+(1)+162+(4) pages. Publisher's faux leather. Spine ends are slightly bumped. Printed in 200 copies. Heavily annotated German translation of the Arabic text (this is just a translation, not a scholarly edition of the source text). Veröffentlichungen des Institutes für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen WIssenschaften. Reihe A. Texte und Studien. Band 5.

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275 kr

Rid mot palatset! Folksagor från Tur Abdin

Rid mot palatset! Folksagor från Tur Abdin

Örebro, Morgonstjärnan. 1984. 89+(3) sidor. Inbundet pappband. Något kantstött och skavt omslag.

Ställ en fråga

125 kr

Description of Water in Jāhilīya Poetry. A Formal Approach

Description of Water in Jāhilīya Poetry. A Formal Approach

Stockholm, Stockholm University. 1997. 162 pages. Printed wrappers. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. Author's dedication.

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150 kr

Meaning in Ancient North Arabian Carvings

Meaning in Ancient North Arabian Carvings

Stockholm. 2002. 185 pages. Printed wrappers. The wrappers are very slightly faded, otherwise a fine copy. With four plates. Stockholm Oriental Studies 17.

Ställ en fråga

200 kr

The Dramatic Literature of Nawal El Saadawi

The Dramatic Literature of Nawal El Saadawi

London, Saqi. 2009. 206 pages. Printed wrappers. Slightly bumped. Tear of 1,5 cm on the back wrapper. A few pencil underlinings inside. English translations of the plays "Isis" and "God Resigns at the Summit Meeting".

Ställ en fråga

100 kr

Egyptian Colloquial Arabic. A Structure Review

Egyptian Colloquial Arabic. A Structure Review

Cairo, American University in Cairo. 1980. (4)+114 pages. Staple-bound with a cloth strip attached to the spine. Stenciled.

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125 kr

Looking back at al-Andalus. The Poetics of Loss and Nostalgia in Medieval Arabic and Hebrew Literature

Looking back at al-Andalus. The Poetics of Loss and Nostalgia in Medieval Arabic and Hebrew Literature

Leiden, Brill. 2009. x+185+(3) pages. Publisher's printed boards. A fine copy. Brill Studies in Middle Eastern Literatures XXXIV.

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250 kr

Förändring och kontinuiutet. Al-Ghazâlîs politiska omsvängning

Förändring och kontinuiutet. Al-Ghazâlîs politiska omsvängning

Umeå. 1994. (8)+304+(5) sid. Limmat mjukband. Ryggen obetydligt blekt. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 121.

Ställ en fråga

175 kr

Remaining, Like a Sword, Alone. The early Arabic threnody : prolegomena

Remaining, Like a Sword, Alone. The early Arabic threnody : prolegomena

Uppsala, Uppsala universitet. 2007. ix+(1)+280 pages. Printed wrappers. With dissertation and errata sheets. A fine copy.

Ställ en fråga

175 kr

Resa till lycklige Arabien. Petrus Forsskåls dagbok 1761-1763. Med anmärkningar utgiven av Svenska Linné-sällskapet.

Resa till lycklige Arabien. Petrus Forsskåls dagbok 1761-1763. Med anmärkningar utgiven av Svenska Linné-sällskapet.

Uppsala. 1950. 21+(3)+209+(3) sidor. Trådhäftad. Något kantstött överskjutande omslag med ett par korta riss. Veck i främre omslaget. Med frontespis och VII planscher. Efterfrågad.

Ny 2025-02-13

Ställ en fråga

650 kr

Before and After Muḥammad. The First Millennium Refocused

Before and After Muḥammad. The First Millennium Refocused

Princeton, Princeton University Press. 2014. x+(4)+230 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. Slightly faded spine. Pencil underlinings in the first half of the book.

Ställ en fråga

125 kr

Outlines of Muhammadan Law

Outlines of Muhammadan Law

Delhi, Oxford University Press. 1977. xix+(1)+520 pages. Publisher' cloth with dust-jacket. A bit rubbed with tears and loss of paper on the dust-jacket. Owner's signature and a few pencil underlinings inside. With fold-out tables. Fourth edition.

Ställ en fråga

175 kr

Un centre musulman de la Haute-Égypte Médiévale: Qus

Un centre musulman de la Haute-Égypte Médiévale: Qus

Paris. 1974. xx+(2)+657 pages. Printed wrappers. Slightly bumped with creases on the back-wrapper. A couple of library stamps inside. With plates.

Ny 2025-02-22

Ställ en fråga

400 kr

Geschichte der Chrislichen Arabischen Literatur I-V

Geschichte der Chrislichen Arabischen Literatur I-V

Città deö Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. 1944-1953. xliv+662+xxxi+(1)+512+xxxiii+(1)+525+xxxiv+342+(4)+196 sid. Printed wrappers, five volumes. The over-sized wrappers are slightly bumped and chipped. The spine of the second volume is a bit faded. Owner's signature on the fly-leaves in all five volumes. The register volume is unopened. A fine, complete set. Studi e testi 118, 133, 146, 147 and 172.

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2200 kr

Donum natalicum H. S. Nyberg oblatum

Donum natalicum H. S. Nyberg oblatum

Uppsala. 1954. (12)+218 pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are slightly bumped. Minor tears and speckles on the front wrapper. With frontispiece.

Ställ en fråga

250 kr

Chants Musulmans en Peul. Textes de l'héritage religieux de la Communauté musulmane de Maroua, Cameroun.

Chants Musulmans en Peul. Textes de l'héritage religieux de la Communauté musulmane de Maroua, Cameroun.

Leiden, E. J. Brill. 1983. xiii+(1)+422+(1) pages. Printed wrappers. Minor loss of paper on the front wrapper. A couple of library stamps inside.

Ställ en fråga

150 kr

La trinité divine chez les théologiens arabes 750-1050

La trinité divine chez les théologiens arabes 750-1050

Paris, Beauchesne. 1985. 275+(1) pages. Printed wrappers. Corners are slightly bumped and the spine is a bit faded. Beauchesne religions 15.

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300 kr

The Genesis of Arabic Narrative Discourse. A Study in the Sociology of Modern Arabic Literature

The Genesis of Arabic Narrative Discourse. A Study in the Sociology of Modern Arabic Literature

London, Saqi Books. 1993. 325 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. The dust-jacket is slightly bumped and faded. A few pencil underlinings.

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250 kr

Case Endings in Spoken Standard Arabic. Statistics, Norms, and Diversity in Unscripted Formal Speech

Case Endings in Spoken Standard Arabic. Statistics, Norms, and Diversity in Unscripted Formal Speech

Lund, Lund University. 2016. xiii+(1)+289 pages. Printed wrappers. Pencil notes and underlinings in parts of the book. Author's dedication. Studia Orientalia Lundensia. Nova Series 4.

Ställ en fråga

125 kr

Kosmologie und Heilslehre der frühen Isma'iliya. Eine Studie zur islamischen Gnosis

Kosmologie und Heilslehre der frühen Isma'iliya. Eine Studie zur islamischen Gnosis

Wiesbaden, Kommissionsverlag Franz Steiner Gmbh. 1978. vii+(1)+240 pages. Printed wrappers. Spine is slightly faded. Laminated. Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes XLIV,1.

Ställ en fråga

200 kr

Iter Palaestinum eller Resa til Heliga Landet förrättad ifrån år 1749 till 1752

Iter Palaestinum eller Resa til Heliga Landet förrättad ifrån år 1749 till 1752

Stockholm, Rediviva. 1969. (24)+209+230-619+(1) sid. (Sid. 210-229 har hoppats över i pagineringen.) Förlagets pergamentimiterande pappband med skyddsomslag i cellofan. Rygghuvudet samt främre pärmens övre hörn obetydligt tilltryckta. Sven Håkan Ohlssons exlibris. Faksimil efter upplagan från 1757 (tryckt med antikva-stil). Reseskildringen är på svenska, beskrivningarna av djur och växter på latin. Nr 187 av 500 numrerade exemplar.

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300 kr

Bagdad, Babylon, Ninive

Bagdad, Babylon, Ninive

Stockholm, Albert Bonniers förlag. 1917. xv+(1)+806+(1) sidor. Förlagets klotband. Hörn och rygg aningen kantstötta. Bakre innerfalsen något svag. Namnteckning på smutstitelbladet. Illustrerad. Med planscher.

Ställ en fråga

125 kr

The Reader in Al-Jahiz. The Epistolary Rhetoric of an Arabic Prose Master

The Reader in Al-Jahiz. The Epistolary Rhetoric of an Arabic Prose Master

Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press. 2014. vii+(1)+277 pages. Publisher's printed boards. The lower spine end is very slightly bumped, otherwise a fine copy. Edinburgh Studies in Classical Arabic Literature.

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300 kr

Turkiet i våra dagar. Bilder och skildringar från alla delar af det Osmanska riket. I-II

Turkiet i våra dagar. Bilder och skildringar från alla delar af det Osmanska riket. I-II

Stockholm, E. T: Bergegrens bokhandel. 1878. v+(3)+440+(2)+iv+443-939 sidor. Samtida klotband med ryggtiteletikett, snitten mönstrade i rött och blått (båda delarna samlade i ett band). Fläckig pärm. Början till sprickor i innerfalsarna. För- och eftersättsbladen saknas, likaså registret (sid. 941-952) och de utvikbara kartorna. Enstaka mindre lagerfläckar. Illustrerad.

Ställ en fråga

125 kr

Soziographie einer iranischen Landgemeinde

Soziographie einer iranischen Landgemeinde

Nürnberg. 1984. (2)+339+(2)+ix+(3) pages. Printed wrappers with cloth stripe on the spine. Brown speckles and date stamp on the front wrapper. Illustrated.

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130 kr

Islam in South-East Asia

Islam in South-East Asia

Leiden, E. J. Brill. 1983. viii+262 pages. Publisher's cloth. Minor brown speckles on the top edge.

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250 kr

Et Besøg i Grækenland, Ægypten og Tyrkiet

Et Besøg i Grækenland, Ægypten og Tyrkiet

Kjøbenhavn, Wilhelm Priors Hofboghandel. 1879. (10)+198 sidor. Samtida, osignerat halvskinnband med fyra upphöjda bind. Originalomslagen ej medbundna. Något nött med 2,5 cm lång glipa i bakre ytterfalsen. Sporadiska lagerfläckar. Stämpel: "T. Teilman". Med fem kartor. Sammanbunden med: "Bidrag til Hing Herreds Historie og Topografi" av P. Storgaard Pedersen. Ringkjøbing, N. P. Holm. 1896. 221 sid. Originalomslagen ej medbundna.

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450 kr

Précis de grammaire arabe

Précis de grammaire arabe

Paris, Librairie africaine et coloniale. 1897. viii+261+(3) pages. Publisher's quarter-cloth. Corners are rubbed and spine ends are a bit bumped. The back-board is slightly bent. 1 cm split in the outer front joints. Owner stamps: W: Kallenberg and Erik Leijonhufvud. Dampstains in the margins of the end-papers. A few pencil underlinings and notes inside.

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250 kr

De arabiska folkens historia

De arabiska folkens historia

Furulund, Alhambra. 1992. xviii+620+(1) sid. Trådhäftad. Något kantstött omslag med veck i övre hörnet på framsidan. Blekt rygg. Enstaka blyertsförstrykningar.

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125 kr

Bland Persiens muhammedaner. Minnen och hågkomster från Svenska Missionsförbundets arbete i Persien

Bland Persiens muhammedaner. Minnen och hågkomster från Svenska Missionsförbundets arbete i Persien

Stockholm, Svenska Missionsförbundets förlag. 1920. 256 sidor. Förlagets dekorerade klotband. Ryggsluten obetydligt tilltryckta. Anteckning om att boken tillhör "Caroli Ungdomsför. gr. II" på främre pärmens insida. Illustrerad.

Ställ en fråga

100 kr

Fat-hud-dayyan. Fi fiqhi khairil adyan. (A Compendium on Muslim Theology and Jurispudence)

Fat-hud-dayyan. Fi fiqhi khairil adyan. (A Compendium on Muslim Theology and Jurispudence)

Colombo, Al-Quran Publication Committee. 1963. (6)+lxiii+(1)+535 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket.The dust-jacket is a bit chipped. Minor brown stains on the top edge. English translation by Saifuddin J. Aniff-Doray (the Arabic source text is not included).

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225 kr

Nomadens ode över livets flyktighet

Nomadens ode över livets flyktighet

Furulund, Alhambra. 2011. 165+(2) sid. Danskt band.

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100 kr

Islams vandringsman. Ibn Battúta.

Islams vandringsman. Ibn Battúta. "Arabvärldens Marco Polo". 1325-1354

Stockholm, Hallonquists Bokförlag. 1989. 390 sid. Kartonnageband med skyddsomslag. Stötmärke i rygghuvudet.

Ställ en fråga

175 kr

The Reformation of Morals - A parallel Arabic-English edition

The Reformation of Morals - A parallel Arabic-English edition

Provo, Brigham Young University Press. 2002. xlvi+133+(4) pages. Publisher's printed boards with dust-jacket. The spine is a bit faded. Bilingual edition of the Arabic text (with harakaat) with English translation. Eastern Christian Texts1.

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250 kr

”Hind behärskade högspråket...” Textkurs i klassisk arabiska med utgångspunkt i R.-E. Brünnows och A. Fischers Arabische Chrestomathie

”Hind behärskade högspråket...” Textkurs i klassisk arabiska med utgångspunkt i R.-E. Brünnows och A. Fischers Arabische Chrestomathie

Uppsala, Uppsala Universitet. 2007. 226 sidor. Limmat mjukband. Ryggen obetydligt blekt. Innehåller översättningar till svenska samt ordlistor (de arabiska texterna ur Brünnow/Fischer ingår alltså inte i boken).

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100 kr

Circumstantial Qualifiers in Semitic. The case of Arabic and Hebrew

Circumstantial Qualifiers in Semitic. The case of Arabic and Hebrew

Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag. 2009. xvii+(1)+289 pages. Printed wrappers. A fine copy. Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 70.

Ställ en fråga

200 kr

About the Berbers. History, Language, Culture and Socio-Economic Conditions

About the Berbers. History, Language, Culture and Socio-Economic Conditions

Uppsala, Uppsala University. 2004. 278 pages. Printed wrappers. Slighlty faded spine. Reports on Asian and African Studies 2.

Ställ en fråga

200 kr

The Interpretation of the Koran in Modern Egypt

The Interpretation of the Koran in Modern Egypt

Leiden, E. J. Brill. 1974. xi+(1)+114 pages. Printed wrappers. Slightly faded spine. Minor speckles on the edges. Stamp on the front wrapper.

Ställ en fråga

150 kr

H. S. Nyberg. En vetenskapsmans biografi

H. S. Nyberg. En vetenskapsmans biografi

Stockholm, Norstedts. 1991. 584 sid. +planscher. Inbundet pappband med skyddsomslag. Aningen kantstött skyddsomslag med ett par korta riss.

Ställ en fråga

150 kr

Yalla-Ndardish Sawa. A Practical Introduction to the Spoken Arabic of Cairo

Yalla-Ndardish Sawa. A Practical Introduction to the Spoken Arabic of Cairo

Cairo, American University in Cairo. 1980. v+166 pages. Staple-bound with a cloth strip attached to the spine. Stenciled.

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125 kr

The Nuclear Question in the Middle East

The Nuclear Question in the Middle East

London, C. Hurst & Co. 2012. xi+(1)+297 pages. Printed wrappers. Minor coffee stains on the fly leaf.

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150 kr

Matériaux pour servir â l'étude de la controverse théologique islamo-chrétienne de langue arabe du VIII:e au XII:e siècle. 1-2

Matériaux pour servir â l'étude de la controverse théologique islamo-chrétienne de langue arabe du VIII:e au XII:e siècle. 1-2

Würzburg, Echter Verlag. 1989. (4)+407+(5)+633+(6) pages. Printed wrappers, two volumes. The lower spine ends are slightly bumped, otherwise a fine set. Extensive collection of thematically organized quotations in French translation. Complete set. Religionswissenschaftliche Studien 11/1-2.

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450 kr

Thou Shalt Not Speak My Language

Thou Shalt Not Speak My Language

New York, Syracuse University Press. 2008. xxvi+102 pages. Publisher's printed boards with dust-jacket. A fine copy.

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100 kr

From Deferent to Equant. A Volume of Studies in the History of Science in the Ancient and Medieval Near East in Honor of E.S. Kennedy

From Deferent to Equant. A Volume of Studies in the History of Science in the Ancient and Medieval Near East in Honor of E.S. Kennedy

New York, The New York Academy of Sciences. 1987. xxix+(1)+569 pages. Printed wrappers. The spine is slightly faded. Illustrated. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Volume 500.

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200 kr

Den misstänkte orientalisten. Ordensprydd språkforskare berättar om gåtfulla världar

Den misstänkte orientalisten. Ordensprydd språkforskare berättar om gåtfulla världar

Stockholm, Carlssons. 2018. 435 sid. Inbundet pappband med skyddsomslag. Hörn och rygg något kantstötta. Sporadiska blyertsförstrykningar. Recensionsstämpel på övre snittet. Illustrerad.

Ställ en fråga

150 kr

Jag minns mitt Jerusalem. En svensk orientalist blad judar och araber

Jag minns mitt Jerusalem. En svensk orientalist blad judar och araber

Stockholm, Carlssons. 2014. 298 sid. Inbundet pappband. Mindre skrapmärken på främre pärmen. Enstaka blyertsanteckningar. Illustrerad.

Ställ en fråga

125 kr

Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte der Achämenidenzeit und ihr Fortleben

Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte der Achämenidenzeit und ihr Fortleben

Berlin, Dietrich Reimer Verlag. 1983. 303 pages. Printed wrappers. Crease in the lower corner of the last 10 pages and the back wrapper. Minor dampstain on the spine and a tear of 1 cm in the outer fore edge. A couple of library stamps and pencil underlings inside. A label on the fly-leaf stated that this volume was given to the Swedish institute of Rome from prof. Carl Nylander. With plates. Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran. Ergänzungsband 10.

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275 kr

The Supplementary Texts to the Sayest-ne-Sayest

The Supplementary Texts to the Sayest-ne-Sayest

København, Munksgaard. 1969. 201+(1) pages. Printed wrappers. Corners are slightly bumped. A couple of stamps: "A. Tovborg Jensen, Deponeret på Landbohojskolen, Kemisk Laboratorium." With a staple-bound booklet of 49 pages containing the Pahlavi source text. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Historisk-filosofiske Meddelelser 44, 2.

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225 kr

Festskrift till Gösta Vitestam

Festskrift till Gösta Vitestam

Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell. 1991. xvi+208+(2) pages. Printed wrappers with dust-jacket. Corners are slightly bumped. The spine of the dust-jacket is slightly faded. Orientalia Suecana vol. XXXVIII-XXXIX (1989-1990).

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150 kr

En vinter i Orienten. Reseanteckningar från Egypten, Nubien, Sinai och Palestina

En vinter i Orienten. Reseanteckningar från Egypten, Nubien, Sinai och Palestina

Stockholm, Samson & Wallin. 1866. vii+(5)+399+(2) sid. +29 planscher och karta (komplett, planschen som föreställer Alexandria är placerad som frontespis men ska enligt planschförteckningen vara placerad i anslutning till sid. 1). Förlagets klotband. Något nött med långa glipor i ytterfalsarna. För-och eftersättsbladen saknas. Innerfalsarna svaga. Inlagan i gott skick och fri från fläckar.

Ny igår

Ställ en fråga

275 kr

The Short Stories of Yusuf Idris. A Modern Egyptian Author

The Short Stories of Yusuf Idris. A Modern Egyptian Author

Leiden, E. J. Brill. 1981. x+222 pages +plate. Publisher's cloth. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. A couple of pencil underlinings inside. Studies in Arabic Literature VII.

Ställ en fråga

150 kr

Histoire de la Turquie depuis les origines jusqu'à nos jours

Histoire de la Turquie depuis les origines jusqu'à nos jours

Paris, Payot. 1934. 427+(3) pages. Contemporary half-leather (unknown bookbinder) bound with the original front wrapper inside. A bit rubbed. Slightly faded spine.

Ställ en fråga

115 kr

Oriens Christianus, in quatuor patriarchatus digestus; quo exhibentur ecclesiae, patriarchae, caeterique praesules totius Orientis. I-III

Oriens Christianus, in quatuor patriarchatus digestus; quo exhibentur ecclesiae, patriarchae, caeterique praesules totius Orientis. I-III

Graz, Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt. 1958. (4)+viii pages +1450 stapes+l+(5)+(2)+iv pages+1606 staples+l+(5)+(6) pages+1416 staples+xxviii+(5) pages +fold-out maps. Publisher's cloth, three volumes. A fine, complete set. Facsimile reprint of the edition from 1740.

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1600 kr

From Babel to Dragomans. Interpreting the Middle East

From Babel to Dragomans. Interpreting the Middle East

London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson. 2004. xiv+(2)+438 pages. Hard-cover with dust-jacket. The dust-jacket is slightly bumped.

Ställ en fråga

125 kr

Between revolution and statehood. Reconstruction of Palestinian nationalisms

Between revolution and statehood. Reconstruction of Palestinian nationalisms

Göteborg, Padrigu. 1996. (6)+xvii+(3)+338 pages. Printed wrappers. Slightly bumped with minor creases and tears in the corners. A couple of library stamps and labels inside. Padrigu Thesis Series.

Ställ en fråga

165 kr

Arabia Ridens. Die humoristische Kurzprosa der frühen adab-Literatur im internationalen Traditionsgeflecht. 1-2

Arabia Ridens. Die humoristische Kurzprosa der frühen adab-Literatur im internationalen Traditionsgeflecht. 1-2

Frankfurt am Main, Vittorio Klostermann. 1992. xiii+(1)+295+vi+(2)+417 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket, two volumes. A fine, complete set. Frankfurter Wissenschaftliche Beiträge. Kulturwissenschaftliche Reihe. Band 21/1-2.

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900 kr

Encyclopaedia of the Qur’an. Vol. I-III

Encyclopaedia of the Qur’an. Vol. I-III

Leiden, Brill. 2001-2003. (4)+xxxiii+(1)+557+xxiii+(1)+572+xxiii+(1)+608 pages. Publisher’s printed boards, five volumes. The spines are slightly bumped and faded. Corners are very slightly bumped. Damage on the front board of vol. I. The inner hinges of vol. I are weak. With a small errata sheet for vol. I. Vol. I-III only (covering letters A-O), three more volumes were issued.

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2700 kr

The Isis Apocalypse. The History, Strategy, and Doomsday Vision of the Islamic State

The Isis Apocalypse. The History, Strategy, and Doomsday Vision of the Islamic State

New York, St. Martin's Press. 2015. xiii+(1)+242 pages. Hard-cover with dust-jacket. Owner's signature. Underlinings in parts of the book.

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80 kr

The Early Islamic Conquests

The Early Islamic Conquests

Princeton, Princeton University Press, unknown year of printing (reprint of the 1981 edition). xviii+(2)+489 pages. Printed wrappers. A fine copy.

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250 kr

Maghreb: Ett islamiskt samhälle i historiskt sociologiskt perspektiv

Maghreb: Ett islamiskt samhälle i historiskt sociologiskt perspektiv

Göteborg, 1984. iv+259 sid. Limmat mjukband. Något blekt rygg. Veck i övre hörnet på bakre omslaget. Småfläckar på snitten. Dedikation från förf. Monograph from the Department of Sociology, University of Gothenburg. No 33.

Ställ en fråga

125 kr

Michaels lexikon. Arabisk-svenskt. Mer än 30 000 ord och fraser. قاموس عربي سويدي

Michaels lexikon. Arabisk-svenskt. Mer än 30 000 ord och fraser. قاموس عربي سويدي

Stockholm, Författarens bokmaskin. 1997. 350+(1) sidor. Inbundet pappband. Obetydligt tilltryckta ryggslut. Inplastad med enstaka biblioteksstämplar.

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125 kr

An Introduction to Egyptial Colloquial Arabic

An Introduction to Egyptial Colloquial Arabic

Oxford at the Clarendon Press. 1978. xii+285 pages. Printed wrappers. The wrappers are a bit worn and rubbed. Faded spine. Owner's signature and a few pencil underlinings.

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100 kr

Narrative, Gender and Authority in 'Abbasid Literature on Women

Narrative, Gender and Authority in 'Abbasid Literature on Women

Göteborg, 2010. (11)+310+(1) pages. Printed wrappers. Corners are very slightly bumped. Author's dedication. Orientalia et Africana Gothoburgensia 22.

Ställ en fråga

250 kr

Passage to a New Wor(l)d. Exile and Restoration in Mahmoud Darwish's Writings 1960-1995

Passage to a New Wor(l)d. Exile and Restoration in Mahmoud Darwish's Writings 1960-1995

Uppsala. 2003. 269 pages. Printed wrappers. Corners are very slightly bumped. A few pencil underlinings inside. Author's dedication and dissertation sheet. Studia Semitica Upsaliensia 17.

Ställ en fråga

175 kr

Mahmoud Darwish. Exile's Poet. Critical Essays

Mahmoud Darwish. Exile's Poet. Critical Essays

Northampton, Olive Branch Press. 2008. xiv+377 pages. Printed wrappers. A fine copy.

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150 kr

Enquête sur le niveau de vie des populations rurales constantinoises de la conquête jusqu'en 1919. Essai d'histoire économique et sociale

Enquête sur le niveau de vie des populations rurales constantinoises de la conquête jusqu'en 1919. Essai d'histoire économique et sociale

Paris, Presses universitaires de France. 1961. (2)+lxxiii+(1)+767+(2) pages. Printed wrappers. Corners and spine ends are a bit bumped. Dampstains on the spine. Minor creases in the corners on the first 200 pages, otherwise the contents are in good condition. Lacks the folder with the maps and the plates (hence the price).

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375 kr



Stockholm, Forum. 1961. 346+(1) sidor. Förlagets pappband med skyddsomslag. Något kantstött skyddsomslag med mindre fläckar. Ryggen något blekt. Namnad. Åke Ohlmarks kontroversiella andrahandsöversättning av Koranen från tyskan.

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100 kr

The Kings of Kinda of the Family Akil al-Mular

The Kings of Kinda of the Family Akil al-Mular

Lund. 1927. 118+(1) pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are slightly bumped with minor tears in the outer margin. Unopened.

Ny 2025-02-23

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175 kr

Renewal and Heritage. The Quest for Autheticity in Hasan Hanafi's Islamic Ideology.

Renewal and Heritage. The Quest for Autheticity in Hasan Hanafi's Islamic Ideology.

Uppsala. 2004. 226 pages. Printed wrappers. Spine is a bit faded. Library stamp showing that the book has been discarded on last page. With dissertation sheet.

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150 kr

Rubaiyat [Rubayyat/Rubaijat]

Rubaiyat [Rubayyat/Rubaijat]

Stockholm, Albert Bonniers förlag. 1937. (55) sidor. Förlagets helskinnband med övre guldsnitt. Främre häftesomslaget medbundet. Blekt rygg. Hörnen obetydligt nötta. Namnad. Med planscher. Sten Selanders klassiska andrahandsöversättning efter Fitzgeralds engelska.

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100 kr

Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám

Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám

Hertfordshire, Omega Books. 1983. (65) sidor. Förlagets pappband med skyddsomslag. Skyddsomslaget obetydligt kantstött. Med planscher (Edmund Dulacs klassiska illustrationer).

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125 kr

Writing the Self. Autobiographical Writing in Modern Arabic Literature

Writing the Self. Autobiographical Writing in Modern Arabic Literature

London, Saqi Books. 1998. 342 pages. Publisher's printed boards with dust-jacket. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped, otherwise a fine copy.

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175 kr

Hebræisk Grammatik

Hebræisk Grammatik

København, Branner og Korch. 1950 (tredje uppl.). (10)+285+(1)+17* sidor. Inbundet pappband. Något nött och fläckig pärm. Början till spricka i främre innerfalsen. Ryggen något blekt. Anteckningar och sporadiska bruna fläckar i inlagan. Sid. 13* fasttejpad.

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80 kr

A Dictionary and Glossary of the Kor-ân, With Copious Grammatical References and Explanations of the Text

A Dictionary and Glossary of the Kor-ân, With Copious Grammatical References and Explanations of the Text

London, Curzon Press. 1976. viii+166+(1) pages. Publisher's cloth. The lower spine end is slightly bumped. Tear on the spine. Reprint of the edition from 1873.

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125 kr

Les langues dans le monde ancien et moderne. Troisième partie. Les langues chamito-sémitiques

Les langues dans le monde ancien et moderne. Troisième partie. Les langues chamito-sémitiques

Paris, Éditions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique. 1988. (8)+318 pages. Publisher's cloth. A couple of stamps: "Semitiska institutionen Lund" inside. With two fold-out maps in a pocket attached to the back paste-down.

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350 kr

Sentential Object Complements in Modern Standard Arabic

Sentential Object Complements in Modern Standard Arabic

Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell International. 2002. viii+146 pages. Printed wrappers. With dissertation sheet. Studia orientalia Lundensia. Nova series 2.

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100 kr

Svensk-arabisk ordbok

Svensk-arabisk ordbok

Stockholm, Natur & Kultur. 1991. 476 sidor. Inbundet pappband med skyddsomslag. Slitet skyddsomslag med veck och revor. Blekt rygg. Femte tryckningen.

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200 kr

Bilder från Nilens land

Bilder från Nilens land

Stockholm, Adolf Bonnier. 1891. 374 sidor. Förlagets dekorerade klotband. Något nött. Lagerfläckar i inlagan. Illustrerad.

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100 kr

Interpreting the Self. Autobiography in the Arabic Literary Tradition

Interpreting the Self. Autobiography in the Arabic Literary Tradition

Berkeley, University of California Press. 2001. ix+(1)+336 pages. Printed wrappers. Slightly faded spine, otherwise a fine copy.

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125 kr

"In my Childhood". A Study of Arabic Autobiography

Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell International. 1997. (8)+ii+304 pages. Printed wrappers. Crease in the lower corner of the back wrapper. With dissertation sheet. Stockholm Oriental Studies 15.

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150 kr

Institutiones ad fundamenta linguae Arabicae. Accedunt sententiae et narrationes Arabicae unc cum glossario Arabico-Latino.

Institutiones ad fundamenta linguae Arabicae. Accedunt sententiae et narrationes Arabicae unc cum glossario Arabico-Latino.

Leipzig, Io. Ambros. Barth. 1818. xii+446+(1) pages. Contemporary quarter-leather with hand-written title on the spine, edges uncut. The boards are heavily rubbed and the lower spine end has been strengthened. Splits in the outer joints and a missing piece of leather in the upper spine end. Minor brown speckles on a couple of pages. Page 297 is wrongly numbered “927”. Tear of 2 cm in the outer margin of page 383. With the owner’s signature of Chr. [Christofer] Tegnér (son of the famous Swedish poet) and the bookplate of his son, Esaias Tegnér the younger (professor of Oriental languages at Lund University 1879-1908). A couple of margin notes, most of them written with pencil, inside. In Latin.

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600 kr

Die darstellung der Araber in den Lateinischen quellen der früheren mittelalters vom ausgehenden sechsten dis zur mitte des achten jahrhunderts

Die darstellung der Araber in den Lateinischen quellen der früheren mittelalters vom ausgehenden sechsten dis zur mitte des achten jahrhunderts

Frankfurt. 1979. (6)+99+(4) pages. Printed wrappers with cloth-stripe on the spine. The front wrapper i slightly faded, and the lower corner is slightly bent.

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80 kr

The History of al-Tabari. Volume XXII. The Marwanid Restoration

The History of al-Tabari. Volume XXII. The Marwanid Restoration

New York, State University of New York Press. 1989. xiv+228 pages. Printed wrappers. A fine copy. Bibliotheca Persica.

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125 kr

I vilken utsträckning är den svenske muslimen religiös?

I vilken utsträckning är den svenske muslimen religiös?

Några överväganden kring problematiken med att ta reda på hur många muslimer som deltar i verksamheten vid de muslimska ”församlingarna” i Sverige. Göteborgs Universitet. 1993. (4)+ii+227+(3) sidor. Limmat mjukband. Ryggen något blekt. KIM-rapport 14.

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80 kr

An Introduction to Islamic Law

An Introduction to Islamic Law

Oxford at the Clarendon Press. 1971. viii+304 pages. The dust-jacket is price-clipped, a bit rubbed and stained. Underlinings with ballpoint pen in parts of the book. Reprint, first published in 1964.

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150 kr

Palestina im Umbruch 1856-1882. Untersuchungen zur wirtschaftlichen und sozio-politischen Entwicklung

Palestina im Umbruch 1856-1882. Untersuchungen zur wirtschaftlichen und sozio-politischen Entwicklung

Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag. 1983. 302+(1) pages +eight maps in a pocket attached to the back paste-down. Printed wrappers. Slightly faded spine. Tear in the outer back joints. A few pencil underlinings. Berliner Islamstudien. Band 4.

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200 kr

Structure and Meaning in Medieval Arabic and Persian Poetry

Structure and Meaning in Medieval Arabic and Persian Poetry

London, Routledge. 2003. xiii+(1)+507 pages. Printed wrappers. A fine copy.

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300 kr

Practical Arabic

Practical Arabic

London, Longmans. 1962. xiii+(1)+419 pages. Publisher's cloth. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped.

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100 kr

Ḥadīth Literature. Its origin, development and special features

Ḥadīth Literature. Its origin, development and special features

Cambridge, The Islamic Texts Society. 1993. xiv+174 pages. Printed wrappers. Crease in the front wrapper and a few pencil underlinings inside.

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125 kr

The Munktakhab Ṣiwān al-Ḥikmah of Abū Sulaimān as-Sijistānī. Arabic Text, Introduction and Indices

The Munktakhab Ṣiwān al-Ḥikmah of Abū Sulaimān as-Sijistānī. Arabic Text, Introduction and Indices

Hague, Mouton Publishers. 1979. xxxvii+(1)+198 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. Slightly faded spine. A few pencil underlinings in the introduction. Scholarly edition of the Arabic text (annotations in Arabic).

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450 kr

An Arabic-English Vocabulary of the Colloquial Arabic of Egypt, Containing the Vernacular Idioms and Expressions, Slang Phrases, etc., etc., used by the Native Egyptians

An Arabic-English Vocabulary of the Colloquial Arabic of Egypt, Containing the Vernacular Idioms and Expressions, Slang Phrases, etc., etc., used by the Native Egyptians

Cairo/London. 1895. (2)+xii+661 pages. Later cloth (unknown bookbinder) bound without the original wrappers. The beginning and the end of the text-block are a bit weak. Tears on the title page, repaired with tape. Minor tears in the outer margin on a couple of pages. Owner's signature and stamp: "Björn Ekberg".

Ny 2025-03-07

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200 kr

The Limits of Freedom of Speech. Prose Literature and Prose Writers in Egypt under Nasser and Sadat

The Limits of Freedom of Speech. Prose Literature and Prose Writers in Egypt under Nasser and Sadat

Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell International. 1993. (10)+374 pages. Printed wrappers. Minor brown speckles on the top edge. With dissertation sheet. Stockholm Oriental Studies 14.

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200 kr

Egypt Through the Eyes of Travellers

Egypt Through the Eyes of Travellers

Durham, Astene. 2002. xvi+187 pages. Printed wrappers. Owner's signature. Illustrated. Collection of essays on (mostly 19th century) travel accounts from Egypt.

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100 kr

Studies in Early Ismāīlism

Studies in Early Ismāīlism

Jerusalem, Magnes Press. 1983. xxii+340 pages. Publisher's printed boards with dust-jacket. The dust-jacket is worn and has tears and creases in the lower margin. Contents are in good condition.

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350 kr

The Mantle Odes. Arabic Praise Poems to the Prophet Muhammad

The Mantle Odes. Arabic Praise Poems to the Prophet Muhammad

Bloomington, Indiana University Press. 2010. xix+(3)+306+(1) pages. Printed wrappers. A fine copy.

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200 kr

Sayyid Ahmad Khan. A Reinterpretation of Muslim Theology

Sayyid Ahmad Khan. A Reinterpretation of Muslim Theology

New Delhi, Vikas Publishing House. 1978. xxii+384 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. Slightly bumped with a couple of tears in the dust-jacket. Inscription and a few pencil underlinings. With plates.

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250 kr

Resa i Persien

Resa i Persien

Landskrona, J. L. Törnqvists förlag. 1869. (6)+272 sid. +8 planscher varav två kolorerade (komplett). Samtida osignerat halvskinnband. Hörn och rygg något nötta. Enstaka bruna fläckar i inlagan. Ca 2 cm lång reva i innermarginalen på den sista planschen. Familje-bibliotek VIII.

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250 kr

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