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Cairo. The Life-Story of 1000 Years

Cairo. The Life-Story of 1000 Years

Ministry of Culture, Egyptian Publishing Organisation. 1969. 459 sidor. Förlagets klotband med skyddsomslag. Ett par mindre revor i skyddsomslaget. Med 525 illustrationer i svart-vitt och färg - majoriteten är foton som visar 1960-talets Kairo, det finns även en del bilder som visar föremål från Kairos muséer.

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150 kr

Studia Orientalia. Ioanni Pedersen Septuagenario A.D.VII ID. Nov. Anno MCMLIII. A Collegis Discipulis Amicis Dicata

Studia Orientalia. Ioanni Pedersen Septuagenario A.D.VII ID. Nov. Anno MCMLIII. A Collegis Discipulis Amicis Dicata

Copenhagen, Munksgaard. 1953. xx+390 pages. Contemporary half-leather (unknown bookbinder), bound without the original wrappers. A bit rubbed. Minor missing piece of paper on the front board. A couple of pencil notes and underlinings inside. Exlibris: Poul Meyer. Illustrated. With plates.

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365 kr

The Sixth International Congress of Iranian Art and Archaeology. Oxford, 10-16th september 1972

The Sixth International Congress of Iranian Art and Archaeology. Oxford, 10-16th september 1972

Oxford, 1972. (2)+100 pages. Spiral-bound. Corners are slightly bumped. Loss of paper (removed owner signature) on the title page. Collection of abstracts.

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100 kr

کتاب کنز الولد [Kitab Kanz al-Walad]. Die islamitische Theologie des Ibrahim ibn al-Husain al-Hamidi

کتاب کنز الولد [Kitab Kanz al-Walad]. Die islamitische Theologie des Ibrahim ibn al-Husain al-Hamidi

Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner Verlag. 1971. 40+342+(8) pages. Contemporary cloth (unknown bookbinder) bound with the original wrappers inside. A fine copy. Scholarly edition of the Arabic text. Bibliotheca Islamica 24.

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300 kr

Radical Islam. The Iranian Mojahedin

Radical Islam. The Iranian Mojahedin

London, I.B. Tauris. 1989. ix+(1)+307 pages. Printed wrappers. The spine is slightly bumped and faded.

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250 kr

Cairo. 1001 Years of The City Victorious

Cairo. 1001 Years of The City Victorious

Princeton, Princeton University Press. 1971. xiv+(2)+284 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. Spine ends are slightly bumped. Minor tears, loss of paper and coffee stains on the dust-jacket. Illustrated.

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250 kr

Philosophy in the Islamic World

Philosophy in the Islamic World

Oxford, Oxford University Press. 2018. xxi+(3)+511 pages. Printed wrappers. Crease in the upper corner of the front wrapper, otherwise a fine copy.

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125 kr

Boken. Platsens gårdag nu I-III

Boken. Platsens gårdag nu I-III

Furulund, Alhambra. 2005-2017. 371+556+(3)+404+(4) sid. Första delen trådhäftad. Andra och tredje delen limhäftade. Första delen med aningen kantstötta hörn samt "läsränder" på ryggen. Komplett uppsättning.

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400 kr

Bönen och svärdet. Essäer om arabisk kultur

Bönen och svärdet. Essäer om arabisk kultur

Alhambra Förlag AB. 1994. 289 sidor. Inbundet pappband med skyddsomslag. Aningen kantstött skyddsomslag.

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80 kr

En introduktion till arabisk poetik

En introduktion till arabisk poetik

Furulund, Alhambra. 2010 (andra svenska upplagan). 125+(2) sid. Danskt band. Alhambras PocketEncyklopedi 91.

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125 kr

Sånger av Mihyar från Damaskus

Sånger av Mihyar från Damaskus

Furulund, Alhambra. 1990. (4)+199+(5) sid. Kartonnageband med skyddsomsalg. Hörn och rygg aningen kantstötta. Småfläckar på främre snittet. Med arabisk parallelltext.

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125 kr

Studies in Islamic Culture in the Indian Environment

Studies in Islamic Culture in the Indian Environment

Oxford, Oxford University Press. 2002. xiv+(2)+311 pages. Printed wrappers. Corners are slightly bumped. Reprint, first published in 1964.

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125 kr

Die Dogmatischen Lehren der Anhänger des Islam

Die Dogmatischen Lehren der Anhänger des Islam

Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner Verlag. 1980. (8)+xxxii+688+(8) pages. Printed wrappers. Laminated. The over-sized wrappers are slightly bumped. Annotated edition of the Arabic text, annotations in Arabic. Third edition. Bibliotheca Islamica 1.

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500 kr

Napoleon in Egypt. Al Jabarti's Chronicle of the French Occupation. Expanded Edition

Napoleon in Egypt. Al Jabarti's Chronicle of the French Occupation. Expanded Edition

Princeton, Markus Wiener Publishers. 2010. (6)+210 pages. Printed wrappers. Corners are a bit bumped. Illustrated.

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100 kr

Avarice & the Avaricious (kitâb al-bukhalâ')

Avarice & the Avaricious (kitâb al-bukhalâ')

London, Kegan Paul. 1999. xvii+(1)+213 pages. Publisher's printed boards. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. The Kegan Paul Arabia Library 5.

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200 kr

A Manual of Hadith

A Manual of Hadith

London, Curzon Press. 1983. xii+408 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. The dust-jacket is slightly faded. Reprint of the third edition from 1978. Bilingual edition with the Arabic source text (with harakat) and English translation.

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150 kr

The Arabic Literary Heritage. The Development of its Genres and Criticism

The Arabic Literary Heritage. The Development of its Genres and Criticism

Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 1998. xxxvii+(1)+437 pages. Hard-cover with dust-jacket. Spine ends are slightly bumped. Pencil underlinings in parts of the book.

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200 kr

The Arabic Novel. An Historical and Critical Introduction

The Arabic Novel. An Historical and Critical Introduction

New York, Syracuse University Press. 1982. 181 pages. Printed wrappers. A few underlinings with ballpoint pen.

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100 kr

Qusta ibn Luqa on Numbness. A Book on Numbness, its Kinds, Causes and Treatment according to the opinion of Galen and Hippocrates

Qusta ibn Luqa on Numbness. A Book on Numbness, its Kinds, Causes and Treatment according to the opinion of Galen and Hippocrates

Lund, 2000. (8)+xiv+177+(1) pages. Printed wrappers. The wrappers are slightly worn. With dissertation and errata sheets. Author's dedication to her supervisor Bo Holmberg, and with a few pencil notes and underlinings inside. Scholarly edition of the Arabic text with English translation. Studia Orientalia Lundensia. Nova Series. Vol. 1.

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175 kr

Les Séances de Hariri

Les Séances de Hariri

Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell. 1964. cxxix+(1)+129+(2) pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are a bit bumped. Former library book with the usual stamps and labels. Stockholm Oriental Studies V.

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140 kr

رياض الصالحين. Riyadh-us-Saleheen [=Riyad as Salihin/Salehen]. Arabic-English

رياض الصالحين. Riyadh-us-Saleheen [=Riyad as Salihin/Salehen]. Arabic-English

New Delhi, Kitab Bhavan. 2001. xl+940 pages. Hard-cover with dust-jacket. The dust-jacket is worn and has tears and creases in the top margin. Spine is slightly faded. Seventh Indian edition. Bilingual edition Arabic-English. Part I and II in one volume.

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275 kr

Faces of Persian Youth. A Sociological Study

Faces of Persian Youth. A Sociological Study

Leiden, E. J. Brill. 1970. vi+268 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. The dust-jacket is very slightly bumped. Owner's signature. Underlinings with ballpoint pen on the first 30 pages.

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125 kr

Pearls of the Faith. Or Islam's Rosary being the Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names of Allah (Asmâ-el-Husnâ). With Comments in Verse from various Oriental Sources (As made by an Indian Musulman)

Pearls of the Faith. Or Islam's Rosary being the Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names of Allah (Asmâ-el-Husnâ). With Comments in Verse from various Oriental Sources (As made by an Indian Musulman)

London, Kegan Paul. 1896. xiv+(2)+319 pages. Publisher's decorated cloth. Corners and spine ends are a bit bumped. The outer margin of the front board is a bit worn. Owner's signature and a few pencil notes inside. Sixth edition.

Ny 2025-03-07

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200 kr

Media Arabic

Media Arabic

Edinburgh University Press. 2007. xii+170 sidor. Limmat mjukband. Något kantstötta hörn. Förstrykningar tom. sid. 5.

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125 kr

Studier i jødisk-persisk litteratur

Studier i jødisk-persisk litteratur

København. 1970. 391 sidor. Trådhäftad. Något kantstött överskjutande omslag. Illustrerad. Ouppskuren. Festskrift udgivet af Københavns Universitet i anledning af universitetets årsfest november 1970. Asmussens studie upptar ung. halva volymen - resten av volymen består av nekrologer över avlidna forskare, redogörelser för nyutkomna avhandlingar mm.

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150 kr

Iranian Studies. Presented to Kaj Barr on his Seventieth Birthday June 26, 1966

Iranian Studies. Presented to Kaj Barr on his Seventieth Birthday June 26, 1966

Copenhagen, Munksgaard. 1966. 217 pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are a bit rubbed, with minor tears in the outer margins. With plates. (Acta Orientalia 30.)

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290 kr

Selections from Rahman Baba

Selections from Rahman Baba

Herning, Poul Kristensen. 1977. 191 pages. Publisher's printed boards. Corners are very slightly bumped. Pashto text with English translation.

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150 kr

A Critical Introduction to Modern Arabic Poetry

A Critical Introduction to Modern Arabic Poetry

Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 1975. (12)+289 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. Laminated. The spine is a bit faded. A couple of library stamps inside. Stamp: "Discarded" on the top edge.

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100 kr

Modern Arabic Literature and the West

Modern Arabic Literature and the West

London, Ithaca Press. 1985. (6)+ii+236 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. The dust-jacket is slightly bumped and chipped. A few pencil underlinings.

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100 kr

Altarabische Dichtkunst. Eine Untersuchung ihrer Struktur und Entwicklung am Beispiel der Onagerepisode I-II

Altarabische Dichtkunst. Eine Untersuchung ihrer Struktur und Entwicklung am Beispiel der Onagerepisode I-II

Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz. 1992. vi+(2)+291+x+499 pages. Publisher's printed boards, two volumes. Spine ends are very slightly bumped, otherwise a fine set.

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900 kr

Islamic Architecture in Cairo. An Introduction

Islamic Architecture in Cairo. An Introduction

Leiden, E. J. Brill. 1989. xviii+173 pages. Publisher's cloth. Spine ends are slightly bumped. Illustrated. Studies in Islamic Art and Architecture III.

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150 kr

Egypten. Imperialism och revolution

Egypten. Imperialism och revolution

Furulund, Alhambra. 1995. 724+(3) sid. Inbundet pappband. Fläckar på övre snittet. Något blekt rygg.

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125 kr

Christian and Muslim Dialogues. The Religious Uses of a Literary Form in the Early Islamic Middle East

Christian and Muslim Dialogues. The Religious Uses of a Literary Form in the Early Islamic Middle East

Piscataway, Gorgias Press. 2011. xii+285 pages. Publisher's printed boards. A fine copy. Gorgias Eastern Christian Studies 29.

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225 kr

Forschungen am Zendan-i Suleiman in Persisch-Aserbeidschan 1958-1964

Forschungen am Zendan-i Suleiman in Persisch-Aserbeidschan 1958-1964

Berlin, Verlag Walter de Gruyter & Co. 1967. 573-585 pages. Printed wrappers. The upper spine end is very slightly rubbed. Illustrated. Offprint from "Archäologischer Anzeiger" 1967.

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80 kr

Réflexions sur le savoir islamique en Afrique de l'Ouest

Réflexions sur le savoir islamique en Afrique de l'Ouest

Talence Cedex, Centre d'etude d'Afrique Noire. 1985. (10)+103 pages. Printed wrappers. A couple of library stamps inside. Université de Bordeaux I.

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150 kr

On the road to Kandahar. Travels through conflict in the Islamic world

On the road to Kandahar. Travels through conflict in the Islamic world

London, Allen Lane. 2006. xvii+(1)+297 pages. Hard-cover with dust-jacket. Owner's stamp. Underlinings in the beginning of the book.

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80 kr

Die ekphrastischen Epigramme des Abu Talib al-Ma'muni. Literaturkundliche Studie über einen arabischen Conceptisten

Die ekphrastischen Epigramme des Abu Talib al-Ma'muni. Literaturkundliche Studie über einen arabischen Conceptisten

Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1965. (4)+221-322 pages. Printed wrappers. Minor tear (approx. 3 mm) on the front wrapper. Stamp: "Semitiska institutionen" on the front wrapper. Unopened. Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen I: Philologisch-Historische Klasse. Jahrgang 1965. Nr. 14.

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100 kr

Le traité des dix chapitres de Tuma al-Kfartabi. Document sur les origines de l'Eglise maronite. المقالات العشر لتوما الكفرطابي

Le traité des dix chapitres de Tuma al-Kfartabi. Document sur les origines de l'Eglise maronite. المقالات العشر لتوما الكفرطابي

Beyrouth, Dar-el-Machreq. 1987 (second edition). 130+(1)+49 pages. Publisher's printed boards with dust-javket. The spine is a bit sunned and bumped. Annotated edition of the Arabic text with French translation. Collection publiée sous la direction de la Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines de l'Université Saint-Joseph, Beyrouth. Nouvelle Série. B. Orient Chrétien 7.

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200 kr

For Bread Alone

For Bread Alone

San Francisco, City Lights Books. 1987. 151+(1) sidor. Limmat mjukband.

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80 kr

Critical Studies in the Rubáʿiyát of ʿUmar-i-Khayyám. A Revised Text with English Translation

Critical Studies in the Rubáʿiyát of ʿUmar-i-Khayyám. A Revised Text with English Translation

København, Andr. Fred. Høst & Søn. 1927. 180 pages. The front wrapper and the upper end of the spine are missing, hence the price. Speckles on the spine and the back wrapper, as well as in the inner margin of the first 12 pages and the lower corner of the last 50 pages. In this influential study, Christensen identifies 121 genuine rubai/robai (quatrains) wrtitten by Omar/Umar Khaiyam/Khayyam. This work also contains a text-critical edition of these 121 poems as well as an English translation of them. Det Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Historisk-filologiske Meddelelser XIV:1.

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265 kr

Omar Khajjâms Rubâijât. En litterœrhistorisk Undersøgelse

Omar Khajjâms Rubâijât. En litterœrhistorisk Undersøgelse

København, Siegfried Michaelsens efterfølger. 1903. (8)+152+(3) pages. Printed wrappers. Corners are a bit bumped. Tears in the outer front hinge and minor loss of paper in the spine ends. Two minor speckles on the spine. Weak crease in the outer margin from page 100. Owner's signature. Christensen's Ph.D. dissertation. An enlarged French translation was issued the following year. Hard to find.

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385 kr

Xavass-I-ayat. Notices et extraiits dún manuscrit persan traiant la magie des versets du Coran.

Xavass-I-ayat. Notices et extraiits dún manuscrit persan traiant la magie des versets du Coran.

København, Andr. Fred. Høst & Søn. 1920. 68 pages. Disbound. Unopened. Det Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Historisk-filologiske Meddelelser III,4.

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125 kr

Early Muslim Dogma. A source-critical study

Early Muslim Dogma. A source-critical study

Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 1981. xi+(1)+242 pages. Publisher's printed boards with dust-jacket, unclipped. The dust-jacket is worn and chipped, boards and contents are in good condition. First edition.

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325 kr

A Short Account of Early Muslim Architecture

A Short Account of Early Muslim Architecture

Beirut, Librairie du Liban. 1968 (reprint of the 1958 edition). xiv+(2)+330 pages +plates. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. The dust-jacket is a bit bumped and chipped (tear of 1,5 cm on the back wrapper).

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250 kr

Högarabisk grammatik

Högarabisk grammatik

Göteborg, Göteborgs Universitet. 2001. 216 sidor. Limmat mjukband. Kompendiet har utgjort grund för Dahlgrens bok "Arabisk högspråklig grammatik".

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125 kr

Mural samt Kurden har ingenting utom vinden

Mural samt Kurden har ingenting utom vinden

Stockholm, Bokförlaget Tranan. 2006. 92 sidor. Kartonnageband med skyddsomslag. Obetydligt veck i övermarginalen på skyddsomslaget.

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125 kr

Mawhub ibn Mansur ibn Mufarrig et l'historiographie copto-arabe. Etude sur la composition de l'Histoire des Patriarches d'Alexandrie.

Mawhub ibn Mansur ibn Mufarrig et l'historiographie copto-arabe. Etude sur la composition de l'Histoire des Patriarches d'Alexandrie.

Leuven, E. Peeters. 1989. xx+238 pages. Printed wrappers. Crease in the lower corner of the front wrapper. The spine and the inner margin of the front wrapper are faded. Author's dedication. With a staple-bound summary in Dutch of 9 pages. Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium Vol. 513. Subsidia. Tom. 83

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300 kr

Akten des VII. Internationalen Kongresses für iranische Kunst und Archäologie. München 7.-10. September 1976

Akten des VII. Internationalen Kongresses für iranische Kunst und Archäologie. München 7.-10. September 1976

Berlin, Dietrich Reimer Verlag. 1979. v-xxviii+651 pages. Printed wrappers. A bit rubbed with a couple of speckles on the wrappers. The half-title and the title page are missing. Illustrated. With one map. Extensive collection of papers and abstracts in German, English, French and Persian, mostly on pre-Islamic art and archaeology (alphabetical index on pictures 2-4). Archäologische mitteilungen aus Iran, Ergänzungsband 6.

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360 kr

Eldskjortan (Atesjden Gömlek). Turkisk roman

Eldskjortan (Atesjden Gömlek). Turkisk roman

Stockholm, P A Norstedt & Söners förlag. 1928. 266+(1) sidor. Osignerat klotband med ryggetikett i skinn och medbundet främre häftesomslag. Häftesomslaget något fläckigt. Med frontespis.

Ny 2025-03-01

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175 kr

Frühe mu'tazilitische Häresiographie. Zwei Werke des Nasi' al-Akbar (gest. 293 H.)

Frühe mu'tazilitische Häresiographie. Zwei Werke des Nasi' al-Akbar (gest. 293 H.)

Beirut. 1971. xii+(2)+185+(3)+134 pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are slightly bumped. Minor speckles on the Arabic front-wrapper. Spine is slightly faded. Annotated edition of the Arabic text. Extensive commentary in German. Beiruter Texte und Studien 11.

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375 kr

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