Bangkok World. Sunday Magazine Section. January-June 1962
Bangkok, Ital-Thai, 1962. Contemporary cloth (38x27 cm) containing 23 numbers of Bangkok World of 12-28 pages each, bound with the original wrappers inside, as well as the “Comic Supplement” and the “Tourist News Section”.
The following numbers are included: January 7, January 14, January 28, February 4, February 11, February 18, February 25, March 11, March 18, March 25, April 1, April 8, April 15, April 22, April 29, May 13, May 20, May 27, June 3, June 10, June 17, June 24. There are no numbers for January 21, March 4 and May 6.
Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped, and the spine is very slightly faded. A couple of minor speckles and notes with ballpoint pen inside. The margins are cut, resulting in slight loss of text in the outer margins of a few pages. Minor loss of paper on the back wrapper of the number for January 14.
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Bangkok World. Sunday Magazine Section. January-June 1963
Bangkok, Ital-Thai, 1963. Contemporary cloth (38x27 cm) containing 26 numbers of Bangkok World of 12-28 pages each, bound with the original wrappers inside, as well as the “Comic Supplement” and the “Tourist News Section”. The following numbers are included: January 6, January 13, January 20, January 27, February 3, February 10, February 17, February 24, March 3, March 10, March 17, March 24, March 31, April 7, April 14, April 21, April 28, may 5, May 12, May 19, May 26, June 2, June 9, June 16, June 23, June 30. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped, and the spine is very slightly faded. A couple of minor speckles inside. The margins are cut, resulting in slight loss of text in the outer margins of a few pages.
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Bangkok World. Sunday Magazine Section. July-December 1962
Bangkok, Ital-Thai, 1962. Contemporary cloth (38x27 cm) containing 26 numbers of Bangkok World of 12-28 pages each, bound with the original wrappers inside, as well as the “Comic Supplement” and the “Tourist News Section”. The following numbers are included: July 1, July 8, July 15, July 22, July 29, August 5, August 12, August 19, August 26, September 2, September 9, September 16, September 23, September 30, October 7, October 14, October 21, October 28, November 4, November 11, November 18, November 25, December 2, December 9, December 16, December 23 and December 30. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped, and the spine is very slightly faded. A couple of minor speckles inside. The margins are cut, resulting in slight loss of text in the outer margins of a few pages.
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The Bhagavata Purana. Part I-V
Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass. 1982-1986 (reprints). cxxix+(3)+420+11+(1)+4221-884+xi+(1)+885-1254+(2)+xvi+1255-1886+ix+(1)+1887-2241 pages. Publisher's cloth with plastic dust-jackets (five volumes). Slightly bumped and faded boards. A couple of tears in the dust-jackets. English translation of the Bhagavata-Purana. Ancient Indian Tradition and Mythology, vol. 7-11.
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Chettiar, A. Chidambarantha (ed.): English-Tamil Dictionary
Madras, University of Madras. 1977. xxvii+(1)+1223 pages. Publisher's cloth. A bit rubbed with cracks in the outer joints. The inner joints have been repaired. The last 20 pages are loose. Minor loss of paper in the lower corner of the last 6 pages (no text is missing). Speckles on the end-papers. Reprint of the edition from 1965. Extensive dictionary from English to Tamil.
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Conze, Edward: Buddhist Meditation
London, George Allen & Unwin. 1959. 183+(9) sidor. Förlagets klotband. Något tilltryckta ryggslut. Förstrykningar, delvis med kulspets. Andra upplagan. Ethical and Religious Classics of East and West No 13.
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Costello, Nancy A.: Ngũ-̕vu̥n̕g Katu. Katu Vocabulary
Saigon, Trung-tâm Học-liệu. 1971. (16)+124 pages. Printed wrappers. Slitghtly bumped. Traces of labels and a tear of 6 mm on the front wrapper. A couple of library stamps inside. A dictionary of Katu (a minority language spoken in Laos and Vietnam) with translations to Vietnamese and English. Tú sách ngôn-ngu dân tôc thieu-so Viêt-nam cuon 5
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Dave, J. H.: Immortal India I-IV
Bombay, Bharativa Vidya Bhavan. 1970 (second edition). xxviii+230+xxviii+212+xxviii+239+xxviii+168 pages +plates and map. Printed wrppers, four volumes. The wrappers are a bit rubbed. Contents are in good condition.
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George, K. M. (ed.): Masterpieces of Indian Literature I-III
New Delhi, National Book Trust India. 1998. xxv+(1)+791+xi+(1)+793-1597+vi+1599-2184 pages. Publisher's printed boards with dust-jacket, three volumes. Spine ends are slightly bumped. MInor brown stains on the top-edges. The dust-jackets are slightly chipped, and the spines are faded. Contains summaries of Indian works of literature organized by source language (this is not an anthology).
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Gonda, Jan et al.: Die Religionen Indiens I-III
Stuttgart, W. Kohlhammer Verlag. 1960-1964. xv+(1)+370+(2)+xiii+(3)+366+(2)+vi+302+(2) pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket, three volumes. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. Spines are a bit faded. Tear of 1,5 cm on the dust-jacket of part I. Owner's stamp on the fly-leaf.
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Hedin, Sven: Öfver land till Indien. Genom Persien, Seistan och Belutjistan I-II
Stockholm, Albert Bonniers förlag. 1910. (12)+564+(4)+553+(2) sidor. Förlagets dekorerade klotband, två volymer (båda i första-fjärde tusendet). Något kantstötta och mörknade ryggar med ett par småfläckar. Början till spricka i andra volymens främre innerfals. Mindre fläck på främre snittet till del I. Bokhandelsstämplar på försättsbladen. Illustrerade. Kompletta med planscher och utvikbara kartor.
Ny 2025-02-07
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Jones, J. J. (translation): The Mahavastu. Vol. I-III
London, Pali Text Society (vol. I)/London, Luzac & Co (vol. II-III). 1952-1973 (vol. I is a reprint, vol. II-III in first edition). xx+324+xiii+(1)+454+xxvii+(1)+480 pages. Vol. I in publisher's cloth, vol. II-III in publisher's quarter-cloth with title labels on the spines. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. Owner's stamp and a few pencil underlinings in volume I. Complete set. Sacred Books of the Buddhists Vol. XVI, XVIII and XIX.
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Kalidasa & M. R. Kale (ed.): The Meghaduta of Kalidasa
Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass. 1983. 15+(1)+187+(2) pages. Printed wrappers. Tears and creases on the wrappers. Loss of paper in the outer margin of page 81 (no text is missing) Contains the Sanskrit text, English translation, notes and a map. The commentary of Mallinatha is included.
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Kaudern, Walter: I Celebes obygder I-II
Stockholm, Albert Bonniers förlag. 1921. 557+424+(1) sidor. Två osignerade halvklotband med främre häftesomslagen medbundna. Hörnen aningen nötta. Ryggarna lätt blekta och kantstötta. Illustrerade. Med planscher.
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Kittel, Rev. F.: A Kannada-English Dictionary
New Delhi, Asian Educational Services. 1993 (reprint of the 1894 edition). (6)+l+1752 pages. Publisher's cloth. Corners and spine ends are a bit bumped. Bookseller's stamp on title page. The lemmata are transcribed but not the idiomatic expressions in the commentary.
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Krishnamacharya, Pandit V.: Vedantasara of Bhagavad Ramanuja
Adyar, The Adyar Library and Research Centre. 1979. xlii+(2)+455 pages. Publisher's quarter-cloth. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. The spine is a bit faded. Inner front hinge is a bit weak. Bookseller label on title page. Bilingual edition with the Sanskrit source text and English translation. Reprint of the 1953 edition.
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Lane Suzuki, Beatrice: Mahayana Buddhism
London, George Allen & Unwin. 1959. xxxx+146+(6) pages. Publisher's cloth Spine ends are slightly bumped. Minor brown speckles on the fore-edge and the end-papers. A few underlinings with ballpoint pen. Third edition.
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Logal, William: Malabar Manual I-II
New Delhi, Asian Educational Services. 1995. (4)+xii+759+(6)+ccccxxii pages. Publisher's cloth, two volumes. Corners and spine ends are a bit bumped. Bookseller labels on the fly-leaves. Reprint of the 1951 edition (in turn a reprint of the 1887 edition). With maps.
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Mayrhofer, Manfred: A Sanskrit Grammar
Alabama, The University of Alabama Press. 1972. 115 pages. Publisher's cloth. Slightly bumped and faded spine. English translation of Mayrhofer's Sanskrit-Grammatik mit sprachvergleichenden Erläuterungen from 1964.
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Menon, A. Sreedhara: A Survey of Kerala History
Kottayam, Sahyita Pravathaka Co-operative Society Ltd. 1970. (16)+466 pages. Publisher's cloth. A bit rubbed. The spine is faded. Owner's signature and stamp on the title page. Notes written with ballpoint pen on the back endpapers. Reprint of the 1967 edition.
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Mjöberg, Eric: Borneo. Huvudjägarnas land
Stockholm, Albert Bonniers förlag. 1927. x+(2)+514 sidor. Förlagets klotband med monterad pärmbild och lätt stänkta snitt. Något tilltryckta hörn och ryggslut. Mindre brun fläck på främre snittet. Bertil Nybergs exlibris. Illustrerad. Med planscher och karta.
Ny 2025-02-07
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Mundadan, A. M. et al.: History of Christianity in India. I-III, IV:2, V:5
Bangalore, Church History Association of India. 1988-1997 (vol. I-II are reprints). xxii+(2)+567+xviii+(4)+529+xxiii+(1)+562+xix+(1)+325+x+(6)+236 pages. Publisher's faux leather with dust-jackets, five volumes. Spines are faded, corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. Tear of 1 cm on pp. xvii-10 in volume IV:2, otherwise a fine set. Vol. V:2 was issued in 2012, no more volumes have been issued yet.
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Renou, Louis: Grammaire Sanscrite I-II
Paris, Librairie d’Amerique et d’Orient. 1930. (6)+xviii+265+(2)+267-576+(1) pages. Printed wrappers, two volumes. Tears and creases on the wrappers. Loss of paper in the spine ends and in the upper corner of the front wrapper of volume 1. Minor brown stains on a few pages, otherwise the contents are in good condition.
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Sangharakshita, Bhikshu: A Survey of Buddhism
Bangalore, The Indian Institute of World Culture. 1966. xii+527 pages. Publisher's cloth. A bit bumped. Beginning split in the inner front hinge. With the stamp of the London branch of the publisher on the half-title, a mounted photograph on the fly-leaf and a few pencil underlinings inside. Third edition.
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Siddiqi, Muhammad Suleman: The Bahmani Sufis
Delhi, Idarah-i adabiyat-i Delhi. 1989. xxv+(1)+276 pages +plates. Publisher's printed boards. A bit rubbed with minor splits (4 mm) in the outer margins of the back boards. Bookseller stamp inside. IAD Religio-Philosophy (Original) Series No. 19.
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Swettenham, Frank Athelstane: Malay Sketches
London, John Lane The Bodley Head/New York, Macmillan & Co. 1896 (second edition). printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co, Edinburgh. xi+(1)+288+(4)+16 pages. The last 16 pages are ads from the publisher. Publisher’s decorated cloth, edges are uncut. The boards are worn, stained and a bit rubbed, the spine is slightly faded. The endpapers are browned. Slight loss of paper in the lower corner of the title page (approx. 2x2 cm) and in the upper corner of the blank page before the publisher’s ads (approx. 1,5x2,5 cm). Occasional brown speckles inside.
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