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Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies

Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies

New Delhi, Rupa & Co. 1999. xli+(1)+842 pages. Printed wrappers. Spine is a bit faded. Two creases in the front wrapper. Reprint of the third edition from 1905.

Ställ en fråga

125 kr

Sufis of Bijapur 1300-1700. Social Roles of Sufis in Medieval India

Sufis of Bijapur 1300-1700. Social Roles of Sufis in Medieval India

New Delhi, Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers. 1996. xxxii+358 pages. Publisher's printed boards with dust-jacket.Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. Minor tear on the dust-jacket. Illustrated.

Ställ en fråga

125 kr

Rastrapalapariprccha. Sutra du Mahayana

Rastrapalapariprccha. Sutra du Mahayana

Mouton & Co, 's-Gravenhague. 1957. xviii+77 pages. Publisher's cloth. Spine ends are slightly bumped. Scholarly edition of the Sanskrit text (written in Devanagari script). Reprint of the 1901 edition. Indo-Iranian Reprints II.

Ställ en fråga

200 kr

Histoire universelle. Inde Védique (de 1800 á 800 av. J.-C.)

Histoire universelle. Inde Védique (de 1800 á 800 av. J.-C.)

Paris, Alphonse Lemerre. 1881. (4)+vii+(1)+432 pages. Contemporary half-leather (unknown bookbinder) bound without the original wrappers. A bit rubbed with scratch marks on the mounted paper of the back board. Minor speckles on the edges, foxing in the beginning and the end of the book. With two maps.

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325 kr

On the Date of the Buddhist Master of the Law Vasubandhu

On the Date of the Buddhist Master of the Law Vasubandhu

Roma, Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente. 1951. (8)+69 pages. Printed wrappers. Minor brown speckles on the wrappers. Serie Orientale Roma III.

Ställ en fråga

125 kr

Die Philosophie des Buddhismus

Die Philosophie des Buddhismus

Berlin, Akademie-Verlag. 1969. xiii+(1)+431 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. The dust-jacket is slightly bumped. Laminated. Third edition. Texte der Indischen philosophie. Band 2.

Ställ en fråga

175 kr

The Mystic Philosophy of Sant Mat as taught by the present spiritual master at the Radha Soami Colony, Beas, India

The Mystic Philosophy of Sant Mat as taught by the present spiritual master at the Radha Soami Colony, Beas, India

London, Neville Spearman. 1971. 174 sidor. Förlagets klotband. Aningen tilltryckta ryggslut. Anteckning i kulspets på sista sidan. Med en plansch.

Ställ en fråga

125 kr

Chandogya Upanisad. With the Commentary of Sankaracarya

Chandogya Upanisad. With the Commentary of Sankaracarya

Calcutta, Advaita Ashrama. 1997 (third impression). xxxvii+(1)+690 pages. Publisher's quarter cloth with dust-jacket. Spine ends are slightly bumped. Sanskrit text with English translation and commentary.

Ställ en fråga

175 kr

Culavamsa. Being the more recent part of the Mahavamsa. Part I

Culavamsa. Being the more recent part of the Mahavamsa. Part I

Colombo, The Ceylon Government Information. 1953. (4)+xlii+362 pages. Publisher's quarter cloth. Boards are slightly bumped and stained. The end-papers are darkened. Vol. I only.

Ställ en fråga

200 kr

Landscapes of Technology Transfer. Swedish Ironmakers in India 1860-1864

Landscapes of Technology Transfer. Swedish Ironmakers in India 1860-1864

Stockholm, Jernkontoret. 2004. 454 pages. Publisher's printed boards with dust-jacket. Slightly bumped with a couple of creases in the dust-jacket. Illustrated. Jernkontorets bergshistoriska skriftserie 42.

Ställ en fråga

200 kr

Masterpieces of Indian Literature I-III

Masterpieces of Indian Literature I-III

New Delhi, National Book Trust India. 1998. xxv+(1)+791+xi+(1)+793-1597+vi+1599-2184 pages. Publisher's printed boards with dust-jacket, three volumes. Spine ends are slightly bumped. MInor brown stains on the top-edges. The dust-jackets are slightly chipped, and the spines are faded. Contains summaries of Indian works of literature organized by source language (this is not an anthology).

Ställ en fråga

750 kr

Die Literaturen Indiens. Von ihren Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart

Die Literaturen Indiens. Von ihren Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart

Stuttgart, Alfred Kröner Verlag. 1961. xiv+(2)+484 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. A couple of tears in the dust-jacket. Slightly faded spine. Kröners Tachenausgabe 318.

Ställ en fråga

100 kr

Die Philosphie der Inder. Eine Einführung in ihre Geschichte und ihre Lehren

Die Philosphie der Inder. Eine Einführung in ihre Geschichte und ihre Lehren

Stuttgart, Alfred Kröner Verlag. 1958. xii+505+(3) pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. Slightly faded spine. Second edition. Kröners Tachenausgabe 195.

Ställ en fråga

100 kr

Madhva’s Philosophie des Vishnu-Glaubens. Mit einer Einleitung über Madhva und seine Schule.

Madhva’s Philosophie des Vishnu-Glaubens. Mit einer Einleitung über Madhva und seine Schule.

Bonn/Leipzig, Kurt Schroeder Verlag. 1923. ix+(1)+66+119+(1) pages. Quarter-cloth bound for university library with parts of the original wrappers mounted to the boards. A couple of library stamps inside, and a hand-written “X” on the top edge. Geistesströmungen des Ostens. Band II.

Ny 2025-02-24

Ställ en fråga

200 kr

Die Religionen Indiens I-III

Die Religionen Indiens I-III

Stuttgart, W. Kohlhammer Verlag. 1960-1964. xv+(1)+370+(2)+xiii+(3)+366+(2)+vi+302+(2) pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket, three volumes. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. Spines are a bit faded. Tear of 1,5 cm on the dust-jacket of part I. Owner's stamp on the fly-leaf.

Ställ en fråga

300 kr

Elements of Hindu Iconography. Vol. I-II (complete set)

Elements of Hindu Iconography. Vol. I-II (complete set)

Delhi, Low Price Editions. 1999. xxviii+400+(2)+159+(1)+29+xxv+(1)+578+279+(1)+37 pages +plates. Publisher's printed boards. All four parts bound together in two volumes Corners and spine ends are bumped. The spines are a bit faded. Dampstains on the top edges. Indian reprints, first published in 1914.

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600 kr

The Psychological Attitude of Early Buddhist Philosophy and its Systemic Representation according to Abhidhamma Tradition

The Psychological Attitude of Early Buddhist Philosophy and its Systemic Representation according to Abhidhamma Tradition

London, Rider & Company. 1961. 192 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. A bit bumped. Traces of tape on the end-papers. Owner's signature and occasional underlinings, some of them made with ballpoint pen, inside. First UK edition.

Ställ en fråga

200 kr

Yuganaddha. The Tantric View of Life

Yuganaddha. The Tantric View of Life

Varanasi, The Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office. 1969. (4)+218 pages. Publisher's cloth. A bit bumped. Faded spine. Publisher's stamp on the verso of the title page. Underlinings in parts of the book, most of them made with pencil. Second revised edition.

Ställ en fråga

150 kr

Miniatures From the East

Miniatures From the East

Spring Books. 1960. 109+(3)+52 sidor. Gott skick. Publishers's half-cloth with dust-jacket. A bit rubbed with some tears and loss of paper on the dust-jacket. Illustrated . On Indian book illustrations.

Ställ en fråga

80 kr

The Standard English-Urdu Dictionary

The Standard English-Urdu Dictionary

Delhi, J. S. Sant Singh & Sons. 1980. vi+(2)+1513+(1)+13+(1)+12 pages. Hard-cover. Corners and spine ends are a bit bumped. The inner hinges are strengthened with cloth strips. Extensive English-Urdu dictionary.

Ställ en fråga

350 kr

The Poems of Ancient Tamil. Their Milieu and Their Sanskrit Counterparts

The Poems of Ancient Tamil. Their Milieu and Their Sanskrit Counterparts

New Delhi, Oxford University Press. 1999. xiv+308 pages. Printed wrappers. The spine is very slightly faded. Reprint of the edition from 1975.

Ställ en fråga

175 kr

Folktales of U.P. Tribes

Folktales of U.P. Tribes

The Academic Press Gurgaon. 1982. xi+(1)+144 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. Corners and spine are bumped. Label on the board and owner's signature on the title page. With plates. Rare.

Ställ en fråga

200 kr

Öfver land till Indien. Genom Persien, Seistan och Belutjistan I-II

Öfver land till Indien. Genom Persien, Seistan och Belutjistan I-II

Stockholm, Albert Bonniers förlag. 1910. (12)+564+(4)+553+(2) sidor. Förlagets dekorerade klotband, två volymer (båda i första-fjärde tusendet). Något kantstötta och mörknade ryggar med ett par småfläckar. Början till spricka i andra volymens främre innerfals. Mindre fläck på främre snittet till del I. Bokhandelsstämplar på försättsbladen. Illustrerade. Kompletta med planscher och utvikbara kartor.

Ny 2025-02-07

Ställ en fråga

425 kr

Bali Style

Bali Style

Singapore, Times Editions. 2000. 231 sidor. Inbundet pappband med skyddsomslag. Skyddsomslaget aningen vågigt. Rikt illustrerad med bilder på balinesisk arkitektur och inredning.

Ställ en fråga

115 kr

History of Kingship in Ceylon up to the Fourth Century A.D.

History of Kingship in Ceylon up to the Fourth Century A.D.

Colombo, Lake House. 1972. xiv+208 pages. Printed wrappers. A bit rubbed. Owner's signature and a few underlinings with ballpoint pen.

Ställ en fråga

90 kr

Yoga. Studier i indisk levnadsfilosofi

Yoga. Studier i indisk levnadsfilosofi

Stockholm, Svenska Andelsförlaget. 1920. 167+(1) sidor. Trådhäftad. Ganska hårt nött omslag med revor. Pappersförlust i nedre ryggslutet (därav priset). Namnteckning. Blyertsförstrykningar i delar av inlagan. Tredje upplagan.

Ställ en fråga

150 kr

Encounter with India. Studies in Neohinduism

Encounter with India. Studies in Neohinduism

Åbo, Åbo Akademi. 1990. 189 pages. Printed wrappers. Slightly faded spine. Religionsvetenskapliga skrifter nr 20.

Ställ en fråga

125 kr

Women under Primitive Buddhism. Laywomen and Almswomen

Women under Primitive Buddhism. Laywomen and Almswomen

London, George Routledge & Sons. 1930. xxiv+391 pages. Publisher's cloth. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. With plates. First edition. The Broadway Oriental Library.

Ställ en fråga

200 kr

Early Buddhist Poetry. An Anthology

Early Buddhist Poetry. An Anthology

Colombo, Ananda Semage. 1963. (6)+84+(2) pages. Printed wrappers with dust-jacket. The dust-jacket is very slightly bumped. Lotus Book No. 1.

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80 kr

Brev från Batavia. En resa till Ostindien 1782-1786

Brev från Batavia. En resa till Ostindien 1782-1786

Stockholm, Bokförlaget Atlantis. 2008. 418 sidor. Förlagets klotband med skyddomslag. Något kantstött skyddsomslag. Enstaka biblioteksstämplar. Illustrerad.

Ställ en fråga

165 kr

A Popular Dictionary of Buddhism

A Popular Dictionary of Buddhism

London, Arco Publications. 1962. 224 pages. Hard-cover. Slightly faded spine. Underlinings throughout the volume, some of them with ballpoint pen.

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90 kr

Läsebok i sanskrit. Med originaltext, ordlista, kommentarer och översättning

Läsebok i sanskrit. Med originaltext, ordlista, kommentarer och översättning

Stockholm, Association of Oriental Studies. 1997. 146 sidor. Trådhäftad. Ryggen blekt. Sporadiska blyertsanteckningar, huvudsakligen strofnummer. Stockholm Oriental Textbook Series 2.

Ställ en fråga

150 kr

Thai Style

Thai Style

Bangkok, Asia Books. 1999. 231 sidor. Inbundet pappband med skyddsomslag. Skyddsomslaget aningen vågigt. Mindre fläckar på för- och eftersättsbladen. Rikt illustrerad med bilder på thailändsk arkitektur och inredning. Utvidgad upplaga.

Ställ en fråga

115 kr

The House in East and Southeast Asia. Anthropological and Architectural Aspects

The House in East and Southeast Asia. Anthropological and Architectural Aspects

London, Curzon Press. 1982. ix+(1)+197 pages. Printed wrappers. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. Illustrated. Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies. Monograph Series. No. 30.

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150 kr

Buddhist Warfare

Buddhist Warfare

Oxford University Press. 2010. xi+(1)+257 pages. Printed wrappers. The spine is very slightly faded. Illustrated.

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190 kr

The Mahavastu. Vol. I-III

The Mahavastu. Vol. I-III

London, Pali Text Society (vol. I)/London, Luzac & Co (vol. II-III). 1952-1973 (vol. I is a reprint, vol. II-III in first edition). xx+324+xiii+(1)+454+xxvii+(1)+480 pages. Vol. I in publisher's cloth, vol. II-III in publisher's quarter-cloth with title labels on the spines. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. Owner's stamp and a few pencil underlinings in volume I. Complete set. Sacred Books of the Buddhists Vol. XVI, XVIII and XIX.

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920 kr

A Guide to Tamil by the Direct Method

A Guide to Tamil by the Direct Method

Madras, The Christian Literature Society. 1986. xxi+(3)+285 pages. Printed wrappers with dust-jacket. A couple of minor tears in the dust-jacket. Revised edition.

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100 kr

Vikramorvasiyam of Kalidasa

Vikramorvasiyam of Kalidasa

Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass. 2 uppl. 1982. (2)+iv+xxvi+(2)+184+(1)+110+(2) pages. Printed wrappers. Minor tears and loss of paper on the wrappers. Contains the Sanskrit text, English translation and comments.

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80 kr

The Meghaduta of Kalidasa

The Meghaduta of Kalidasa

Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass. 1983. 15+(1)+187+(2) pages. Printed wrappers. Tears and creases on the wrappers. Loss of paper in the outer margin of page 81 (no text is missing) Contains the Sanskrit text, English translation, notes and a map. The commentary of Mallinatha is included.

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80 kr

Master Couplets of Urdu Poetry

Master Couplets of Urdu Poetry

New Delhi, Sterling Publishers. 2002. xi+(1)+417+(2) pages. Printed wrappers. Minor tear in the outer front joints, otherwise a fine copy. Bilingual edition with the Urdu source text in Arabic writing (nastaliq), transcription and English translation.

Ställ en fråga

125 kr

Masterpieces of Urdu Ghazals from the 17th to the 20th Century

Masterpieces of Urdu Ghazals from the 17th to the 20th Century

New Delhi, Sterling Publishers. 2002. viii+(2)+334 pages. Printed wrappers. Bilingual edition with the Urdu source text in Arabic writing (nastaliq), transcription and English translation.

Ställ en fråga

125 kr

Masterpieces of Urdu Rubaiyat

Masterpieces of Urdu Rubaiyat

New Delhi, Sterling Publishers. 2001. xii+209+(3) pages. Printed wrappers. The upper spine end is very slightly bumped. Bilingual edition with the Urdu source text in Arabic writing (nastaliq), transcription and English translation.

Ställ en fråga

125 kr

I Celebes obygder I-II

I Celebes obygder I-II

Stockholm, Albert Bonniers förlag. 1921. 557+424+(1) sidor. Två osignerade halvklotband med främre häftesomslagen medbundna. Hörnen aningen nötta. Ryggarna lätt blekta och kantstötta. Illustrerade. Med planscher.

Ställ en fråga

225 kr

Growing the Bodhi Tree. Being the Verses of the Dhammapada

Growing the Bodhi Tree. Being the Verses of the Dhammapada

Bangkok, The Buddhist Association of Thailand. Unknown year of publication (1970s?). (4)+xxiv+93+(1) pages. Printed wrappers. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped.

Ställ en fråga

80 kr

The Postmodern Indian English Novel

The Postmodern Indian English Novel

New Delhi, Allied Publishers. 1996. viii+415 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. Corners and spine ends are a bit bumped.

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125 kr

Religious commodifications in Asia. Marketing Gods

Religious commodifications in Asia. Marketing Gods

Routledge. 2007. xiv+265+(2) pages. Hard-cover. Slightly bumped with a couple of library stamps and pencil underlinings inside.

Ställ en fråga

165 kr

A Kannada-English Dictionary

A Kannada-English Dictionary

New Delhi, Asian Educational Services. 1993 (reprint of the 1894 edition). (6)+l+1752 pages. Publisher's cloth. Corners and spine ends are a bit bumped. Bookseller's stamp on title page. The lemmata are transcribed but not the idiomatic expressions in the commentary.

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500 kr

Sikhism and Major World Religions

Sikhism and Major World Religions

Amritsar, Singh Bros. 1995. 144 pages. Hard-cover. Spine ends are slightly bumped. Inscription on the title page.

Ställ en fråga

100 kr

Vedantasara of Bhagavad Ramanuja

Vedantasara of Bhagavad Ramanuja

Adyar, The Adyar Library and Research Centre. 1979. xlii+(2)+455 pages. Publisher's quarter-cloth. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. The spine is a bit faded. Inner front hinge is a bit weak. Bookseller label on title page. Bilingual edition with the Sanskrit source text and English translation. Reprint of the 1953 edition.

Ställ en fråga

225 kr

The Archaeology of Indian Trade Routes upto c. 200 BC. Resource Use, Resource Access and Lines of Communication

The Archaeology of Indian Trade Routes upto c. 200 BC. Resource Use, Resource Access and Lines of Communication

New Delhi, Oxford University Press. 1999. xiii+(3)+461 pages. Printed wrappers. Crease in the upper corner of the front wrapper.

Ställ en fråga

200 kr

Mahayana Buddhism

Mahayana Buddhism

London, George Allen & Unwin. 1959. xxxx+146+(6) pages. Publisher's cloth Spine ends are slightly bumped. Minor brown speckles on the fore-edge and the end-papers. A few underlinings with ballpoint pen. Third edition.

Ställ en fråga

90 kr

A Sanskrit Reader. Text and Vocabulary and Notes

A Sanskrit Reader. Text and Vocabulary and Notes

Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass. 1996 (reprint of the 1884 edition). xx+(4)+405 pages. Printed wrappers. Minor creases on the back-wrapper.

Ställ en fråga

125 kr

Designation of Human Types (Puggala-Paññatti)

Designation of Human Types (Puggala-Paññatti)

London, Luzac & Company. 1969. xiii+(1)+111 pages. Publisher's quarther-cloth. Slightly bumped and darkened spine. Reprint of the 1924 edition. Pali Text Society.

Ställ en fråga

150 kr



Bombay, The Bombay Branch Royal Asiatic Society. 1946. viii+147 pages. Publisher's printed boards. Laminated. Bombay Branch Royal Asiatic Society Monograph No. I.

Ställ en fråga

125 kr

A Kammu Story-Listener's Tales

A Kammu Story-Listener's Tales

Curzon Press. 1977. 113+(1) sidor. Gott skick. Original printed wrappers. Slightly bumped corners. Minor White stroke on the front cover. In total, six volumes of folk tales of the Kammu people of Laos were issued. This is the first volume.

Ställ en fråga

90 kr

Folk Tales from Kammu - VI. A Teller's Last Tales

Folk Tales from Kammu - VI. A Teller's Last Tales

Curzon Press. 1998. xvii+(1)+170+(4) sidor. Mycket gott skick. Original printed wrappers. Illustrated. Authors' dedication to Gunnar Jarring on the half title. In total, six volumes o f folk tales of the Kammu people of Laos were issued. This is the last volume.

Ställ en fråga

110 kr

Malabar Manual I-II

Malabar Manual I-II

New Delhi, Asian Educational Services. 1995. (4)+xii+759+(6)+ccccxxii pages. Publisher's cloth, two volumes. Corners and spine ends are a bit bumped. Bookseller labels on the fly-leaves. Reprint of the 1951 edition (in turn a reprint of the 1887 edition). With maps.

Ställ en fråga

400 kr

Buddhist Meditation in the Southern School. Theory and Practice for Westerners

Buddhist Meditation in the Southern School. Theory and Practice for Westerners

London, Luzac & Company. 1950. xvii+(3)+177 pages. Publisher's cloth. Slightly bumped and faded spine. Owner's signature and a few pencil underlinings. First issued in 1936.

Ställ en fråga

125 kr

The Brhadaranyaka [Brihadaranyaka] Upanisad. With the Commentary of Sankaracarya

The Brhadaranyaka [Brihadaranyaka] Upanisad. With the Commentary of Sankaracarya

Calcutta, Advaita Ashrama. 1997 (ninth impression). xxiii+(1)+670 pages. Publisher's quarter cloth with dust-jacket. Spine ends are slightly bumped. Sanskrit text with English translation and commentary.

Ställ en fråga

175 kr

Artistic Creativity in a Brahmin Painter Community

Artistic Creativity in a Brahmin Painter Community

Berkeley, University of California. 1976. xiv+(1)+222 pages. Staple-bound with stiff wrappers and a cloth strip on the spine. Tear of 2 cm on the spine. With plates. A couple of library stamps inside. Center for South and Southeast Asia Studies. Research Monographs No. 14.

Ny 2025-02-18

Ställ en fråga

200 kr

Encyclopaedia of Buddhism. Volume II. Apa-Bharhut

Encyclopaedia of Buddhism. Volume II. Apa-Bharhut

Colombo, The Government of Ceylon. 1966. xxiv+700 pages. Private-bound cloth (Kurt G. Johnssons Bokbinderi) bound without the original wrappers. Bound with the title page of the first fascicle. With plates. Contains all the the fascicles of the second part of this extensive encyclopedia, which is still not finished.

Ställ en fråga

525 kr

Democratisation, Governance and Regionalism in East and Southeast Asia. A Comparative Study

Democratisation, Governance and Regionalism in East and Southeast Asia. A Comparative Study

Routledge. 2006. xiii+(1)+273+(1) pages. Hard-cover. The spine is slightly bumped. A couple of library stamps inside. Routledge/Warwick Studies in Globalisation.

Ställ en fråga

115 kr

Boeginesche Chrestomathie III. Aanteekningen op de Boeginische Chrestomathie

Boeginesche Chrestomathie III. Aanteekningen op de Boeginische Chrestomathie

Amsterdam. 1872. (2)+297 pages. Publisher's quarter-cloth. The original spine is missing. The boards are rubbed. Pp. 3-9 are partly loose. Minor brown speckles on a few pages, otherwise the contents are in good condition. Volume III only. Language: Dutch.

Ställ en fråga

275 kr

A Sanskrit Grammar

A Sanskrit Grammar

Alabama, The University of Alabama Press. 1972. 115 pages. Publisher's cloth. Slightly bumped and faded spine. English translation of Mayrhofer's Sanskrit-Grammatik mit sprachvergleichenden Erläuterungen from 1964.

Ställ en fråga

125 kr

The Oxford Hindi-English Dictionary

The Oxford Hindi-English Dictionary

New Delhi, Oxford University Press. 2000. xx+1083 pages. Printed wrappers. A bit rubbed. The lower margin of the back wrapper is a bit darkened.Spine is slightly faded.

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175 kr

Outline of Hindi Grammar. With Exercises

Outline of Hindi Grammar. With Exercises

Oxford, Oxford University Press. 1999. xlii+294 pages. Printed wrappers. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped.

Ställ en fråga

100 kr

A Survey of Kerala History

A Survey of Kerala History

Kottayam, Sahyita Pravathaka Co-operative Society Ltd. 1970. (16)+466 pages. Publisher's cloth. A bit rubbed. The spine is faded. Owner's signature and stamp on the title page. Notes written with ballpoint pen on the back endpapers. Reprint of the 1967 edition.

Ställ en fråga

190 kr

Mappila Muslims of Kerala - a study in Islamic trends

Mappila Muslims of Kerala - a study in Islamic trends

Bombay, Orient Longman. 1976. xvi+350 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket.The dust-jacket is slightly bumped and chipped. Owner's signature and a few pencil underlinings inside.

Ställ en fråga

200 kr

Borneo. Huvudjägarnas land

Borneo. Huvudjägarnas land

Stockholm, Albert Bonniers förlag. 1927. x+(2)+514 sidor. Förlagets klotband med monterad pärmbild och lätt stänkta snitt. Något tilltryckta hörn och ryggslut. Mindre brun fläck på främre snittet. Bertil Nybergs exlibris. Illustrerad. Med planscher och karta.

Ny 2025-02-07

Ställ en fråga

175 kr

A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Etymologically and philologically arranged with special reference to cognate Indo-European Languages

A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Etymologically and philologically arranged with special reference to cognate Indo-European Languages

Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass. 1988. xxxvi+1333 pages. Publisher's cloth. A bit bumped. Inner hinges have been repaired. Dampstains on pp. 410-496, tears and loss of paper on pp. 480-496 (hence the price). Owner's signature. Indian reprint of the 1899 edition.

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300 kr

The Indian Muslims

The Indian Muslims

New Delhi, Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers. 1985. 590 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. The dust-jacket is slightly bumped. A few pencil underlinings inside.

Ställ en fråga

150 kr

History of Christianity in India. I-III, IV:2, V:5

History of Christianity in India. I-III, IV:2, V:5

Bangalore, Church History Association of India. 1988-1997 (vol. I-II are reprints). xxii+(2)+567+xviii+(4)+529+xxiii+(1)+562+xix+(1)+325+x+(6)+236 pages. Publisher's faux leather with dust-jackets, five volumes. Spines are faded, corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. Tear of 1 cm on pp. xvii-10 in volume IV:2, otherwise a fine set. Vol. V:2 was issued in 2012, no more volumes have been issued yet.

Ställ en fråga

900 kr

Mitt sista vandringsår. Ströftåg i Persien och Indien

Mitt sista vandringsår. Ströftåg i Persien och Indien

Stockholm, Wahlström & Widstrand. 1904. (4)+489+(1) sidor. Förlagets dekorerade klotband. Något tilltryckta ryggslut. Början till sprickor i innerfalsarna. Illustrerad.

Ställ en fråga

100 kr

The Dhammapada & The Sutta-Nipata

The Dhammapada & The Sutta-Nipata

Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass. 1965. lv+(1)+99+(1)+xvi+224 pages. Publisher's cloth. Spine ends are a bit bumped. Loss of paper on the fly-leaf (removed owner signature). Indian reprint, first published in 1881. Sacred Books of the East. Vol. X.

Ställ en fråga

125 kr

Translation, Text and Theory. The Paradigm of India

Translation, Text and Theory. The Paradigm of India

New Delhi, Sage Publications. 2002. 348 pages. Hard-cover. Spine ends are slightly bumped.

Ställ en fråga

150 kr

The Discovery of India

The Discovery of India

London, Meridian Books. 1951. x+542+(8) pages. Punlisher's cloth. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. Owner's signature. With plates. Third edition.

Ställ en fråga

100 kr

A History of Christianity in India. The Beginnings to AD 1707

A History of Christianity in India. The Beginnings to AD 1707

Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 1984. xxi+(1)+583 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. Corners are slightly bumped. Tear of 2 cm on the dust-jacket. Spine is a bit faded.

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250 kr

Guide through the Abhidhamma-Pitaka. Being a Synopsis of the Philosophical Collection belonging to the Buddhist Pali Canon followed by an Essay on the Paticca-Samuppada

Guide through the Abhidhamma-Pitaka. Being a Synopsis of the Philosophical Collection belonging to the Buddhist Pali Canon followed by an Essay on the Paticca-Samuppada

Colombo, Bauddha Sahitya Sabha. 1957. xv+(1)+179+(1) pages. Publisher's quarter-cloth. Corners and spine ends are a bit bumped. With fold-out table. Second edition.

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125 kr

Die Religion des Veda

Die Religion des Veda

Stuttgart & Berlin, J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung. Second edition. 1917. x+608+(2) pages. Publisher's half-cloth. A bit rubbed with minor cracks in the spine ends.

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165 kr

L'histoire des idées théosophiques dans l'Inde. Tome premier. La théosophie brahmanique

L'histoire des idées théosophiques dans l'Inde. Tome premier. La théosophie brahmanique

Paris, Ernest Leroux. 1906. (6)+xii+382 pages. Contemporary cloth (A Erikssons bokbinderi Malmö), bound without the original wrappers. Corners and spine ends are a bit rubbed. A couple of library stamps inside. Vol. II was issued later. Annales du Musée Guimet. Bibliothèque d'études. Tome vingt-troisième.

Ny 2025-03-02

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300 kr

An Inventory of Sri Lanka Maps in the General State Archives in the Netherlands

An Inventory of Sri Lanka Maps in the General State Archives in the Netherlands

Colombo, The Ministry of Plan Implementation. 1984. xxii+52 pages. Printed wrappers. The wrappers are very slightly worn. With plates.

Ny 2025-02-14

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150 kr

Village Folk Tales of Ceylon. Volume One.

Village Folk Tales of Ceylon. Volume One.

Tisara Prakasakayo. 1971. (4)+iii+(1)+371+(1) pages. Original printed wrappers with dust-jacket. Minor creases and tears in the dust-jacket. Reprint of the 1910 edition. Part 1 of 3.

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100 kr

Hindustani Manual

Hindustani Manual

Calcutta, Thacker, Spink & Co. 1933. xxviii+371 pages. Publisher's cloth. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. Owner's signature. Fourth edition.

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125 kr

Tamil-English Dictionary. Revised and Enlarged with an Appendix of Modern Scientific Terms

Tamil-English Dictionary. Revised and Enlarged with an Appendix of Modern Scientific Terms

Madras, The Madras School Book and Literature Society. 1984 (ninth edition). (4)+743 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. The dust-jacket is a bit bumped and chipped with minor loss of paper. The Tamil words are not transcribed.

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200 kr

A Grammar of the Hindustani or Urdu Language

A Grammar of the Hindustani or Urdu Language

Delhi, Munshiram Manoharlal, 1967 (reprint of the edition from 1874). xv+(1)+399 pages. Publisher's printed boards. A bit rubbed. Inner hinges are a bit weak.

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100 kr

Tune Book to Tamil Christian Lyrics. In Western Staff Notation and Tamil Sargam Notation

Tune Book to Tamil Christian Lyrics. In Western Staff Notation and Tamil Sargam Notation

Madras, The Christian Literature Society for India. 1932. xiii+(1)+84 pages. Publisher's half-cloth. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. Revised edition.

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200 kr

A Historical Study of Indian Music

A Historical Study of Indian Music

New Delhi, Munshiram Monoharlal Publishers. 1981. xxxii+412 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. Creases, tears and slight loss of paper on the dust-jacket. Inner front hinge is a bit weak and inner back hinge has been strenghtened with tape. Second revised edition.

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150 kr

The Pilgrimage of Buddhism

The Pilgrimage of Buddhism

New York, The Macmillan Company. 1928. xii+(2)+758 pages. Publisher's cloth. A bit rubbed. The lower corner is bumped. Dampstains on a few pages.

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200 kr

The Principal Upanisads

The Principal Upanisads

New Delhi, Harper Collins India. 2000 (seventh impression). 958 pages. Printed wrappers. Slightly bumped and faded spine.

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175 kr

Teach Yourself Bengali. A Complete Course for Beginners

Teach Yourself Bengali. A Complete Course for Beginners

Lincolnwood, NTC Publishing Group. 2003. xi+(1)+335 pages. Printed wrappers. Slightly faded spine, otherwise a fine copy.

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125 kr



New Delhi, National Book Trust. 1972. viii+196 pages +plates. Printed wrappers. A bit rubbed and faded spine.

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100 kr

Grammaire Sanscrite I-II

Grammaire Sanscrite I-II

Paris, Librairie d’Amerique et d’Orient. 1930. (6)+xviii+265+(2)+267-576+(1) pages. Printed wrappers, two volumes. Tears and creases on the wrappers. Loss of paper in the spine ends and in the upper corner of the front wrapper of volume 1. Minor brown stains on a few pages, otherwise the contents are in good condition.

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550 kr

Buddhas lära. En väg till frihet

Buddhas lära. En väg till frihet

Stockholm, Bodhi förlaget. 2014. 262 sidor. Limmat mjukband. Två små stötmärken på främre pärmen. Inlagan i gott skick.

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150 kr

A Survey of Buddhism

A Survey of Buddhism

Bangalore, The Indian Institute of World Culture. 1966. xii+527 pages. Publisher's cloth. A bit bumped. Beginning split in the inner front hinge. With the stamp of the London branch of the publisher on the half-title, a mounted photograph on the fly-leaf and a few pencil underlinings inside. Third edition.

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125 kr

Crossing the Stream

Crossing the Stream

Bombay, Chetana Ltd. 1960. viii+75 pages. Hard-cover with dust-jacket. The boards are laminated. Minor speckles on the dust-jacket. Owner's signature. The Buddhist Library 2.

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100 kr

Mughal Administration.

Mughal Administration.

New Delhi, Orient Longman. 1972 (reprint of the 1935 edition). viii+179 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. The dust-jacket is a bit bumped and chipped.

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100 kr

Mughal Empire in India

Mughal Empire in India

Agra, Lakshmi Narain Agarwal. 1973 (seventh edition). (8)+476 pages. Publisher's quarter cloth. A bit rubbed. Corners and spine ends are bumped.

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225 kr

Hindu Thought & Carmelite Mysticism

Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass. 1998. xiv+(2)+172 pages. Printed wrappers. Minor creases in the corners of the wrappers. Slightly faded spine.

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100 kr

The Bahmani Sufis

The Bahmani Sufis

Delhi, Idarah-i adabiyat-i Delhi. 1989. xxv+(1)+276 pages +plates. Publisher's printed boards. A bit rubbed with minor splits (4 mm) in the outer margins of the back boards. Bookseller stamp inside. IAD Religio-Philosophy (Original) Series No. 19.

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250 kr

The Cave Paintings of Ajanta

The Cave Paintings of Ajanta

London, Thames & Hudson. 1965. 189+(2) pages. Hard-cover with dust-jacket. A bit rubbed dust-jacket with a couple of tears. Illustrated.

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290 kr

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