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Le satiricon, suivi des poésies attribuées à Pétrone et des fragments épars

Le satiricon, suivi des poésies attribuées à Pétrone et des fragments épars

Paris, Librairie Garnier Frères. 1934. (6)+xxviii+608+(3) pages. Printed wrappers. The wrappers are a bit rubbed with tears and minor dampstains. Owner's signature and a couple of underlinings with ballpoint pen. Bilingual edition - contains the Latin text with French translation

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100 kr

Phaedri Augusti Liberti Fabulae Aesopiae. Novissimi recognitae et emendatae. Accedunt Publii Syri Senteniae Aviani et Anonymi Veteris fabulae, denuo castigatae. Editio accurata

Phaedri Augusti Liberti Fabulae Aesopiae. Novissimi recognitae et emendatae. Accedunt Publii Syri Senteniae Aviani et Anonymi Veteris fabulae, denuo castigatae. Editio accurata

Zweibrucken (Biponti), ex Typographia Societatis. 1784. (2)+lii+232 pages. Half-leather with handwritten label (‘432’) on the spine and marbled paper mounted to the boards. 18,5x12,5 cm. Unknown bookbinder. A bit rubbed with shelf-wear on the mounted paper. Missing piece of leather (10x3 mm) and brown speckles on the spine. Minor dampstains and black speckles on a few pages. Owner’s signature (O. O. Hammar) and hand-written label (‘605’) on the fly-leaf. Page 53 is wrongly numbered as page 35. Engraving on the title-page. First Biponti edition of Phaedrus. Complete with the half-title. Schwabe: “Phædri fabularum Æsopiarum libri quinque”, vol. I. (1826) pp. 111-112.

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1300 kr

For Particular Reasons. Studies in Honour of Jerker Blomqvist

For Particular Reasons. Studies in Honour of Jerker Blomqvist

Lund, Nordic Academic Press. 2003. 345 pages. Hard-cover with dust-jacket. The dust-jacket is very slightly bumped.

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150 kr

Platonis Res Publica

Platonis Res Publica

Oxford at the Clarendon Press. 1958. (417) pages. Publisher's cloth. The spine is a bit bumped and slanted. Page numbers written by hand, a few other pencil notes. Annotated edition of the Greek text.

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125 kr

Comoediae: Pseudolus, Amphitruo, Mostellaria, Bacchides

Comoediae: Pseudolus, Amphitruo, Mostellaria, Bacchides

Leipzig, B. G. Teubner. 1892-1899. (2)+83+(1)+(2)+60+(2)+67+(1)+(2)+57 pages. Four volumes bound together in a later half-cloth (Nordheims, Landskrona), bound without the original wrappers and the serial title pages. Owner's signature. Occasional underlinings, some of them made with ink. Contains the Latin text (without translation) with comments in Latin.

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150 kr

Epistularum libri decem

Epistularum libri decem

Oxford at the Clarendon Press. 1978. xxii+361 pages. Publisher's cloth. Spine ends are slightly bumped. Owner's signature. Reprint of the revised edition from 1966. Annotated edition of the Latin text of the letters of Pliny the Younger (no English translation is included).

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150 kr

Naturalis historia. Libri XXXVII. Vol. II-VI

Naturalis historia. Libri XXXVII. Vol. II-VI

Leipzig, B. G. Teubner. 1875-1898. xxxviii+(2)+424+xiv+(2)+496+x+(2)+500+x+(2)+512+iv+462+(2) pages. Contemporary half-cloth (unknown bookbinder), five volumes (vol. I is missing) bound with the original wrappers inside. The boards are rubbed and the mounted paper is worn. The front board of vol. V has been repaired. Pencil notes and underlinings in vol. II. Foxing on a few pages. Scholarly edition of the Latin text, comments and introductions in Latin. Bibliotheca scriptorium Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana.

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950 kr

Carmina cum indicibus

Carmina cum indicibus

Oxford at the Clarendon Press. 1921. Ca 150 pages. Publisher's decorated cloth. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. Owner's signature. Pencil underlinings in parts of the book. Annotated edition of the Latin text (without translation), comments in Latin. Scriptorum classicorum bibliotheca Oxoniensis.

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100 kr

Oeuvres. Tome I-II

Oeuvres. Tome I-II

Paris, Société d'édition "Les Belles Lettres". 1943-1945. xxxix+75+75+xix+81+73+(2) pages. Printed wrappers, two volumes. Slightly bumped with faded spines. A couple of tears (1-2 cm) on the wrappers of vol. I. Owner's signture. Bilingual edition - contains the Latin text and French translation. More volumes were issued.

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200 kr

Publius Virgilius Maro varietate lectionis et perpetua adnotatione illustratus a Christ. Gottl. Heyne. Editio quarta, curavit Ge. Phil. Eberard. Wagner. I-V

Publius Virgilius Maro varietate lectionis et perpetua adnotatione illustratus a Christ. Gottl. Heyne. Editio quarta, curavit Ge. Phil. Eberard. Wagner. I-V

Leipzig, Hahn/London, Black & Armstrong. 1830-1841. (4)+clx+698+(2)+(2)+1044+(2)+901+(2)+xvi+749+(3)+l+528 pages +plate in vol. I and map in vol. III. Contemporary uniform half-leather bound without the original wrappers, five volumes. Unknown bookbinder. The boards are heavily rubbed and worn. 2 cm tear in the outer back joints of vol. II. The inner back joints of vol. II are broken and the inner joints of vol. III and V are repaired. Stamp: “A F Voigt” on the title pages. Foxing and brown speckles in parts of the set. Series title pages are missing in vols. I-III. Complete set of Wagner’s revision of Heyne’s scholarly edition of Virgil.

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1950 kr

Les dérivés latins en -or. Etude lexicographique, statistique, morphologique et sémantique

Les dérivés latins en -or. Etude lexicographique, statistique, morphologique et sémantique

Paris, Librairie C. Klincksieck. 1969. 246+(1) pages. Printed wrappers. Slightly darkened spine, otherwise a fine copy. Études et commentaires LXXII

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125 kr

The Epistles of Horace. Edited with notes

The Epistles of Horace. Edited with notes

London, Macmillan and Co. 1888. xxxiii+(1)+428+36 pages. Publisher's cloth. A bit rubbed with missing pieces in the spine ends. The spine is a bit darkened. Scholarly edition of the Latin text. First issued in 1885.

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90 kr

Apparatus critici ad Demosthenem. II-III + Indices Operum Demosthenis

Apparatus critici ad Demosthenem. II-III + Indices Operum Demosthenis

Leipzig, W. G. Sommer. 1774-1775. (2)+851-1198+(2)+544+(2)+547-1782+944 pages. Half-leather with gilt-decorated spines and red-coloured edges, three uniform volumes (unknown bookbinder). The boards are a bit rubbed and the spines are a bit worn. Shelf-wear on the mounted paper. 2 cm split in the outer front joints of vol. II. The title-page of vol. III has been repaired. Creases in the upper corner of pages 825-870 in the index volume and some foxing on the endpapers and title pages, otherwise the contents are clean and in good condition. Vol. X-XII of Reiske’s “Oratorum Graecorum” (lacks serial title pages). Dibdin: "An introduction to the knowledge of rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Latin classics I", 1827. p. 482: "a rich repository, in which almost every thing that can illustrate and enlarge our knowledge of Grecian eloquence is to be found."

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1850 kr

Studien zur Polychromie der Plastik. Griechenland und Rom. Untersuchungen über die Farbwirkung der Marmor- und Bronzeskulpturen

Studien zur Polychromie der Plastik. Griechenland und Rom. Untersuchungen über die Farbwirkung der Marmor- und Bronzeskulpturen

Stockholm, Svenska bokförlaget. 1960. xii+259 pages. Printed wrappers with dust-jacket. The dust-jacket is slightly bumped and chipped. Unopened. Illustrated. With plates.

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150 kr

Die Landwirtschaft im homerischen Zeitalter

Die Landwirtschaft im homerischen Zeitalter

Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1968. (4)+162 pages. Printed wrappers. Former library books with a couple of stamps and labels. Illustrated. Archaeologia Homerica. Band II. Kapitel H.

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175 kr

The Rock-Tombs of Caunus. 1. The Architecture

The Rock-Tombs of Caunus. 1. The Architecture

Göteborg, Paul Åströms förlag. 1972. 124+(2)+62 plates+(6) pages. Prtined wrappers. Spine ends are very slightly bumped. Part 2 was issued in 1974. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology XXXIV:1.

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125 kr

The Social & Economic History of the Hellenistic World. Volume I-III

The Social & Economic History of the Hellenistic World. Volume I-III

Oxford at the Clarendon Press. 1964. xxiv+602+viii+603-1312+(8)+1313-1779 pages. Publisher's cloth, three volumes. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. Owner's signature and underlinings with ballpoint pen throughout the volumes. With plates. Complete set. Reprints, first issued in 1941.

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700 kr

Opera. In usum Scholarum

Opera. In usum Scholarum

Stockholm, H. A. Nordström. 1820. 359+(1) pages. Contemporary half-leather (unknown bookbinder). The boards are rubbed. Occasional foxing and ink-speckles inside. Contains the Latin text of the works of Sallustius (without translation). With comments and a short biography of the author in Swedish (written in blackletter).

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250 kr

The Physical World of Late Antiquity

The Physical World of Late Antiquity

London, Routledge. 1962. xii+189 pages. Publisher's cloth. Spine ends are slightly bumped. Owner's signature.

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125 kr

Beiträge zur Historischen Syntax der Griechischen Sprache. Heft 4-7.

Beiträge zur Historischen Syntax der Griechischen Sprache. Heft 4-7.

Contemporary half-leather (unknown bookbinder) bound without the original wrappers. A bit rubbed. Shelf-wear on the mounted paper. Two splits of 1 cm each in the upper spine end, and minor speckles on the spine. Former library book with a couple of stamps and pencil underlinings inside. Contents: (a) Weber, Philipp. Entwickelungsgeschichte der Absichtssätze I-II. Würzburg, A. Stuber’s Verlagsbuchhandlung. 1884-1885. vii+(1)+138+(2)+(6)+124+(1) pages. (b) Grünewald, L. Der Freie Formelhafte Infinitiv der Limitation im Griechischen. Würzburg, A. Stuber’s Verlagsbuchhandlung. 1888. (4)+37 pages. (c) Birklein, Franz. Entwickelungsgeschichte des Substantivierten Infinitivs. Würzburg, A. Stuber’s Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1888. (4)+109 pages.

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225 kr

Die Inschrift Eschmunazars. Königs der Sidonier. Geschichtlich und sprachlich erklärt

Die Inschrift Eschmunazars. Königs der Sidonier. Geschichtlich und sprachlich erklärt

Halle, Verlag der Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses. 1868. (2)+x+202 pages. Contemporary half-leather, bound without the original wrappers. Rubbed. Tears in the lower corner of pages 109-118 and on the second plate. Foxing in parts of the book. With three plates.

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215 kr

L. Annaei Senecae opera quae supersunt. Volumen II. Naturalium quaestionum libros VIII

L. Annaei Senecae opera quae supersunt. Volumen II. Naturalium quaestionum libros VIII

Leipzig, B. G. Teubner. 1907. xlvi+(2)+278 pages. Publisher's cloth. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. Owner's signature. A few pencil notes and underlinings. Annotated edition of the Latin text, comments in Latin. Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana.

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100 kr

Problems of the Late Cypriote Bronze Age

Problems of the Late Cypriote Bronze Age

Stockholm. 1940. x+(2)+226 pages. Printed wrappers. The wrappers are slightly darkened with a minor crease in the lower corner of the front wrapper. Owner's signature. Illustrated. With plates and dissertation sheet.

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275 kr

Latinsk poesi I-II

Latinsk poesi I-II

Lund, Gleerups. 1962-1965 (senare tryckning). 451+(1) sid. Trådhäftade, två volymer. Något nötta. Främre innerfalsen i del I förstärkt med tejp. Namnade. Sporadiska förstrykningar, huvudsakligen i blyerts. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Klassikerförbundet 41-42.

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125 kr

Egyptian Mummies

Egyptian Mummies

London, George Allen & Unwin. 1924. 190+(1) pages. Publisher's decorated cloth. The boards are slightly worn and bumped. Moderate foxing in the beginning and the end of the volume, as well as on the edges. Illustrated. With plates.

Ny 2025-03-07

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450 kr

Antigone, Filoktetes

Antigone, Filoktetes

Stockholm, Forum. 1965. 147 sidor. Inbundet pappband. Aningen nött. Handskriven sexa på främre pärmen. Stämpel: "Södra Latins gymnasium" på titelbladet. Övers. av Björn Collinder. Forumbiblioteket 145.

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100 kr

Die ausserstädtischen Kulte und die einigung Attikas

Die ausserstädtischen Kulte und die einigung Attikas

Lund, A.-B. Ph. Lindstedts Univ.-bokhandel. 1931. vii+(3)+148 pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are slightly bumped with a couple of minor tears. The top margin is very slightly darkened. Unopened. With fold-out map.

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175 kr

Grekisk skolgrammatik

Grekisk skolgrammatik

Lund, C W K Gleerups förlag. 1943. viii+175+(1) sidor. Senare osignerat pappband, häftesomslagen ej medbundna. Nedre hörnet på främre pärmen något tilltryckt. Ganska rikligt med förstrykningar, huvudsakligen i blyerts. Fuktfläckar på ett par sidor. Tejpbitar i innermarginalen på ett antal sidor. Andra reviderade upplagan.

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125 kr

Grekisk skolgrammatik

Grekisk skolgrammatik

Lund, CWK Gleerups förlag. 1968. viii+195 sidor. Förlagets klotband. Lite avskavd färg på ryggen. Namnteckning och sporadiska kulspetsförstrykningar. Åttonde upplagan.

Ny 2025-02-08

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175 kr

The Origins of Greek Civilization. 1100-650 B.C.

The Origins of Greek Civilization. 1100-650 B.C.

London, Jonathan Cape. 1962. xiv+(2)+385+(1)+viii sidor. Förlagets klotryggband. Lätt tilltryckta ryggslut. Namnad. Genomgående kulspetsförstrykningar. Med planscher.

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100 kr

The Art and Architecture of Ancient Egypt

The Art and Architecture of Ancient Egypt

New Haven, Yale University Press. 1998. x+(2)+296+(1) pages. Printed wrappers. Illustrated. A fine copy.

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125 kr

Zur relativen Chronologie der Parallelbiographien Plutarchs

Zur relativen Chronologie der Parallelbiographien Plutarchs

Lund, C. W. K. Gleerup. 1929. 133 pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are slightly bumped with minor tears in the outer margin. Lunds Universitets årsskrift. N. F. Avd. 1. Bd 25. Nr 3.

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175 kr

Zur Vorgeschichte Etruriens

Zur Vorgeschichte Etruriens

Åbo, Åbo Akademi. 1932. 196+(3) pages. Quarter-cloth bound for university library (unknown bookbinder) bound without the original wrappers. Hand-written title on the spine. Minor brown speckles on page 71 and creases in the lower corner of pages 129-132. The upper spine end is a bit rubbed. The mounted paper is a bit faded. A couple of library stamps inside. Illustrated. Acta Academiae Aboensis. Humaniora VIII:3.

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140 kr

Skandinavien bei Plinius und Ptolemaios. Kritisch-exegetische Forschungen zu den ältesten nordischen Sprachdenkmählen

Skandinavien bei Plinius und Ptolemaios. Kritisch-exegetische Forschungen zu den ältesten nordischen Sprachdenkmählen

Uppsala. 1974. viii+245 pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are a bit bumped with a crease in the lower corner of the front wrapper. A few pencil notes (mostly corrections of spelling mistakes). Author's dedication to Birger Bergh. Skrifter utgivna av K. humanistiska vetenskapssamfundet i Uppsala 45.

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300 kr

The Annals of Tacitus. Vol. I-II

The Annals of Tacitus. Vol. I-II

Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1968-1974. xi+(1)+691+(4)+149+(3)+519 pages +map. Publisher's cloth, two volumes. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. Owner's signature in both volumes. Reprint of the second revised edition (first published in 1896-1907). Heavily annotated edition of the Latin text (no English translation is included).

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350 kr



Odense, Odense Universitetsforlag. 1981. 141 sidor. Limmat mjukband. Veck i omslagets kanter. Blekt rygg. Namnad. Utgåva av den latinska källtexten med dansk översättning och kommentar.

Ny 2025-02-21

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125 kr

Römische Prosaiker in neuen Übersetzungen. 17 volumes: 12, 13, 19, 20, 25, 33, 34, 41, 45, 46, 50, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 67

Römische Prosaiker in neuen Übersetzungen. 17 volumes: 12, 13, 19, 20, 25, 33, 34, 41, 45, 46, 50, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 67

Stuttgart, Verlag der J. B. Metzler’schen Buchhandlung, 1827-1832. 17 volumes in small 8:o of approx. 80-150 pages each. Original printed wrappers. Varying condition - creases, tears, missing pieces on the wrappers, darkened spines and foxing on some volumes. Owner’s signature on some volumes: “L O Holmberg”. All of the volumes are unopened. In total, 242 volumes were issued. Please inquire if you have questions on specific volumes.

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165 kr

Människotyper och karaktärer

Människotyper och karaktärer

Stockholm, Norstedts. 1963. (82) sidor. Inbundet pappband. Något kantstött rygg. Främre omslaget mörknat i övermarginalen. Svensk andrahandsöversättning från danskan av Gustaf Lundgren.

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80 kr

Les Comedies de Terence svivant la nouvelle traduction de Madame D ' Acier traduites en Svedois. I-II

Les Comedies de Terence svivant la nouvelle traduction de Madame D ' Acier traduites en Svedois. I-II

Stockholm, Georg Gottlieb Burchardi. 1699-1700. (2)+ 430+(4)+(4)+407 sid. Två osignerade pergamentband med röda ryggtitelfält och utgivningsort och årtal vid ryggfoten. Snitten rödbruna. Pärmarna något fläckiga. Mindre svarta prickar på främre snitten. Ryggsluten lätt tilltryckta. Enstaka bläck- och lagerfläckar samt hundöron i inlagan. Pappersförlust (ca 2,5x1,5 cm) i övre hörnet på sid. 73 i andra delen. Fuktfläck på övre snittet till första delen. Namnteckning på titelbladen: ”Gustave Eleonore Lindahl née de Gjörwell”. Namnteckning: ”B. Wulff” (troligen bibliotekarie Bängt Wulff, Lunds Universitetsbibliotek) och stämpel: ”Quidings Antiquariat, Lund” på främre spegelbladen. Bläckfläck, handskriven beräkning samt citat på försättsbladet i första delen: ”Malo nodo malus cuneus quaerendus”. Klemming: ”Sveriges dramatiska litteratur till och med 1875”, sid. 64. Innehåller Anne Daciers franska Terentiusöversättning jämte svensk översättning av C. G. Österling. Första delen innehåller ”Andria” och ”Eunuchus”; andra delen innehåller ”Heauton-Timorumenos” och ”Adelphi”. En tredje del utkom 1708.

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1400 kr

Publii Terentii, Carthaginiensis Afri, Comoediae Sex, Recte Tandem Captui Juventutis accomodatae.

Publii Terentii, Carthaginiensis Afri, Comoediae Sex, Recte Tandem Captui Juventutis accomodatae.

Oder Deutliche und nach dem Begriff der Jugend endlich recht eingerichtete Erklärung des Publii Terentii, eines Comici. Augspurg, Paul Kühtze, 1718. (18)+907+(2) pages. Contemporary parchment with hand-written title on the spine. A bit rubbed with stains on the boards and the edges. The frontispiece and the double-page title page is missing. The inner front hinge is weak. The outer margin of pp. 41-44 is cut, and minor loss of paper in the upper corner of page 329 (no text is missing). Numbers, 538 and 265, on the front paste-down. Owner signatures (A. E. Norbeck & Th. Gust. Wennberg). A few notes written with ink and minor brown speckles inside. Stamp: “A. S.” on the title page. First edition of this heavily annotated edition of the Latin text. Comments and introduction in German.

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725 kr



Stockholm, Natur & Kultur. 2004. 229 sidor. Inbundet pappband med skyddsomslag. Övers. av Ingvar Björkeson. Med grekisk parallelltext.

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150 kr

Maisons de Volubilis. Le palais dit de Gordien et la maison à la mosaïque de Vénus

Maisons de Volubilis. Le palais dit de Gordien et la maison à la mosaïque de Vénus

Rabat, Servisce des Antiquités du Maroc. 1958. 86 pages. Printed wrappers. A bit rubbed with a tear of 2,5 cm in the outer back joints. Creases in the upper corner of the first 20 pages. A couple of library stamps inside. Illustrated. With plates. Publications du service des antiquités du Maroc. Fascicule 12.

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225 kr

Étude sur L´Épigrapie latine. Date des insriptions. Noms et denomination latine. Nom et origine des personnes

Étude sur L´Épigrapie latine. Date des insriptions. Noms et denomination latine. Nom et origine des personnes

Lund, C W K Gleerup. 1952. xvi+191 pages+plates. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are slightly bumped. Unopened. With dissertation sheet. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom, 8:o, V.

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150 kr

Litterae Latinae. I. Prosa + Kommentar

Litterae Latinae. I. Prosa + Kommentar

Stockholm, Svenska bokförlaget. 1960. viii+304+(1)+(4)+152 sidor. Antologin i inbundet pappband, kommentardelen trådhäftad. Något kantstötta. Blyertsanteckningar i delar av inlagan. Illustrerade.

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125 kr



Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1974. (4)+179 pages +plates. Printed wrappers. Creases in the front wrapper. Former library book with a couple of stamps and labels. Illustrated. Archaeologia Homerica. Band III. Kapitel V.

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125 kr

De Proprietate Sermonum vel Rerum. A Study and Critical Edition of a Set of Verbal Distinctions

De Proprietate Sermonum vel Rerum. A Study and Critical Edition of a Set of Verbal Distinctions

Roma, American Academy in Rome. 1954. (8)+115 pages. Printed wrappers. Slightly bumped with crease in the front wrapper. Spine is a bit faded. Annotated edition of the Latin text.

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150 kr

Argonauticon. Libri octo

Argonauticon. Libri octo

Leipzig, B. G. Teubner. 1875. lviii+(2)+180 pages. Contemporary half-leather (unkinown bookbinder) bound without the original wrappers. A bit rubbed with brown speckles on the spine. Owner's signature. Annotated edition of the Latin text (without English translation). Comments in Latin.

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150 kr

Études topographiques sur la Messénie ancienne

Études topographiques sur la Messénie ancienne

Lund, C. W. Lindström. 1930. 233+(2) pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are very slightly bumped. Minor brown stains on the front wrapper. Illustrated. Unopened. With fold-out map.

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350 kr

Aeneis buch VI

Aeneis buch VI

Leipzig/Berlin, Verlag B. G. Teubner. 1926. (8)+485+(1) pages. Publisher's cloth. Slightly bumped. Faded spine with minor speckles. Owner's signature and bookplate: Gösta Claesson. Crease in the lower corner of pp. 207-240.Heavily annotated edition of the Latin text, together with German translation. Comments in German. Third edition.

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150 kr

Aeneidos. Liber Quartus [Qvartvs]

Aeneidos. Liber Quartus [Qvartvs]

Oxford at the Clarendon Press. 1963. xx+212 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. Corners and spine-ends are a bit bumped. Minor brown speckle and tears in the dust-jacket. Inscription on the fly-leaf. Scholarly edition of the Latin text. Reprint of the 1955 edition.

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125 kr

Publii Virgilii Maronis Aeneis. L’Énéide, traduite par Jacques Delille. I-IV.

Publii Virgilii Maronis Aeneis. L’Énéide, traduite par Jacques Delille. I-IV.

Paris, Giguet & Michaud. 1804. 390+367+334+404 pages. +engraved frontispiece in each volume. Contemporary half-leather with red-coloured edges and profusely gilt spines (unknown bookbinder), four volumes. A bit rubbed with shelf-wear on the mounted paper. The mounted paper is also slightly darkened close to the inner margin on all four volumes. Split of 1 cm in the upper spine end of vol. IV. Loss of paper in the lower corner of page 337 in vol. I (no text is missing). Minor brown stains on a few pages. Dampstains in the lower corners of the frontispieces of vol. III-IV, otherwise contents are in good condition. With the bookplate of Johan Hindric Tawast in all four volumes. Bilingual edition of the Latin text with Delille’s French translation into alexandrines. Serial title: “Oeuvres de Jacques Delille”.

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1750 kr

Studien zur Kunstgeschichte der Römischen Republik

Studien zur Kunstgeschichte der Römischen Republik

C. W. K. Gleerup. 1941. (10)+304 sidor. Gott skick. Original printed wrappers. Slightly bumped with a couple of library stamps inside. Crease in the upper corner of the bac k cover. A bit darkened spine. Unopened from page (6). With dissertation sheet. The volume with plates is missing.

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120 kr

Minjar og menntir. Afmælisrit helgað Kristjáni Eldjárn 6. desember 1976

Minjar og menntir. Afmælisrit helgað Kristjáni Eldjárn 6. desember 1976

Reykjavík, Bókaútgáfa Menningarsjoður. 1976. xviii+576 pages. Publisher's half-cloth with raised binds and stained edges. A couple of minor speckles on the front board. Festschrift to Kristjáni Eldjárn, scholar of archaeology and president of Iceland 1968-1976. Most of the papers concern Old Norse history, archaeology and philology and are written in Icelandic (see the second and third pictures for table of contents). Summaries in English.

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290 kr

Tolv romerske kejsere

Tolv romerske kejsere

København, Rhodos. 1971. cxcvi+(3) sidor. Förlagets halvskinnband. Pärmpappret en aning skavt i kanterna. Illustrerad. Numrerad upplaga utgiven i 100 exemplar, detta är nr. 6. Signerad av författaren och med dedikation till "Jonas".

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200 kr

Latinskt morfemlexikon. Med uppgifter om de internationella ordens ursprung och uppbyggnad

Latinskt morfemlexikon. Med uppgifter om de internationella ordens ursprung och uppbyggnad

Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell. 1976. 262 sidor. Inbundet pappband. Ryggen något kantstött. Inplastad med enstaka biblioteksstämplar. Fläck på främre snittet.

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115 kr

Political Interpretations in Greek Literature

Political Interpretations in Greek Literature

Manchester, Manchester University Press. 1948. vii+(1)+149 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. Tears in the dust-jacket.

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100 kr

Fahren und Reiten

Fahren und Reiten

Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1968. (4)+144 pages +plates. Printed wrappers. Black stroke on the back wrapper. Former library books with a couple of stamps and labels. Illustrated. Archaeologia Homerica. Band I. Kapitel F.

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150 kr

Das ideale Dasein bei Tibull und die Goldzeitkonzeption Vergils.

Das ideale Dasein bei Tibull und die Goldzeitkonzeption Vergils.

Uppsala, 1981. 163 pages. Printed wrappers. Creases in the corners of the back wrapper. A blue stroke made with ballpoint pen on the front wrapper. Author's dedication. With dissertation sheet. Studia Latina Upsaliensia 13.

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125 kr

How the Greek built Cities

How the Greek built Cities

London, Macmillan & Co. 1962. xxi+(1)+235+(1) sidor. Publisher' cloth. Spine ends are a bit bumped. Owner's signature. Underlinings with ballpoint pen throughout the book. Illustrated. With plates.

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100 kr

Anabasis eller De tiotusendes härtåg

Anabasis eller De tiotusendes härtåg

Stockholm, Gebers. Andra uppl. 1954. 312+(3) sidor. Trådhäftad. Något kantstött och fläckigt omslag. Mörknad rygg. Namnad. Övers. av Ivar A. Heikel.

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115 kr

Xenophons Anabasis. Für den Schulgebrauch. I-II + Xenophons Griechische Geschichte. Für den Schulgebrauch. I-II

Xenophons Anabasis. Für den Schulgebrauch. I-II + Xenophons Griechische Geschichte. Für den Schulgebrauch. I-II

Leipzig/Berlin, Teubner. 1896-1908. iv+198+(2)+3 plates+(4)+208+214+190 pages. Contemporary half-leather, unknown bookbinder. A bit rubbed. The mounted paper is a bit worn. 5 cm split in the outer front joints, the inner joints have been strenghtened. A few pencil underlinings and brown speckles inside. Contains the Greek texts (no translation) with notes in German. Later editions: "Anabasis" is the ninth editon, "Griechische Geschichte" is the seventh (part I) and fifth (part II) edition, respectively. Illustrated.

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275 kr

Xenophons berättelse om Kyros´ fälttåg. Översedd text med bifogade anmärkningar, historiska och geografiska upplysningar, karta och ordbok.

Xenophons berättelse om Kyros´ fälttåg. Översedd text med bifogade anmärkningar, historiska och geografiska upplysningar, karta och ordbok.

Örebro, N. M. Lindh. 1861. viii+245+(3) sidor. Osignerat samtida halvskinnband, häftesomslag ej medbundna. Nött pärm med pappersförlust på överdragspappret. För- och eftersättsbladen saknas. Namnad. Svaga innerfalsar. Delar av inlagan svagt lagerfläckad. Kommenterad utgåva av den grekiska texten (ingen översättning ingår). Sjätte reviderade upplagan. Sammanbunden med Gumaelius, G. W.: "Ordbok till Xenophons Anabasis". Örebro, N. M. Lindh. 1859. 115+(1) sid. +utvikbar karta. Kartan mörknad. Sjätte reviderade upplagan.

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150 kr

Anabase (I-VII). Tome I-II

Anabase (I-VII). Tome I-II

Paris, Société d'édition "Les Belles Lettres". 1961-64. (4)+xx+(3)+158+46-158 (French translation)+(1)+159-177+175+175 (French translation)+176-205 pages. Printed wrappers, two volumes. The over-sized wrappers are slightly bumped and chipped. The spine of vol. II is slightly slanted. Bilingual edition of the Greek text with French translation.

Ny 2025-02-14

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250 kr

Xenophons Anabasis. Für den Schulgebrauch. I-II + Wörterbuch zu Xenophon's Anabasis. Für den Schulgebrauch

Xenophons Anabasis. Für den Schulgebrauch. I-II + Wörterbuch zu Xenophon's Anabasis. Für den Schulgebrauch

Leipzig, B. G. Teubner. 1880-1883 (part I in seventh edition, part II in sixth edition, dictionary in fifth edition). iv+209+(3) pages+3 plates+map+208+iv+251 pages+3 plates. Contemporary half-leather (unknown bookbinder) bound without the original wrappers. The boards are worn and rubbed. Minor brown stains on a few pages, otherwise the contents are in good condition. Contains the Greek source text with comments in German and an extensive Greek-German dictionary.

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225 kr

Beobachtungen zum Aufbau der Theogonie Hesiods

Beobachtungen zum Aufbau der Theogonie Hesiods

Heidelberg. 1984. (8)+251 pages. Printed wrappers with cloth-stripe on the spine. The lower-spine end is a bit rubbed. Minor spots on the edges.

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115 kr

The power of images in the Age of Augustus

The power of images in the Age of Augustus

Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Press. 1992. vii+(3)+385 pages. Hard-cover with dust-jacket. The outer margin of the first half of the book is dampstained. Illustrated.

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90 kr

The Cuirass Tomb and other Finds at Dendrá. Part I: The Chamber Tombs

The Cuirass Tomb and other Finds at Dendrá. Part I: The Chamber Tombs

Göteborg, Paul Åströms förlag. 1977. 144 pages. Printed wrappers. Creases in the corners of the wrappers. Loss of paper on the title page, most likely a removed owner signature. Illustrated. Part I only. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology Vol. IV.

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125 kr

Corpus vasorum antiquorum. Sweden. Museum of Classical Antiquities, Lund 1

Kungl. vitterhets historie och antikvitets akademien. 1980. 64 pagesOriginal printed wrappers with 25 plates collected in publisher's cassette. Slightly bumped cassette with minor red stri pe and a couple of minor spots. Illustrated. On the vases from classical antiquity at the Museum of Classical Antiquities in Lund.

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185 kr

Gaius Julius Caesar. Politik och moral i det romerska imperiet

Gaius Julius Caesar. Politik och moral i det romerska imperiet

Nora, Nya Doxa. 2000. 288 sidor. Kartonnageband med skyddsomslag. Mindre veck i övermarginalen på skyddsomslagets baksida. Illustrerad.

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100 kr

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