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Rei Rusticae. Libri I-II, VI-VII, X, XI

Rei Rusticae. Libri I-II, VI-VII, X, XI

Uppsala, Lundequistska bokhandeln/Göteborg, Eranos Förlag. 1902-1940. (8)+107+(1)+vi+157+(1)+(6)+23+(1)+(6)+70 pages. Half-cloth (Ellbe Bokbinderi, Hässleholm), bound without the original wrappers. Scholarly edition of the Latin text (no translation is included). L. Juni Moderati Columellae Opera quae exstant. Vol. II, IV, VI, VII. More volumes were issued, although this edition of Columella's works was never finished.

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275 kr

Åtta böcker om läkekonsten

Åtta böcker om läkekonsten

Lund, C W K Gleerups förlag. 1906. (4)+666 sidor. Trådhäftad. Revor och mindre pappersförlust på omslaget. Längre reva i främre ytterfalsen. Pappersförlust till följd av insekt i nedermarginalen på de första fyra sidorna (ingen text saknas). Delvis ouppskuren. Ovanlig.

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325 kr

Kreousas skugga. Fiktionsteoretiska nedslag i senantikens latinska litteratur

Kreousas skugga. Fiktionsteoretiska nedslag i senantikens latinska litteratur

Stockholm/Stehag, Brutus Östlings bokförlag Symposion. 2006. 842 sidor. Inbundet pappband med skyddsomslag. Skyddsomslaget obetydligt kantstött.

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125 kr

Libri Historici X. de Alexandri Magni Rebus Gestis, med svenska noter utgifne till studerande ungdomens tjenst

Libri Historici X. de Alexandri Magni Rebus Gestis, med svenska noter utgifne till studerande ungdomens tjenst

Westerås, tryckt hos Per Kraft. 1809. (2)+512+(14) sidor. Osignerat halvskinnband med marmorerat överdragspapper och blåstänkta snitt. Pärmen något nött. Överdragspappret skavt. Lagerfläckar i inlagan. Namnad. Bokhandelsetikett, "L. A. Ahlberg, Stockholm", på främre spegelbladet. Stämpel: "F & G Beijers förlagshandel", på titelbladet. Eftersättsbladet saknas. Latinsk text med utförliga kommentarer på svenska.

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250 kr

Das Verbum der griechischen Sprache. I-II

Das Verbum der griechischen Sprache. I-II

Leipzig, Verlag von S. Hirzel. 1877-1880 (second edition). x+398+x+478 pages. Contemporary half-leather (unknown bookbinder) bound without the original wrappers, two volumes. The boards are rubbed with splits of 5 mm and minor missing pieces of leather in the upper spine ends. Shelf-wear on the mounted paper. The inner hinges are weak. Former library books with a couple of stamps inside.

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250 kr

Grekernes och Romarnes Mythologie. Efter den af Fredrik Schulz föranstaltade Upplaga, ånyo utarbetad af Konrad Levezow.

Grekernes och Romarnes Mythologie. Efter den af Fredrik Schulz föranstaltade Upplaga, ånyo utarbetad af Konrad Levezow.

Örebro, tryckt hos Nils Magnus Lindh. 1813. viii+306 sidor. Samtida osignerat halvfranskt band. Hårt nött pärm med till större delen bortskavd ryggdekoration. Bekre ytterfalsen lagad och längre glipa i främre ytterfalsen. Lagerfläckar i delar av inlagan. Med 28 kopparstick med motiv ur den antika mytologin. Utkom i flera svenska upplagor 1812-1813.

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140 kr

Oratorum Graecorum, quorum princeps est Demosthenes [...] Volumen primum, partem priorem dimidiam Demosthenis tenens.

Oratorum Graecorum, quorum princeps est Demosthenes [...] Volumen primum, partem priorem dimidiam Demosthenis tenens.

Leipzig, W. G. Sommer. 1770. (12)+cvii+(1)+808 pages. Half-leather with raised binds and red-coloured edges. The boards are rubbed with missing pieces of leather on the spine and beginning splits in the outer joints. Shelf-wear on the mounted paper. Lacks the frontispiece. Trace of removed label on the front paste-down. Minor foxing on a few pages. Vol. I of XII. The first two volumes contain the Greek text of the works of Demosthenes, based on Benenat’s edition. Dibdin: "An introduction to the knowledge of rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Latin classics I", 1827. p. 482: "a rich repository, in which almost every thing that can illustrate and enlarge our knowledge of Grecian eloquence is to be found."

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500 kr

Ausgewählte Reden des Demosthenes. I-III

Ausgewählte Reden des Demosthenes. I-III

Berlin, Weidmannsche Buchhandlung. 1890-1903 (part I in tenth edition, part II in seventh edition, part III in third edition). 268+288+197+(3) pages. Contemporary half-cloth (unknown bookbinder but most likely by Ellen Rydbeck, Lund) with stained edges, bound without the original wrappers. The mounted paper is slightly worn, otherwise a fine copy. Annotated edition of the Greek text, comments in German.

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250 kr

Ancient Rome. From the Early Republic to the Assassination of Julius Caesar

Ancient Rome. From the Early Republic to the Assassination of Julius Caesar

London, Routledge. 2005. ix+(1)+784+(3) sidor. Limmat mjukband. Aningen kantstötta hörn. Ej senaste upplagan. Omfattande antologi med tematiskt ordnade antika texter i engelsk översättning.

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175 kr

Grekiska prosakurs

Grekiska prosakurs

Malmö, Hermods korrespondensinstitut. 1945. Ca 250 sidor. Förlagets klotband. Hörn och ryggslut något nötta. Kursen består av 64 sid. grekisk text, samt nio brev på vardera 12-20 sid. med kommentar, översättningar och övningsuppgifter. Med utvikbart karta.

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205 kr

Latinsk grundkurs

Latinsk grundkurs

Malmö, Hermods Korrespondensinstitut. 1956. Ca 450 sidor. Förlagets klotband. Något tilltryckta hörn och ryggslut. Namnad. Genomgående förstrykningar med röd kulspets, därav priset. Kursen består av 20 brev på 20-28 sidor, ett inledande brev på 12 sidor samt ett register på 9 sidor. Ovanlig.

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125 kr

Studien zu den Epistulae ad Caesarem Senem de Re Publica

Studien zu den Epistulae ad Caesarem Senem de Re Publica

Gleerupska Univ.-bokhandeln. 1931. (2)+173+(2) pages. Original printed wrappers. Slightly bumped with minor dark spot on the front wrappers. Unopened.

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130 kr

Orestes, Backanterna

Orestes, Backanterna

Stockholm, Forum. 1958. 169+(3) sidor. Förlagets klotyggband. Något kantstötta hörn. Översättning av Tord Baeckström. Forumbiblioteket 99.

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100 kr



Oxford at the Clarendon Press. 1977. xiv+198 pages. Publisher's cloth. Spine ends are slightly bumped. Owner's signature and pencil notes in parts of the book. First issued in 1959. Annotated edition of the Latin text of the Satires (no English translation is included).

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125 kr

L. Annaei Flori quae exstant

L. Annaei Flori quae exstant

Roma. 1938. iii-xxxii+253 pages. Contemporary quarter-cloth with parts of the original wrappers mounted to the boards. Spine ends are a bit rubbed. Tear of 1 cm in the lower spine end. Bound without the half-title. Pages iii-xiv are cut with a shorter outer margin than the rest of the volume. Pages 17-18 are loose and have been repaired with tape. Owner's signature and label, "Statens og hovedstadskommunernes kursus", on the front paste-down. Annotated edition of the Latin text. Comments in Latin. Scriptores Graeci et Latini iussu Beniti Mussolini. Consilio R. Academiae Lynceorum editi.

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175 kr

Studies in Pindar with particular reference to Paean VI and Nemean VII

Studies in Pindar with particular reference to Paean VI and Nemean VII

Lund, CWK Gleerup. 1972. 156 pages. Printed wrappers. Slightly bumped and faded wrappers. 5 mm tear on the back wrapper. Unopened. With dissertation sheet.

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125 kr

Antikens värld. En historisk odyssé genom Grekland och Rom

Antikens värld. En historisk odyssé genom Grekland och Rom

Stockholm, Prisma. 2008. 702 sidor. Kartonnageband med skyddsomslag. Skyddsomslaget något veckat i övermarginalen. Med planscher.

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125 kr

Tierknochenfunde aus Kassope/Griechenland (4.-1. Jh.v.Chr.)

Tierknochenfunde aus Kassope/Griechenland (4.-1. Jh.v.Chr.)

München. 1984. (6)+235+(2) pages. Printed wrappers. Slightly bent. With plates.

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110 kr

Sikyoniske vaser. En Arkæologisk Undersøgelse

Sikyoniske vaser. En Arkæologisk Undersøgelse

København, V. Pios Boghandel. 1918. (8)+171 sidor. Trådhäftad. Nött och fläckigt överskjutande omslag med revor och mindre pappersförlust. Bakre omslag lagat med lim. Enstaka bruna fläckar i inlagan. Illustrerad. Med XXI planscher.

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90 kr

Huit recherches sur les origines italiques et romaines

Huit recherches sur les origines italiques et romaines

Paris, E. de Boccard. 1950. 252 pages. Private-bound half-cloth (unknown bookbinder), bound without the original wrappers. The mounted paper on the boards is very slightly worn.

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190 kr

Der Ausgang des griechisch-römischen Heidentums

Der Ausgang des griechisch-römischen Heidentums

Heidelberg, Carl Winters Universitätsbuchhandlung. 1920. (8)+346+(1) pages. Hard-cover. Corners and spine ends are a bit rubbed. The spine is slightly faded. Owner's signature. Occasional underlinings, some of them made with ballpoint pen. Religionswissenschaftliche Bibliothek. Sechster Band.

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150 kr

Stat og statsforfatninger i oldtidens Hellas

Stat og statsforfatninger i oldtidens Hellas

Kjøbenhavn, Gyldendalske Boghandel. 1898. (4)+162 sidor. Privatbundet halvklotband (okänd bokbindare). Främre omslaget medbundet. Namnad: Thorkild Roskjaer. Genomgående blyertsförstrykningar och -anteckningar (därav priset).

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90 kr

Grekiska. Språket, kulturen, myterna

Grekiska. Språket, kulturen, myterna

Stockholm, Wahlström & Widstrand. 2008. 337 sidor. Kartonnageband med skyddsomslag. Skyddsomslaget något nött.

Ny 2024-08-14

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100 kr

The Iron Age Culture of Latium. I. Classification and Analysis. II. Excavations and Finds. 1. The Alban Hills

The Iron Age Culture of Latium. I. Classification and Analysis. II. Excavations and Finds. 1. The Alban Hills

Lund, C W K Gleerup. 1964-1966. (2)+xxx+521+(5)+418+(4) pages. Printed wrappers, two volumes. The over-sized wrappers are slightly bumped with a couple of tears (2-3 mm). Vol. II:1 is slightly slanted. Illustrated. Unopened. Everything issued. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom, 4:o, XXIV:1-2.

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600 kr

Studies on Prehistoric Cyprus

Studies on Prehistoric Cyprus

Uppsala, 1926. (8)+342 pages. Printed wrappers. A bit rubbed and slanted with tears in the wrappers. Dampstain in the top margin throughout the volume. Illustrated. Author’s dedication to Carl-Herman Hjortsjö, and with Hjortsjö’s stamp on the front wrapper. Reprint from Uppsala Universitets Årsskrift 1926.

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200 kr

Dynamic Symmetry. The Greek Vase

Dynamic Symmetry. The Greek Vase

Yale University Press. 1920. (10)+161+(1) pages. Publisher's decorated cloth. A bit rubbed with tears in the ends of the outer joints. Beginning crack in the back hinge. Library stamps on all pages with even numbers. Illustrated. With plates.

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90 kr

Making Enemies. The Logic of Immorality in Ciceronian Oratory

Making Enemies. The Logic of Immorality in Ciceronian Oratory

Lund, Lund University. 2013. 381+(3) pages. Printed wrappers. Author's dedication.

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115 kr

Megarische Studien

Megarische Studien

Lund, A.-B. Ph. Lindstedts Univ.-bokhandel. 1934. 226+(1) pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are slightly bumped. Unopened.

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175 kr

The Followers of the Paris Painter. With a Contribution by Anja Drukker

The Followers of the Paris Painter. With a Contribution by Anja Drukker

København, Munksgaard. 1976. 95 pages. Printed wrappers. Slightly bumped spine. Author's dedication to Jens-Erik [Skydsgaard]. With 59 plates. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab Historisk filosofiske Meddelelser 47, 4.

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140 kr

The Paris Painter. An Etruscan Vase-Painter

The Paris Painter. An Etruscan Vase-Painter

København, Munksgaard. 1974. 51+(1) pages. Printed wrappers. Slightly bumped spine. Author's dedication to Jens-Erik [Skydsgaard]. With 34 plates. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab Historisk filosofiske Meddelelser 47, 2.

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140 kr

On the Function of Abstract Nouns in Latin

On the Function of Abstract Nouns in Latin

Uppsala. 1977. 153 pages. Printed wrappers. Slightly faded spine. With dissertation sheet. Studia Latina Upsaliensia 11.

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125 kr

Labraunda. Pottery of Classical and Later Date, Terracotta Lamps and Glass

Labraunda. Pottery of Classical and Later Date, Terracotta Lamps and Glass

Lund, Studentlitteratur. 1971. xiii+(1)+95+(1) pages. Printed wrappers. With 40 plates. Reprint from Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen, 4:o, V, II:1.

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125 kr

Herodotos historia

Herodotos historia

Stockholm, Norstedts. 2000. 596 sidor. Kartonnageband med skyddsomslag. Obetydligt kantstötta hörn. Märke efter prislapp på bakre omslaget. Hela verket i översättning av Claes Lindskog, reviderad av Gerhard Bendz och Axel Lindskog. Förord och kommentarer av Sture Linnér.

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175 kr



Stockholm, Hugo Gebers förlag. 1953. 121+(1) sidor. Trådhäftad. Något kantstött. Veck i främre omslaget. Illustrerad. Delvis ouppskuren.

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80 kr

De sex första sångerna af Homeri Odyssée med svensk ordbok

De sex första sångerna af Homeri Odyssée med svensk ordbok

Upsala, Palmblad & C. 1829. (2)+88+113+(1) sidor. Samtida osignerat halvskinnband. Nött pärm med brytveck och pappersförlust på framsidan. Revor samt pappersförlust i yttermarginalen på ett tjugotal sidor (ingen text saknas), vissa revor är lagade. Genomgående lagerfläckar. Namnteckning: "Karl Hugo Birger Holmin" samt sporadiska samtida anteckningar i bläck. Grekisk källtext med grekisk-svensk ordlista (ingen översättning eller kommentar ingår).

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125 kr

Homeri Odyssea. Mit erklärenden Anmerkungen I-VI

Homeri Odyssea. Mit erklärenden Anmerkungen I-VI

Hannover, Verlage der Hahn'schen Hofbuchhandlung. 1842-1845 (second edition). 160+112+136+118+120+128 pages. Contemporary half-leather, unknown bookbinder, bound without the original wrappers. The boards are rubbed, inner back hinge is a bit weak. Foxing throughout the volume. A few pencil underlinings. Inscribed. Annotated edition of the Greek text of the "Odyssey", comments in German. (Complete edition). The volume also contains an annotated edition of the "Batrachomyomachia" ("The battle of the frogs and mice", a parody of the Iliad).

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250 kr

Beiträge zur Sprache und Kritik Tertullians

Beiträge zur Sprache und Kritik Tertullians

Lund, CWK Gleerup. 1932. (2)+167+(1) pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are slightly bumped. Minor brown speckles on the front wrapper. Unopened. Skrifter utgivna av Vetenskaps-societeten i Lund 14.

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125 kr

Oden I-III

Oden I-III

Stockholm, Forum. 1963. 234+(3) sidor. Trådhäftad. Något nött. Översättning av Ebbe Linde. Forumbiblioteket 131.

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100 kr

Q. Horati Flacci Opera

Q. Horati Flacci Opera

Oxford at the Clarendon Press. 1963. (6)+x+ca 272 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. The dust-jacket is slightly bumped with minor speckles on the spine. Tear of 1,5 cm on the dust-jacket. Trace of removed owner signature on the fly-leaf. Scholarly edition of the Latin text. Revised edition. Oxford classical texts.

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140 kr

Q. Horatius Flaccus. Erster teil: Oden und Epoden

Q. Horatius Flaccus. Erster teil: Oden und Epoden

Berlin, Weidmannsche Buchhandlung. 1917. vi+(2)+582+(2) pages. Contemporary half-cloth (unknown bookbinder), bound with the original front wrapper inside. Pencil underlinings throughout the volume. Sixth edition. Annotated edition of the Latin text, comments in German.

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100 kr

Horatius' oden

Horatius' oden

Stockholm, Wahlström & Widstrand. 1946. 275+(5) sidor. Trådhäftad. Något kantstött och mörknat överskjutande omslag. Fläck på ryggen. Namnad. Ouppskuren.

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100 kr

Patron and Pavements in Late Antiquity

Patron and Pavements in Late Antiquity

Odense, Odense University Press. 1997. 150 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. The dust-jacket is slightly bumped in the lower margin. Publisher's stamp on the fly-leaf. Illustrated. With plates. Halicarnassian Studies II.

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175 kr

Aspects of Athenian Society in the Fourth century B.C. A historical introduction to and commentary on the paragraphe-speeches and the speech Against Dionysodorus in the Corpus Demosthenicum (XXXII-XXXVIII and LVI)

175 kr

An Independent Study Guide to Reading Latin

An Independent Study Guide to Reading Latin

Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 2006. viii+281 sidor. Trådhäftad. Obetydligt kantstötta hörn och ryggslut. Ej senaste upplagan.

Ny 2024-08-14

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100 kr

Reading Latin. Text

Reading Latin. Text

Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 2007. xvi+160 sidor. Limmat mjukband. Enstaka blyertsanteckningar. Illustrerad. Ej senaste upplagan.

Ny 2024-08-14

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100 kr

Les principes psychologiques d'Homère

Les principes psychologiques d'Homère

Copenhague. 1928. (4)+89 pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are bumped with tears in the top margin of the front wrapper. Author's dedication to K. Mattisson. Unopened.

Ny 2024-08-09

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125 kr

Justini historiarum ex trogo Pompeio. Libri XIV

Justini historiarum ex trogo Pompeio. Libri XIV

Paris, Joseph Barbou. 1770. viii+441+(5) pages. Leather-bound with gilt-decorated boards and spine, all edges gilt and marbled end-papers (unknown bookbinder). The boards are rubbed with splits in the outer joints. Inner hinges are solid. The frontispiece is missing. Black speckles on the back end-paper. Bookplate: C G Löwegren.

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350 kr

D. Junii Juvenalis Saturarum Libri V. Mit erklärenden Anmerkungen. Erster und zweiter band.

D. Junii Juvenalis Saturarum Libri V. Mit erklärenden Anmerkungen. Erster und zweiter band.

Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1967. (6)+612+108+(2) pages. Publisher's cloth. Slightly bumped and faded spine. Scholarly edition of the Latin text.

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215 kr

Homer Revisited

Homer Revisited

Lund, CWK Gleerup. 1971. 175 pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are slightly bumped. Unopened. Skrifter utgivna av Vetenskaps-societeten i Lund 64.

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250 kr

Peder Winstrup - historier kring en 1600-talsmumie

Peder Winstrup - historier kring en 1600-talsmumie

Lund, Historiska museet vid Lunds universitet. 2017. 160 sidor. Mycket gott skick. Förlagets klotryggband. Illustrerad.

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140 kr

Bau und Schrift. Studien zur Archäologie und Literatur des antiken Christentums. Für Hans Reinhard Seeliger

Bau und Schrift. Studien zur Archäologie und Literatur des antiken Christentums. Für Hans Reinhard Seeliger

Münster, Aschendorff Verlag. 2015. vi+298 pages. Hard-cover. Corners are slightly bumped. A couple of library stamps inside. Illustrated. Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum. Ergänzungsband Kleine Reihe 12.

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200 kr

Studien zu den Attischen Reliefs des V. Jahrhunderts v. Chr.

Studien zu den Attischen Reliefs des V. Jahrhunderts v. Chr.

Uppsala. 1926. viii+151 pages. Printed wrappers. Minor tears and loss of paper on the wrappers. With XVIII plates. Unopened.

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175 kr

Der nominale Numerus in der Sprache und im Stil des Curtius Rufus

Der nominale Numerus in der Sprache und im Stil des Curtius Rufus

Turku, Turun yliopisto. 1969. 178 pages. Printed wrappers. Slightly yellower spine. Annales universitatis Turkuensis. Series B. Tom. 114.

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150 kr

Rector rei publicae. Bidrag til fortolkningen af Ciceros De re publica

Rector rei publicae. Bidrag til fortolkningen af Ciceros De re publica

København, Gyldendal. 1956. 211 sidor. Trådhäftad. Något kantstött överskjutande omslag med ett par korta riss. Summary in English. Dedikation från förf.

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125 kr

De mortibus persecutorum. Liber accedit Lactantii quod fertur De motibus animi fragmentum

De mortibus persecutorum. Liber accedit Lactantii quod fertur De motibus animi fragmentum

Torino, I. B. Paravia. 1920. xx+66+(6) pages. Stiff printed wrappers. The wrappers are rubbed and worn. Owner's signature. Annotated edition of the Latin text, comments in Latin. Corpus scriptorum Latinorum Paravianum N. 40.

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100 kr

Mykenisch-griechische Personennamen

Mykenisch-griechische Personennamen

Göteborg. 1958. 305 pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are slightly bumped. With errata sheet. Studia Graeca et Latina Gothoburgensia 7.

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150 kr

Egypt. Architecture, Sculpture, Painting in three thousand years

Egypt. Architecture, Sculpture, Painting in three thousand years

London, Phaidon. 1956. viii+362 pages. Publisher's cloth. Dust-jacket is missing. The spine is slightly bumped. Removed ex-libris on the front paste-down. Illustrated.

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140 kr

Eine Denkschrift an Caesar über den Staat. Historisch-philologisch untersucht

Eine Denkschrift an Caesar über den Staat. Historisch-philologisch untersucht

Lund, C W K Gleerup. 1936. (4)+129+(2) pages. Printed wrappers. Slightly bumped with minor tears in the over-sized wrappers. Mostly unopened. Skrifter utgivna av Vetenskaps-societeten i Lund 19.

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125 kr

Urbis Romae Viri Illustres a Romulo ad Augustum. Mit sachlichen Anmerkungen und einem Wörterbuch. Neubearbeitet von Professor Dr. H. Planck und Professor C. Minner

Urbis Romae Viri Illustres a Romulo ad Augustum. Mit sachlichen Anmerkungen und einem Wörterbuch. Neubearbeitet von Professor Dr. H. Planck und Professor C. Minner

Stuttgart, Verlag von Adolf Bonz & Comp. Twelfth edition. 1902. xii+211 pages. Contemporary half-cloth (unknown bookbinder) bound without the original wrappers. Corners and spine ends are a bit rubbed. Owner's signature: "Carl Wilhelmsoon". With three maps.

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125 kr

De assimilatione syntactica apud Thucydidem quæstiones I. Ad genera, numeros, casus pertinentes

De assimilatione syntactica apud Thucydidem quæstiones I. Ad genera, numeros, casus pertinentes

Uppsala. 1900. xii+114 pages. Printed wrappers. Slightly bumped with minor tears in the wrappers. Tears of approx. 1,5 cm in the upper spine end. Unopened. Author's dedication. Everything issued.

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125 kr

Studier till Columellas nionde bok

Studier till Columellas nionde bok

Göteborg, Eranos' Förlag. 1936. vii+(1)+82+(1) sidor. Trådhäftad. Något nött omslag med mindre revor och pappersförlust. Mindre fläck på främre omslaget. Till större delen ouppskuren. Doktorsavhandlingar i latinsk filologi vid Göteborgs högskola. Serie fr. o. m. 1926. XII.

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80 kr

Stilistische Studien zur Erweiterung der Satzglieder im Lateinischen

Stilistische Studien zur Erweiterung der Satzglieder im Lateinischen

Lund, Gleerupska univ.-bokhandeln. 1931. xii+225+(2) pages. Printed wrappers. Slightly bumped with a tear of 3 mm on the front wrapper. Unopened.

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125 kr

Titi Livii Historiarum Romanarum. Libri qui supersunt. Vol. IV. Pars I-II

Titi Livii Historiarum Romanarum. Libri qui supersunt. Vol. IV. Pars I-II

Copenhagen, Gyldendal. 1864-1866. xxiii+(1)+271+(1)+xvi+81 pages. Contemporary half-leather (unknown bookbinder), bound without the original wrappers. Boards are rubbed. Inner hinges are a bit weak.Owner signatures (Heiberg and Jan Larsson). The fourth and final volume of Madvig's edition of Livy.

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200 kr

Liviansk krestomati med förklaringar

Liviansk krestomati med förklaringar

Stockholm, Hugo Gebers förlag. 1890. (6)+186+94 sidor. Trådhäftad. Fläckigt omslag med veck, revor och viss pappersförlust. Namnad. Inlagan i gott skick och delvis ouppskuren. Innehåller ett urval avsnitt ur Livius "Ab urbe condita" i latinsk källtext (ingen översättning till svenska) med kommentar på svenska.

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125 kr

Ab urbe condita. Tomus IV. Libri XXVI-XXX

Ab urbe condita. Tomus IV. Libri XXVI-XXX

Oxford at the Clarendon Press. 1960. xxxix+(1)+ca 400 pages. Publisher's cloth. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. Owner's signature and a few underlinings with ballpoint pen. Reprint of the revised edition from 1953. Scholarly edition of the Latin text (no English translation is included).

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125 kr

Ab urbe condita. Vierter band. Buch XXI-XXIII

Ab urbe condita. Vierter band. Buch XXI-XXIII

Berlin, Weidmannsche Verlagsbuchhandlung. 1962 (later edition). xi+(1)+184+(1)+vi+168+(2)+vii+(1)+136 pages. Publisher's cloth. Spine ends are slightly bumped. Owner's signature. A few underlinings with ballpoint pen.

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100 kr

Studia Lucanea. Commentatio academica

Studia Lucanea. Commentatio academica

Stockholm. 1907. 218+(1) pages. Printed wrappers. Tears and loss of paper on the spine. Tear of 5 mm on the front wrapper. With errata sheet. In Latin.

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100 kr

Det første assyriske imperium. Et aspekt

Det første assyriske imperium. Et aspekt

København. 1966. 271 sidor. Trådhäftad. Något kantstött överskjutande omslag med ett par korta riss. Fläck på främre omslaget. Illustrerad. Till större delen ouppskuren. Festskrift udgivet af Københavns Universitet i anledning af Universitetets årsfest, November 1966.

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200 kr

Epigram i urval

Epigram i urval

Malmö, Corona. 2001. 126 sidor. Limmat mjukband. Dedikation från övers. Andra reviderade upplagan.

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90 kr



Oxford at the Clarendon Press. 1969. Ca 400 pages. Publisher's cloth. Spine ends are slightly bumped. Owner's signature and a few pencil notes inside. Reprint of the second edition from 1929. Annotated edition of the Latin text (no English translation is included).

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150 kr

Repetitorium der lateinischen Syntax und Stilistik

Repetitorium der lateinischen Syntax und Stilistik

München, Max Hueber Verlag. 1962. (2)+466 pages. Publisher's cloth. Corners are slightly bumped. The spine is a bit faded and with a couple of speckles. Owner's signature and a few underlinings with ballpoint pen. Thirteenth edition.

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125 kr

Die Abstraktion im Lateinischen. Eine semantisch-morphologische Untersuchung auf begriffsanalytischer und literaturgeschichtlicher Grundlage, Zweiter teil. Die Leistung der reinen Hypostativa im vorklassischen Kunstlatein

Die Abstraktion im Lateinischen. Eine semantisch-morphologische Untersuchung auf begriffsanalytischer und literaturgeschichtlicher Grundlage, Zweiter teil. Die Leistung der reinen Hypostativa im vorklassischen Kunstlatein

Helsinki, Suomalainen tiedeakatemia. 1964. 245 pages. Printed wrappers. Red speckles on the back-wrapper. Vol. II only. Annales academiae scientiarum Fennicae. Ser. B. Tom. 137.

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125 kr

La Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg. La Collection Égyptienne. Texte + Planches

La Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg. La Collection Égyptienne. Texte + Planches

Copenhague, Levin & Munksgaard, 1930. (12)+129+(12) pages +cxxii plates. Printed wrappers, two volumes. The front wrapper of the text volume is darkened with minor white spots. Loss of paper in the lower margin on the first and the last pages. Loss of paper in the lower corner of the front wrapper of the plate volume.

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415 kr

Römisches Staatsrecht I-II:2

Römisches Staatsrecht I-II:2

Leipzig, Verlag von S. Hirzel. 1871-1875. xviii+527+(1)+xiv+697+(1)+x+(2)+707-1067+(1) pages. Contemporary half-cloth, two volumes (unknown bookbinder), bound without the original wrappers. Rubbed with shelf-wear on the mounted paper. Faded spines with 6 mm split in the upper spine end of vol. II. The inner hinges of vol. II are a bit weak. Owner’s signature in both volumes. A few pencil underlinings. First edition. Vol. III:1-2 was issued in 1887-1888, together with the third edition of vol. I-II. (The second volume is complete. Most likely, the pages with Roman numbers were supposed to be pp. 698-706.) The author was awarded the Nobel prize of literature in 1902. Handbuch der Römischen Alterthümer. I-II.2.

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800 kr

Hellenistic Philosophies

Hellenistic Philosophies

Princeton, Princeton University Press. 1923. (8)+385 pages. Publisher's cloth. Spine ends are slightly bumped. Minor brown speckles in the beginning and the end of the book. 2 cm tear on page 385. Owner's signature. A couple of pencil underlinings. The Greek Tradition II.

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200 kr

La peinture des vases grecs

La peinture des vases grecs

Paris/Bruxelles, Librairie nationale d'art et d'histoire. 1926. 46+(2) pages. Contemporary half-leather (unknown bookbinder), bound with the original wrappers inside. Corners and spine ends are slightly worn. With LXIV plates.

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155 kr

De homeriske tilblivelsesmaade. Undersøgelser om den opløsende homerkritiske berettigelse

De homeriske tilblivelsesmaade. Undersøgelser om den opløsende homerkritiske berettigelse

Kjøbenhavn, C A Reitzel. 1863. (8)+239 sidor. Samtida halvskinnband. Originalomslagen ej medbundna. Hårt nött rygg. Namnad. Enstaka bruna fläckar i inlagan.

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115 kr

Grekernas och romarnes mythologi. För bildade läsare framställd

Grekernas och romarnes mythologi. För bildade läsare framställd

Stockholm, Frans Swanström. 1862. (2)+628 sidor. Förlagets dekorerade klotband. Nött med glipor i ytterfalsarna. Innerfalsarna svaga. Stora delar av inlagan ganska hårt lagerfläckad. Med frontespis samt XVII planscher.

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175 kr

Ovidii Metamorphoser

Ovidii Metamorphoser

Örebro, N. M. Lindh. 1862. xxii+(2)+399 sid. Samtida osignerat halvskinnband, häftesomslagen ej medbundna. Nött pärm. Bokblocket har lossnat från pärmen och tejpats fast. Enstaka lagerfläckar, hörnveck och förstrykningar med kulspets. Namnad. Stämpel: ”F & G. Beijers Förlag & Handel, Stockholm”. Brun fläck på övre snittet. Nyutgåva, utgavs första gången 1820. Den första fullständiga svenska översättningen av Ovidius ”Metamorfoser”.

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200 kr

Carmina. Vol. I-III

Carmina. Vol. I-III

Leipzig, Bernhard Rauchnitz. 1871-1889 (the second part is a reprint). xvi+239+(1)+iii-xlix+(3)+304+iii-xxxi+(1)+326 pages. Contemporary half-leather (Wilh. Gethers Efterfl. G. Lindgreen), bound without the original wrappers and the half-titles. Rubbed. 1 cm split in the outer back joints. Black stains on the front board. Owner's signature and a few notes with ballpoint pen. Contains the Latin text of Ovid's work. Comments in Latin.

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250 kr

Fastorum libri sex. Für die schule erklärt. I-II [Fasti]

Fastorum libri sex. Für die schule erklärt. I-II [Fasti]

Leipzig, B. G. Teubner. 1889. xii+288+106 pages. Contemporary cloth (unknown bookbinder), bound without the original wrappers. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. The spine is faded. With the bookplate of Arne Holmberg. Third edition. Annotated edition of the Latin text, comments in German.

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175 kr

Hama. Fouilles et recherces de la fondation Carlsberg 1931-1938. III:2. Les poteries hellénistiques et les terres sigillées orientales

Hama. Fouilles et recherces de la fondation Carlsberg 1931-1938. III:2. Les poteries hellénistiques et les terres sigillées orientales

København, Nationalmuseet. 1971. xii+208 pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are bumped with creases, minor tears and speckles. A bit faded spine. Unopened. Illustrated. Nationalmuseets skrifter. Større Beretninger VIII.

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315 kr

Cebes' Tablet. With Introduction, Notes, Vocabulary, and Grammatical Questions

Cebes' Tablet. With Introduction, Notes, Vocabulary, and Grammatical Questions

Boston, Ginn & Company. 1895. 76 pages. Publisher's cloth. A bit rubbed. Owner's signature and stamp. Annotated edition of the Greek text.

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125 kr

Staat und Manufaktur im Römischen Reiche

Staat und Manufaktur im Römischen Reiche

Lund, CWK Gleerup. 1923. (4)+142 pages. Printed wrappers. The over-sized wrappers are slightly bumped and chipped. Unopened. Skrifter utgivna av Vetenskaps-societeten i Lund 3.

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150 kr

Zur Kritik der Quellen der älteren römischen Geschichte

Zur Kritik der Quellen der älteren römischen Geschichte

Halle, Verlag der Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses. 1879. (2)+viii+166 pages. Later, private-bound cloth, bound without the original wrappers. Foxing and pencil underlinings throughout the book, hence the price. Owner's signature.

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175 kr



Lund, FAX-böckerna. 1969. 215 sidor. Trådhäftad i pocketformat. Något kantstött och snedläst med veck i nedre hörnet på främre omslaget. Översättning till svenska av Sven Collberg. Ovanlig.

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175 kr

Le satiricon, suivi des poésies attribuées à Pétrone et des fragments épars

Le satiricon, suivi des poésies attribuées à Pétrone et des fragments épars

Paris, Librairie Garnier Frères. 1934. (6)+xxviii+608+(3) pages. Printed wrappers. The wrappers are a bit rubbed with tears and minor dampstains. Owner's signature and a couple of underlinings with ballpoint pen. Bilingual edition - contains the Latin text with French translation

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100 kr

Phaedri Augusti Liberti Fabulae Aesopiae. Novissimi recognitae et emendatae. Accedunt Publii Syri Senteniae Aviani et Anonymi Veteris fabulae, denuo castigatae. Editio accurata

Phaedri Augusti Liberti Fabulae Aesopiae. Novissimi recognitae et emendatae. Accedunt Publii Syri Senteniae Aviani et Anonymi Veteris fabulae, denuo castigatae. Editio accurata

Zweibrucken (Biponti), ex Typographia Societatis. 1784. (2)+lii+232 pages. Half-leather with handwritten label (‘432’) on the spine and marbled paper mounted to the boards. 18,5x12,5 cm. Unknown bookbinder. A bit rubbed with shelf-wear on the mounted paper. Missing piece of leather (10x3 mm) and brown speckles on the spine. Minor dampstains and black speckles on a few pages. Owner’s signature (O. O. Hammar) and hand-written label (‘605’) on the fly-leaf. Page 53 is wrongly numbered as page 35. Engraving on the title-page. First Biponti edition of Phaedrus. Complete with the half-title. Schwabe: “Phædri fabularum Æsopiarum libri quinque”, vol. I. (1826) pp. 111-112.

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1300 kr

For Particular Reasons. Studies in Honour of Jerker Blomqvist

For Particular Reasons. Studies in Honour of Jerker Blomqvist

Lund, Nordic Academic Press. 2003. 345 pages. Hard-cover with dust-jacket. The dust-jacket is very slightly bumped.

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125 kr

Olympiska och pythiska oden

Olympiska och pythiska oden

Stockholm, Natur & Kultur. 2008. 203 sidor. Förlagets klotband med skyddsomslag. Nyöversättning av Ingvar Björkeson.

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150 kr

Comoediae: Pseudolus, Amphitruo, Mostellaria, Bacchides

Comoediae: Pseudolus, Amphitruo, Mostellaria, Bacchides

Leipzig, B. G. Teubner. 1892-1899. (2)+83+(1)+(2)+60+(2)+67+(1)+(2)+57 pages. Four volumes bound together in a later half-cloth (Nordheims, Landskrona), bound without the original wrappers and the serial title pages. Owner's signature. Occasional underlinings, some of them made with ink. Contains the Latin text (without translation) with comments in Latin.

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150 kr

Epistularum libri decem

Epistularum libri decem

Oxford at the Clarendon Press. 1978. xxii+361 pages. Publisher's cloth. Spine ends are slightly bumped. Owner's signature. Reprint of the revised edition from 1966. Annotated edition of the Latin text of the letters of Pliny the Younger (no English translation is included).

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150 kr

Naturalis historia. Libri XXXVII. Vol. II-VI

Naturalis historia. Libri XXXVII. Vol. II-VI

Leipzig, B. G. Teubner. 1875-1898. xxxviii+(2)+424+xiv+(2)+496+x+(2)+500+x+(2)+512+iv+462+(2) pages. Contemporary half-cloth (unknown bookbinder), five volumes (vol. I is missing) bound with the original wrappers inside. The boards are rubbed and the mounted paper is worn. The front board of vol. V has been repaired. Pencil notes and underlinings in vol. II. Foxing on a few pages. Scholarly edition of the Latin text, comments and introductions in Latin. Bibliotheca scriptorium Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana.

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950 kr

Carmina cum indicibus

Carmina cum indicibus

Oxford at the Clarendon Press. 1921. Ca 150 pages. Publisher's decorated cloth. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. Owner's signature. Pencil underlinings in parts of the book. Annotated edition of the Latin text (without translation), comments in Latin. Scriptorum classicorum bibliotheca Oxoniensis.

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100 kr

Oeuvres. Tome I-II

Oeuvres. Tome I-II

Paris, Société d'édition "Les Belles Lettres". 1943-1945. xxxix+75+75+xix+81+73+(2) pages. Printed wrappers, two volumes. Slightly bumped with faded spines. A couple of tears (1-2 cm) on the wrappers of vol. I. Owner's signture. Bilingual edition - contains the Latin text and French translation. More volumes were issued.

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200 kr

Publius Virgilius Maro varietate lectionis et perpetua adnotatione illustratus a Christ. Gottl. Heyne. Editio quarta, curavit Ge. Phil. Eberard. Wagner. I-V

Publius Virgilius Maro varietate lectionis et perpetua adnotatione illustratus a Christ. Gottl. Heyne. Editio quarta, curavit Ge. Phil. Eberard. Wagner. I-V

Leipzig, Hahn/London, Black & Armstrong. 1830-1841. (4)+clx+698+(2)+(2)+1044+(2)+901+(2)+xvi+749+(3)+l+528 pages +plate in vol. I and map in vol. III. Contemporary uniform half-leather bound without the original wrappers, five volumes. Unknown bookbinder. The boards are heavily rubbed and worn. 2 cm tear in the outer back joints of vol. II. The inner back joints of vol. II are broken and the inner joints of vol. III and V are repaired. Stamp: “A F Voigt” on the title pages. Foxing and brown speckles in parts of the set. Series title pages are missing in vols. I-III. Complete set of Wagner’s revision of Heyne’s scholarly edition of Virgil.

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1950 kr

Les dérivés latins en -or. Etude lexicographique, statistique, morphologique et sémantique

Les dérivés latins en -or. Etude lexicographique, statistique, morphologique et sémantique

Paris, Librairie C. Klincksieck. 1969. 246+(1) pages. Printed wrappers. Slightly darkened spine, otherwise a fine copy. Études et commentaires LXXII

Ny 2024-08-09

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125 kr

The Epistles of Horace. Edited with notes

The Epistles of Horace. Edited with notes

London, Macmillan and Co. 1888. xxxiii+(1)+428+36 pages. Publisher's cloth. A bit rubbed with missing pieces in the spine ends. The spine is a bit darkened. Scholarly edition of the Latin text. First issued in 1885.

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90 kr

Apparatus critici ad Demosthenem. II-III + Indices Operum Demosthenis

Apparatus critici ad Demosthenem. II-III + Indices Operum Demosthenis

Leipzig, W. G. Sommer. 1774-1775. (2)+851-1198+(2)+544+(2)+547-1782+944 pages. Half-leather with gilt-decorated spines and red-coloured edges, three uniform volumes (unknown bookbinder). The boards are a bit rubbed and the spines are a bit worn. Shelf-wear on the mounted paper. 2 cm split in the outer front joints of vol. II. The title-page of vol. III has been repaired. Creases in the upper corner of pages 825-870 in the index volume and some foxing on the endpapers and title pages, otherwise the contents are clean and in good condition. Vol. X-XII of Reiske’s “Oratorum Graecorum” (lacks serial title pages). Dibdin: "An introduction to the knowledge of rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Latin classics I", 1827. p. 482: "a rich repository, in which almost every thing that can illustrate and enlarge our knowledge of Grecian eloquence is to be found."

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1850 kr

The Rock-Tombs of Caunus. 1. The Architecture

The Rock-Tombs of Caunus. 1. The Architecture

Göteborg, Paul Åströms förlag. 1972. 124+(2)+62 plates+(6) pages. Prtined wrappers. Spine ends are very slightly bumped. Part 2 was issued in 1974. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology XXXIV:1.

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125 kr

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